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"I am waiting jimin." Taehyung said for the tenth time from last half hour.

They both were sitting on caffe where jimin decided to tell all things to taehyung for good so that he won't spread the thing like jungkook said.

"I am telling you wait!" Jimin almost panick yelled still not deciding from where to start.

He can't simply say 'oh yeah I drugged you to take yo ur advantage in your sleepy state.' right?

"Okay since you can't decide how about I ask you simile questions and your just answer those?" Taehyung said putting his palms on table with forced smile. His patience was clearly running out.

"T-... That's a good idea."jimin mumbled still in thoughts.

"Finally i-...."

"WAIT! What if I blurrd out something you don't know? No no no this isn't working!" Jimin yelled again making taehyung nod his hands turning into fist.

"Okay.... How about this! You tell me first what you know." Jimin said pointing his index in tae's direction and he just scoffed.

"Why would I do that?" Taehyung almost yelled as he can clearly see his plan to dig out more was not working.

"Why would you not?" A deep voice said making both of them turn their head to left . Jungkook was standing there with his both hands in his suits pocket.

Everyone in the caffe was looking as he was looking like hot ceo from kdrama.

"Y-.... You can't simply go in public like this!" Taehyung said but jungkook ignored him and took sit in between them as it was table of three person.

Jimin was about to agree with taehyung but stopped when he saw the owner of caffe telling everyone to go out as the whole caffe was booked for whole day.

"So where were we?" Jungkook asked looking at jimin who was drinking cold coffee but now snorted it out due to surprise.

Jungkook just sighed taking out his tissue paper but got irritated when he saw jimin already clearing it with the one tae give him.

Jungkook didn't thought twice before forcing the tissue out of jimin's hand and clearing his face with his own hand purposefully slow so that tae can see.

"Urgmmm it's done." Jimin managed to say and removed the strong hold of jungkook.

"As you can see! He is my omega , so you better keep your distance."jungkook warned to taehyung who just decided to slurp on his cold coffee like disobeying child.

Jimin could feel jungkook anger was reaching his limits so he decided to butt in.

"Okay... You wanted to know right." Jimin almost yelled and started his story.

"So it all started when I was wanted to drug you in hotel-...."

After almost half hour jimin completed while story from that tragic night which changed his life.

"So you mean... You wanted to drug me and take my advantage?" Taehyung said covering his chest like jimin was gonna attack on him now.

"That's the only thing you heard in whole story right?" Jungkook scoffed at his brother.

"No I also focused his immature you are in texting! Come on hyung you called all those things to yourself handsome, young, beautiful blah blah." Taehyung said unable to control his laugh anymore.

"Wait you said all that?" It was jimin's turn to get surprised now looking at his husband with keen eyes.

"N-... No! Yaaah what proof do you have?" Jungkook yelled at taehyung.

"Wow the Jeon jungkook sluttered just now?" Tae asked with smirk.

"I asked about proof you fucker!" Jungkook said with gritted teeth to his so called brother.

"Tsk tsk you gone regret it hyung." Taehyung said taking out his phone and that's when jungkook remembered he deleted messages only from jimin's end. They must be still there in tae's phone.

"Didn't you wanted to buy a dog?" Jungkook asked looking at jimin who just nodded with yes pout clear in his face.

"Let's go I will buy it." Jungkook took the wrist of omega in his hand and jimin had no choice but to get up. But they stopped in their tracks when taehyung hold another hand of jimin.

"The fuck is your problem?"jungkook yelled frustrated but life flashed in front of his eyes when taehyung slowly put his phone screen in front of jimin.

"Your birthday party?" The voice was jimin made jungkook finally open his eyes. He thanked God million of times that tae decided to keep those messages private.

"Yeah, you both are invited it's tomorrow."taehyung said finally letting go of jimin's hand.

Jungkook didn't thought twice before dragging jimin all the way towards his car.

"Ohhh how I wish I didn't told hyung to sleep in that room that night..." Taehyung said to himself voice full of regret looking at jacket of jimin which he forgot in rush.


"So which dog are we taking? I prefer strong, muscular and tall."jimin said shaking his legs on excitement in the passenger seat of car.

"It's dog jimin not alpha!" Jungkook sighed with regret. Maybe he didn't needed dog excuse afterall... Jimin might have just listened to him even if he said he gave urgent work.

"Nah I want my dog to protect me."

"Dog are supposed to be cute jimin, the one with which you can cuddle." Jungkook said.

Both of them being unaware they were indirectly describing each other personality.

After a lot of argument at dog shop and jimin threatening that he will not enter house without one particular dog he liked they agreed to take it home.

(The dog jimin picked)

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(The dog jimin picked)


"Did you manage to get it?" Lisa asked to Jackson who just nodded in yes before giving the small glass bottle to omega.

Lisa smiled like psycho looking at it.

"Now even God can't protect you from me jimin! Get ready to pack your things and get the fuck out from my house." She said to herself .

"Even jungkook won't be able to stop me from being his omega now!"


You all thank you so much for the love and support💜 this book ranked #4 in jikook yesterday 💞 love you all💜 keep commenting...

You all thank you so much for the love and support💜 this book ranked #4 in jikook yesterday 💞 love you all💜 keep commenting

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