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"Jimin you need to go to hotel Lyra for your meeting of the advertisement shoot, I will be there but you go ahead okay?"

"But Jin I can't go alone."

"Come on, you are not a child....I will be there within 15 minutes okay?"

"Yeah."jimin said and cut the call.

"Why what happened?"the voice behind him said and he looked back at jungkook.

"Huh? Oh nothing."

"Your face says otherwise."

"Nothing it's  just I don't want to go alone. New people scare me."



"As long as I remember you drugged a complete stranger not a month ago." Jungkook said pointing to himself and jimin looked at him with anger.

"We had a deal didn't we? That no one will talk about that?"

"I am just saying you can do it tiny.... Just be confident. And yes I won't be in town for two days. I am going to Busan for some work." Jungkook said getting his paper works ready.


"Why are you sad?"

"Who said I am sad?"

"You will miss me right?"

"Me and miss you? Oh come on I will rather play with a stray dog."

"Ouchh that hurts."

"I know right I just degraded the stray dog." Jimin said with a tsk.

"YAAAAH!" jungkook yelled in anger and Jimin ran when he saw Jungkook coming near him quickly.

"L-.... Listen J-....Jungkook I am sorry okay?" Jimin said struggling to breathe due to fast running but jungkook was faster than the omega.

Jimin got himself behind the couch and circled around it but what he didn't expect was alpha to climb on the couch and come directly near him.

"So what were you saying?" Jungkook said grabbing both hands of the omega.

"I said sorry okay!" Jimin said but couldn't control his laugh when jungkook suddenly tickled him on the ground.

"Y-...yaaaah stop! Hahaha J-... Jungkook... Stop!!" Jimin yelled but it was of no use.

Jungkook stopped only when they heard sudden giggling from the kitchen. Jungkook looked up to see the maids laughing at him.

That's when he looked down and realised their positions. Jungkook was completely hovering over the omega.

"Umm yeah so I will be going to plane with Busan." Jungkook said fastly getting up from the awkward position.

"Huh?" Jimin asked not able to understand.

"I mean I will go to Busan by plane." Jungkook said and left the place immediately.

He heard 'Safe journey' from behind but he didn't stand to reply to it.


Jimin was already in the hotel laayra as he told the driver. He took the taxi as his own car which Jungkook gave him for personal use had some issues.

The omega entered the hostel unaware of the trouble waiting for him.

"He is here, my work is done here. Now it's your turn." Jennie said from her car looking at the back of jimin and paid money to the taxi driver.

"Okay." Mia said and cut the call getting her workers ready.

"Hello 911 , I am calling from hotel laayra and I have seen illegal drug deals happening here." Mia said and cut the call immediately smirking at the omega going ahead.

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