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"Jimin are you here?" Jungkook opened the door of his bedroom slowly and dark room welcome him. He his steps cautiously not sure if the omega already fallen asleep.

According to what maids told him, its been half hour since Jimin had arrived shivering in cold. Which bothered the alpha as the temperature wasn'that cold. Was he shivering due to some other cause? Jungkook couldn't help but wonder.

He went into the room closing the door on his way in. When he was removing his jacket he heard small whimpers coming from washroom which increased when he got closer.

"Jimin?" Jungkook called for the omega while knocking on the door.

"D-..... Don't! Go away." He heard light voice but he understood what the omega wanted to say. Which hurt him, he wanted to explain himself and tell Jimin that he is just being framed by Lisa.

He thought it would be quite easy to convince the omega as Jimin speak know Jungkook can't touch anyone but him. With the rage to explain himself he didn't thought twice before opening the door with keys he had.

Jungkook's eyes widened in shock when the scene finally unfolded in front of him. Jimin was sitting in front of bathtub all red and sweaty. His one hand was in bathtub maybe waiting for it to be full. But he was so soaked wet due to cold shower head he was holding on his shoulder.

"The heck are you doing? You will get sick with that cold water!" Jungkook yelled going near the omega but Jimin wasn't ready to leave it. He crouched down to take Jimin's hand.

"I said go away Jungkook!" Jimin tried hard to yell but it came out just as whispered in his state. That's when Jungkook hold his hand and it didn't took long for Jungkook to realise the condition.

"Jimin, you are in heat?"

The omega did nothing but shrink his body more as a answer. Jungkook could clearly see the struggle of Jimin, his omega was begging for touch but Jimin was controlling himself by locking the hands with each other tightly.

Jungkook left a sigh and was about to go near the omega to lift him up and Jimin slapped away the hand before it touch him.

"Go to your omega Jungkook! What the hell are you even doing here when you got her pregnant?" Jimin finally yelled gathering all his energy.

Jungkook always expected for Jimin to react like this, he even prepared himself to give the answers logically but now that he was actually facing the situation he couldn't help but notice how badly his heart clenched at the sight was omega. As soon as Jimin said those words tears come out of his eyes like they were begging for freedom.

He was sobbing so hard crying more and more every passing second.

"I-... I know we have contract marriage and you don't give a fuck about me or this marriage, but the least thing i expected was decency of maintaining my respect jungkook. What will your family think huh? That i was not enough? I was never enough, mon, dad... taemin, you.... Everyone either left me or abondoned me! I was never eno-....." Jimin tried to word out but sob left making the word die down.

"What do you want me to do now? Anything but going away from here, how can i prove it to you that i never touched that girl after marriage and that baby isn't mine?" Jungkook finally asked and Jimin looked up to meet his eyes.

"You have disease Jungkook! I know you can't touch her, do you think i didn't saw in news that it have your sperms stored in down bank?"

"So you think i had affair with her but made her pregnant from this sperms?" Jungkook asked with sigh.

"Why would i know? Maybe you don't have disease and were just using me all this time." Jimin mumbled on anger but ask Jungkook could see a cute pout on his lips.

"Using for what?"


"What do you have that i can use or benefit me?"

"Why would i know that? You-...."'

"You do realise you are sounding illogical right now, don't you? You clearly saw my allergic reaction to Lisa that day in New York. About that stupid sperm bank,i will prove it to you tomorrow with cctv. It needs three month for DNA test but i will manage it and give it to you in three months."

"But-..." Jimin tried to question him again but then he realised he can't fight back now.

"I don't think you need further explanation." Jungkook said and before the omega can react he got up taking Jimin in bridal position. Jimin tried to get away at start and his omega got way comfertable and Jungkook can tell it with the tight hug Jimin was giving him.

The alpha smirked while opening the door of washroom while Jimin looked away face red with blush.

Jungkook made Jimin sit in bed and bring out two pairs of towels from the closet, one for hair and other for body. When he got back to bed he stopped in his steps where he saw Jimin already out of his clothes, only in underwear. That too he was trying to tug down with fingers hooked in it.

"A-..... alpha..." Jimin said trying to wipe off the sweat from his body. Jungkook gulped still unable to decide if he should go ahead or just get out from room.

'He need us.....' his alpha said and that the first time he heard his voice so clearly. His hands clenched on towel when Jimin again called him.

"He won't remember any of this tomorrow...." He whispered to himself maybe talking to his alpha.

He decided to get out and was about to open bedroom door when Jimin called him again.

'Omega..... go near him! He is in pain.' His alpha voice echoed in his mind and he looked back to the bed.

He was about to hear and go to bed but knock on door made him look back to door.

"Kookie where should i sleep?" It was Lisa,  Jungkook saw from his camera from corridoor.



Never let you go🤝 never let go

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