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"Let's cut the cake shall we?"

"And why would he come with you?"

"Ummm sorry jimin.... Hyung did I made you uncomfortable? Actually jimin knows I don't have lot of friends...i rarely talk with anymore and I didn't wanted to cut the cake by myself...i don't like to be centre of attention you know-...." Taehyung gave such a long speech with wet eyes.

Jungkook just scoffed at the audacity of his brother to call himself lonely when half of the country was his friend.

But that's what he felt was important when he saw jimin holding his hand with his own small hands. Eyes almost teary.

"Yeah he-.... Did you really fall for that shit-.... AAH!"jungkook Yelp in pain when jimin hit him with corner of his elbow.

"Shut up will you? He will be more hurt but your words... Let's go taehyungie I will be your friend tonight. No one in this world deserve to be lonely." Jimin said tear in his eye threatening to come out.

"TaehyunGIEEE?" jungkook scoffed looking in disbelief but the pair didn't stopped to watch his reaction. Jungkook angrily took two water glass from waiter and started to drink it aggressively.

Finally jimin let out sigh of relief. His hormones calmed down when he can no longer smell jungkook near him. Ofcourse he could tell taehyung was acting but he needed some fresh air if he have to spend this night without behaving like omega in heat in front of jungkook.

Also he was getting to taste the delicious cake first so it was a win win. Jimin could already feel omega's in party throwing daggers in jimin's direction but he ignored him. Instead the omega hugged tae more to make them more jealous.

In the way he didn't knew he was indirectly reducing water supply of party at jungkook already drink his third water bottle when he saw how taehyung give him first bite to jimin like he was his fucking omega.

"Kookie ~...." He heard a high pitched voice behind him and saw Lisa coming in his direction with biggest smile on her face.

"Ummm hey hi...." Jungkook greeted awkwardly not knowing what to do anymore. He looked at stage to see if jimin can come for his help but the omega was too busy finishing plate after plate of cake.

"Why don't we have drinks together? It's been so long since we hanged out together... Just us." Lisa said taking two glasses of alcohol from passing waiter giving one to jungkook.

Jungkook just smiled awkwardly and put the glass on counter behind him. He needed to be sober to take jimin back home, he already had sent the driver back.

He can't afford one more 'of brother in law I will take you, since my brother is drunk.' moment.

"It's okay.... Soon you will listen to me, just like you used to do in the past." Lisa said smiling to herself and Jungkook chose to not comment thinking she still didn't leave that fantasy of marrying him.

Soon the place was filled with reporters of course Taehyung was a big celebrity and the place was full of famous actors.

Jimin and taehyung had an ad for a dumpling company to be shot together in upcoming days. So they were answering those questions.

Even though jungkook was taehyung's brother and Jeon jungkook himself is a matter of discussion every two days in the country no one knows his face except for a few close people.

That's why no one was bothering to speak thinking he must be some random back stage actor who got in taehyung's contact somehow.

Once jimin was done with all the questions he decided to go back to the alpha. He saw earlier how Lisa was trying to talk with jungkook, although he could clearly see jungkook was ignoring him still he can't stop feeling uneasy.

"Hey, am I disturbing?" He asked awkwardly to both of them and jimin could feel jungkook leaving a sigh of relief.

"Ummm I'm sorry Lisa,I need to talk to jimin about something important."jungkook didn't even give a chance to anyone to speak and dragged the omega with him.

Once they were far enough from Lisa jungkook stopped and decided to take a seat there.



"You wanted to talk?"

"Ohhh yeah.... How was the cake? It looked tasty."

"Yeah it was so tasty, God you should have come! I literally couldn't stop myself and eat 4 pieces. Now I have to go on a diet...." Jimin said patting his tummy with pout.

"You are beautiful in every way, don't do that bullshit-..."

"Everyone I would like to have your attention." Jungkook stopped in mid track when he heard Lisa's voice from stage.

Now everyone had their face turned to her, even the media which came to interview taehyung. Taehyung was asking his assistant who gave her mic in anger.

"Sir no one was there, I think she stole it."the assistant said.

"Go and throw her out." Taehyung said and the assistance immediately started to take action.

But there was still time for him to reach there as they were at the end of the hall.

"As most of you already know, I am Lalisa manoban, childhood friend of taehyung and jungkook. First of all I would like to congratulate Taehyung on his birthday. I think me and your brother have the best gift for you taehyung..... You are going to be an uncle." She said directly looking at taehyung laughing at herself, caressing her belly.

"Yes everyone! The Jeon's first heir is going to be jungkook's... Our baby. Jungkook wanted me to give this information on his behalf to his brother as they still don't talk due to family reasons. With this I also request you taehyung to come back to family.... We are waiting for you."finally Lisa ended the speech and stepped down from the stage.

Everyone was congratulating her on her way to taehyung. She looked over to see where jungkook was standing but that place was already empty.

"Find out where he went! I don't care search all fucking country! I need my omega to get in front of my eyes within the next hour!" Jungkook was yelling on the phone checking every room in the hostel.

They were listening to Lisa greeting taehyung for birthday and when jungkook turned around jimin was not there.

Jungkook's phone ringed and he yelled a fuck word as he can't ignore the call.

"Yes grandpa..."

"I need you in Jeon residence with lawyer right now Jeon jungkook." With that the call was cut.


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