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"woah it must be boring drinking by yourself let's go and drink with us." One alpha came near where jimin and hobi were drinking.

"Who wants to drink with shit like you? Fuck off!" Jimin said ignoring the alpha.

The man turned to hobi and started pulling him towards himself with his wrist.

"YAAA! leave me!" Hobi yelled and jimin got up slapping the alpha on his face.

The man turned to jimin and was about to hit him but yoongi came in between.

Yoongi put the man on the ground within seconds.

"Get lost if you care for your life!" Yoongi said in anger.

"Oh handsome superhero?" Jimin said as he was totally under the effect of drinking.

"Ummm I am sorry... He is drunk." Hobi said pulling jimin away from yoongi. While jimin pouted trying to hug yoongi back.

Yoongi helped jimin to make him go back home while handling the hobi.

"By the way how much do you take for one night?" Hobi said with a smirk and yoongi sighed.

"You called him a drunk when you are not different from him!" Yoongi said looking at the omega who was trying to look in his pocket with his eyes but everytime he tried to do so his waist moved and he was just turning round and round.


Jimin finally reached home and he got to know jungkook was in gym from the time he cut his call.

He didn't made any noise and gone inside to see the alpha.

Jimin was equally pissed off at jungkook. Can't he even meet his friend when he want? Jimin never thought jungkook with be controlling alpha like this.

Jungkook was punching the bag in the air with all the force he could. He was only wearing the boxing pants and nothing else which made jimin gulp a little.

Jimin made a small sound which made jungkook look at the omega.

"Who told you to come here?" Jungkook spat in anger drops of sweat dripping on his face.

'After spending all day with his crush he thinks he can come to me?' jungkook thought in anger.

"What happened to you?" Jimin asked in irritation and went near jungkook taking big steps.

"I said you can leave!" Jungkook said in anger.

"I am not going anywhere unless you tell me what's your problem."jimin said and sat on one machine looking at the alpha closely. He tried his best to look at his abs.

"Are you forcing me to throw you out by force?" Jungkook asked in anger.

"I want to clear things about jungkook. I just went to the airport to take my friend. Why are you so pissed about simple things?" Jimin asked trying his best to show her is not scared.

"I am not pissed at anything! Go and live with your friend, you don't need to come here."jungkook said glaring at the omega in anger.

Jimin tried to say something back but jungkook already took his hand dragging him out of the gym.

"Jungkook! Leave me!" Jimin said trying hard to get is wrist free but there was no use as jungkook was stronger than him.

Jungkook's eyes widened when he saw jimin literally bite him on his wrist.
But he didn't move as he didn't feel any pain.

Jungkook finally left his wrist and pushed jimin on one of the seats of the gym. Before jimin can understand he felt a kiss on his lips.

Jimin tried to protest but jungkook didn't leave him for a good minute.

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