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Jimin opened his eyes to the empty bed on his side. His head was aching so badly that he thought it will burst open next second.

But it wasn't only his head that was in extreme pain, he realised that when he tried to get down from bed. Specially lower part of his body was making him unable to move from his position.

"What the heck happened last night?" Jimin mumbled to himself checking his temperature with back of his palm on forehead.

"You woke up? I was about to, but thought maybe your should rest more. "He heard voice and saw jungkook coming from bedroom door with small smile on his face.

Jimin did live with the alpha long enough that he gave witnessed many moments when this rude alpha managed to curve his lips upwards. Although they were rare, but jungkook does laugh at jimin's many stupid jokes.

But jimin couldn't lie that this isn't the most beautiful smile he had ever seen on jungkook's face. Like he is butterfly who is exploring world after being cage in so long. Jungkook looked..... Genuinely happy.... First time.

"Where did you lost?" The alpha snapped his fingers in front of jimin's face bringing the omega back to reality.

His face become red with embarrassment when he realised jungkook just caught him staring at him.

"Ummm did I to exercise or something yesterday? I am feeling lot of pain in my body."jimin asked finally focusing on the topic and all colours drained from jungkook's face.

"I-.... Till where you remeber last night jimin?"

"I remember coming home and going to bed for sleep."

'So he dosent even remeber crying in washroom no question for what happened next.' jungkook thought figuring out how to break it to the omega what happened last night.

Jimin didn't  wait for the answer and started to dig in as he was way too much hungry from exhaustion. Jungkook thanked God million times that he decided to wash the omega last night so it's obvious he is confused about what happened.

"You drink too much and driver said you run like crazy man over bridge, maybe that's why your body is hurting." Jungkook said finally wiping the soup from the side of jimin's lips.

"Ohhhh.... What about Lisa? "Jimin asked so casually that jungkook almost chocked on air thinking jimin forgot that too.

"What about her?"

"I mean.... No matter what it's your child, so you should take responsibly and make sure she is doing well in her pregnancy." Jimin said with concern.

If jimin had not said those words to him in the washroom last night jungkook would have immediately thought that jimin just don't care about their relationship. Jimin indeed was good actor.

"Tell me jimin, how should I take care of her? By bringing her here to live?"

"If that helps ofcourse yes, if you or she is uncomfortable I can move out in apartment, I am making good money these days-.... Urghmmm" jimin stopped his blabbering when jungkook kissed him.

Once the struggles of omega stopped jungkook broke the kiss and joined their foreheads.

"I am saying this second and last time jimin, I have never touched any other omega since our marriage. We will get CCTV of sperm bank till night. Trust me, it's always been you omega." Jungkook whispered and a tear dropped from jimin's eyes.

Ofcourse jungkook new it was all acting and omega will break down.

"I-..... I don't know but for first time I prayed so hard jungkook..... Last night at party, I begged God for your loyalty, I was ready to forgive you even if you lied that it isn't yours. What's happening to me? We are going to get separate one day and I am-..... I am afraid I won't be same if you ever leave me...."

"Then don't leave me..... I never planned to jimin. You want real wedding? Want me to announce this to world that you are my omega? I would do anything for you to be by my side till I die jimin.... I never begged anyone for anything but today I beg for your trust omega.... I don't fucking care what my family thinks about me, what world thinks about me, but I do care whether you still have trust in me?"

"Wow..... Aren't you supposed to be like, purpose in yacht or something? I think I am setting for low by saying yes in bed. So no Mr Jeon, work for my trust, win me and then I will think about it."jimin said wiping his tears with a soft smile.

Ofcourse jimin will turn the subject into joke to light off the environment. That's his habit jungkook had caught on. Jimin avoids subject and joke on them if he can't face them.

Jungkook also left a small laugh as tear escaped his eye. He was satisfied as he made think confident about himself again. He will go on his knees to not see omega on that state of night ever again.

"You are one tough guy aren't you?" Jungkook asked and jimin just shrugged his shoulders taking next spoon of soup.

"S-... Sir...." The maid called from door taking attention of both alpha and omega.

"What happened?" Jungkook asked tensed.

"Lisa mam, she-....." Jungkook didn't needed to finish that sentence to understand something happened in kitchen.

He immediately rushed downstairs jimin also following him slowly.

"Shuuu shuuu!" Lisa had a long stick in her hand with which she was trying to hit bam so that he would go away. She was scared but the poor dog was more scared of her hiding under dining table shivering in fear.

"Bammie!" Jimin yelled looking at scene. He immediately rushed not caring about his pain anymore to take the whimpering dog in his hands.

"What the heck were your doing Lisa?" Jungkook snapped at the omega who was standing there in disbelief.

"He tried to bite me jungkook! Don't your care about your baby? Throw that dog out of house right now! Where are your standards jungkook? Who keep Street dogs in there home? They are just carrying diseases with them!" Lisa yelled angrily with one hand of her stomach.

"Sir.... The reports of cctv." Jungkook's assistant come in and jungkook left a sigh in relief. While lisa become all pale looking at the envelop.


Sorry for late..... I was back from holidays and it takes time to get adjusted again in hostel.

Anyway I put the link of stck.me.... It's a reading app just like watty, Chapters will be 10 daily till we reach regular pace and the update will be two days earlier there..... So please follow there if you can💜💝 love you all.

Jinnie will be home within 12 hours, I am so happy😭💜

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