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Soon jimin's drama started to shoot and he spends almost all of his day at the studio. He had to film his scenes and sit on chair for small actors in the corners.

Taehyung watched the omega who was focused reading his next scenes with concentration. His lips were bought together making it down pout making him look like small child.

"Sir you can rest in your room, we will call you when you scene comes." The assistant said once she was done with his makeup.

"Arrange one chair there." Taehyung said to her pointing at jimin's direction.

"But sir, that place is for small actors." The assistant said with hesitation.

"I am also a small actor, arrange it!" Taehyung said already walking towards the omega.

"Hi." He took his sit in the chair.

Jimin looked up and he immediately bowed with respect.

"Hellow sir." He said but immediately got back to reading as his nervousness kicked in.

He saw how people on set were looking at their direction with suspicious eyes. 'why he sitting beside me ugh!' Jimin thought.

"Am I not handsome jimin?" Taehyung asked making jimin look up with the sudden question.

"Ofcourse you are sir.... Very very handsome." Jimin said with polite smile.

"Then why don't you look at me?" Tae asked.

"Ummm sir you are my senior, I can't-...."

"If that's the case you should work for your senior! From tomorrow you will always walk with me take care of my needs like coffee, snacks and everything." Taehyung replied making jimin's eyes wide in surprise.

"What?"jimin asked.

"I was just joking idiot, Let's practice our scenes together." With that tae got up taking jimin's hand in his own dragging the omega.

"Okay sir."

"And stop with that sir shit! Call me tae." Taehyung said and jimin again nodded in yes.

"Yes sir." He replied.

"What? I can't hear you." Taehyung said and jimin's eyes furrowed in confusion.

"Yes sir."

"No I still can't hear you. What did you say after yes?" That's when realisation hit jimin.

"Yes tae." He said with genuine smile.

"Yeah now I heard it."

When they were in middle of practice jimin's phone ringed and he excused himself from tae to take it.

"I am coming to take you." Jungkook said from other end.

"Oh okay." Jimin said and started to pack his things as his scenes were already over.

Within 15 minutes jungkook was there with new car which jimin never saw. It was a plain car but the number platelet was so shinny it was so shinny that it was looking like headlight.

'What kind of weird things this alpha likes.' Jimin thought while taking his sit in car.

"Why did you come today?" Jimin asked once the case started.

"Jeon family wanted to meet you." Jungkook replied.

"But why suddenly? I am not ready."

"You have to meet them one day."

"What if they don't like me?"

"They will like you."

'they will like anyone except Lisa.' He thought.

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