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"I am really sorry Lisa and I will never blame you if you get your happiness with someone else." Jungkook said.

"How can I leave you jungkook? We are together from our childhood. It was my dream to marry you for so many years."Lisa replied with a smile.

"I just can't see you in pain."jungkook said with a small smile.

"I am sure you will give him divorce one day anyway. I will wait for you."Lisa replied.


The pale expressions on Jimin's face got the maid worried she said,

"Sir, jungkook sir and Lisa mam are friends from their childhood. Nothing physical happened between them thanks to sir's disease."

"Oh..."jimin knew the maid was misunderstood , he said shaking his hands on no.

"I didn't think about it.... of course their relationship is so pure. But do they really know each other for that long?" Jimin asked looking up at the maid who was standing.

"Yes sir, they know each other from their diapers days." She answered with a small smile.

'From that long?' Jimin thought.

" Then their relationship must be so strong?"he asked the maid.

"It's sir, Lisa mam is so high tempered but jungkook sir accepts their defeat in front of her every time. But I feel like their relationship is more like sister and brother. I hope you don't misunderstand anything, you know sir can't touch any omega due to their disease."the maid replied.

Of course Jimin knew it, deep inside he was feeling bad for the alpha. He came to touch the omega he loves the most. God knows how he handled it this many years. Jimin was not angry, he just wanted to know everything.

"Don't worry, I am not angry. I just wanted to ask. I can understand jungkook."  Jimin said which made the maid smile.

"Sir I have come in contact with so many omega's, you are the most beautiful of them and you are really so warm hearted. You are really looking good together."she said with happiness.

"But when their relationship is so good why didn't their family agree?" Jimin asked.

"Lisa mam is the third daughter of their family but big sir I mean jungkook sir's grandpa never liked their family. But they didn't have any problem in their marriage until the disease and question is heir came."maid explained to jimin.

"But now there is no problem... in future when you will give birth to little jungkook sir he will be so good looking as he will have genes of both of you."she said with a smile.

Jimin almost vomited blood, of course he will never give birth to a child with jungkook. No matter what! Last time jungkook touched him just because of drugs. He came to treat jungkook's disease.


Jungkook got inside after a while and looked at jimin who was eating his favourite dish. Jimin was sitting like a child with his legs up on the couch and the bowl on his lap. Some chips were fallen down on the couch and table.

"Can you maintain some cleanliness?" jungkook snapped.

"I have washed my hands, how is it but clean now?" Jimin asked with pout.

Jimin was eating noodles with his hands, and Jungkook looked at them with disgust.

"Yes I don't know anything about this high quality life of yours! When I was a small baby my mom passed away. My dad never considered me hiss daughter and my mom wanted to sell me for money. Not everyone has time to think about these manners and etiquette of yours. For me living is all the self respect that matters .I know I will never be like Lisa." Jimin said the voice was filled with pain.

"If you have so much problem with my eating I will not eat in front of you from now on happy?" He asked in anger.

"Actually you are right you know! At least Lisa knows that food is eaten with forks and spoons not with dirty hands."jungkook replied his eyes still on Jimin's hands filled with food.

Jimin looked down to his hands and he did feel ashamed for a second but then he looked up with a straight face and started to lick his fingers one by one.

Jungkook was looking at jimin with so much anger that it was looking like he would kill jimin at this moment with his bare hands.

"Don't get mad, I will not eat in front of you from now on." jimin said with a small smile but it's hard to change habits.

Jungkook left from there without saying anything.

"YAAAAAH!" Jimin yelled.

"Don't just start to suck your fingers in front of anyone. Specially in front of alpha."jungkook said turning back to jimin.

"What?" Jimin looked at his fingers with pout.

'How much stupid is this omega?' Jungkook thought shaking his head in no.

Jimin washed his hands and got up to his bedroom. Jungkook was sitting with legs crossed on the couch.



"What happened today will not get repeated. She rarely comes here... I guess she got here today because she was emotionally unstable."

"Oh it's okay. I can understand and it's obvious that she will feel bad. I would have done the same if I was at her place. Just focus on your relationship with her." jimin replied with small painful smile.


Next day:

Jimin was following jia for her audition.

"This is hysterical drama jimin based on novel. Hero is Kim taehyung and actress is Kim jisoo. You are auditioning for supportive role who is ghost hunter. It's an important role so do it well." Jia said while walking in front.

"I am so thankful for this opportunity."jimin said with bow.

"It's not like that, you worked for it."Jia said.

Jimin had put on beautiful blue shirt and was waiting for his time to audition.

"Next, Jeon Jimin." The announcer said and jimin walked up.

Jennie was also there for audition and when she saw jimin there get eyes got furrowed in anger. But she can't do anything in front of everyone.

'This insect looking bitch when did got this beautiful?' She thought.

Jimin took a deep breath and started to the acting. When he was done with it he thought he didn't did his best. He wasn't feeling confident.

"Sir I am done." He said politely to the director who was still busy looking at jimin's portfolio.

"Oh yeah. Okay."the director said .

When Jimin came out Jia was in shock like she didn't believe what happened.

"Jimin you got selected for this role!"she said with happiness .

Jimin thought he heard something wrong for a second. His eyes filled with tears.

"So much thank you Jia. I will really with hard for this." Jimin said trying hard to control his tears.

Jimin was in a very good mood when he got home but his smile died when he saw the girl sitting on couch is living room.


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