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" Bamie say hi to dada..." Jimin cooed to the new baby dog and tried to take the dog out of his lap. But he just hissed to Jungkook going back to Jimin's lap and closing his eyes. Jungkook just scoffed looking at poor baby bam in disbelief.

He was there from half hour since they got home and Jungkook was getting irritated. It wasn't like he wasn't craving attention of Jimin. Already the omega ignored him like he was polio patient and somewhat attention that he got from Jimin has been taken by bam now.

"Put him down now will you? God knows what you even saw in him." Jungkook yelled finally putting down the newspaper he was reading.

"Ha! How dare you say that? Just watch how powerful he will become once he will be asked grown up." Jimin said already imagining bam become tall , muscular with dreamy eyes.

"Whatever! I am going to bath." Jungkook said getting up frustrated with situation. Which made him put the news paper forcefully on poor puppy's face which made him whimper in suffocation and surprise. 

Jungkook just smirked removing his white t shirt asked his back muscles on display.

'Isn't he flexing way too much?' Jimin  thought trying hard to not look at alpha. But his cheeks got red in embarrassment when jungkook's eyes met with him when he turned back.

"Picture will last longer." Jungkook said coming near Jimin with only towel on his hips.

"W-.... Why are you coming closer? Get away from me!" Jimin yelled blush clear on his whole face.

"Uhumm what else you want me to do huh?" Jungkook whispered looking at Jimin's eyes deeply . He was bending down with his both hands resting on armrest of Jimin's chair.

"Y-.... YYAAAAH! I will scream!" Jimin yelled again.

"For what? The maids will be happy to see they would be getting a new baby to play with." Jungkook whispered leaning in for a kiss already. Jimin didn't had any words left to say, it was like his throat was unable to form words anymore. Jungkook just smirked in big win looking at bam who was glaring at him and kiss the omega with all passion.

Jimin's hand unconsciously found jungkook's neck and jungkook's hand found bam's body. He  literally picked the poor dog up with single left hand and their him in bed. The dog was about to go back but Jungkook throw little doremon plushy which was resting on couch towards the dog with which he played happily biting on its face.

It was Jimin's favourite plushy which he had bought from his home. He never let anyone touch it. Of course it was jungkook's plan to make Jimin angry over bam and throw him back in the shop.

After long kiss when Jimin was unable to breath Jungkook finally left his lips and went to shower like nothing happened.

"Why am i feeling so hot all of the sudden? He kisses me almost everyday but why my omega acting like this? I took suppressants-..... funk! I forgot to take this months!" Jimin panicked checking his date if heat and his face become pale when he realised tomorrow.

It was 11 in night and they were prepering to go at tae's birthday party. Jimin can't go alone at night to bring the medicines neither he can tell Jungkook to do so.... The alpha will bombard him with questions of why he was taking suppressants at first place.

Jimin just decided to control his omega for tonight and take the suppressants in morning. He just need to maintain distance from Jungkook and not to get too emotional or angry.

Jimin nodded to himself in determination.


Which was broken by Jimin millionth time by now. They were half hour in party but all jungkook was doing was to stand extremely close to Jimin. His rainy body smell was making Jimin so weak that he have to remind himself that they were at party.

They were standing in corner, Jimin being shy and Jungkook just not giving fuck.

"Why are you so red?" Jungkook asked putting back of his fingers on Jimin's forehead and then on neck near his scent glands to check temperature.

Jimin's breath hinched as soon as the hand come in contact with scent gland and pushed Jungkook away from him.

"Jimin.... What's wrong? We don't need to stay if you are uncomfertable." Jungkook said looking at Taehyung who was talking with guests.

"I-... i need to go to washroom." Jimin said and left the place immediately.


"Did it started already?" Jimin panicked screamed looking at himself in mirror and splashing his face with cold water.

"I should have maintained the fucking distance from him." Jimin yelled at himself in anger. He also didn't know what he will do of heat started in middle of party.

From childhood he never forgot suppressants except one month and he didn't remember what his omega had done once he took control took this date.

Taemin always avoided to not talk on it but one thing Jimin noticed he always got red wherever he mentioned it. Which clearly meant Jimin did something embarrassing.


"You good?" Jungkook asked when Jimin got back and Jimin just nodded in yes. This time he stood three steps away from alpha. Although he could still smell him it was light.

"Look who got here? My brother and brother in law." Taehyung said sarcastically coming near couple. Jungkook didn't wait for a second to pull Jimin toward himself and putting hand on his waist looking at tae with smug expression.

Jimin just closed his eyes in frustration.

"Alpha..." Jimin heard voice in  back on his head and eyes widened in shock.

"Oh shut up!" Jimin groaned to his omega but didn't realised he said it out loud.

"Huh?" Taehyung asked immediately thinking Jimin said that to him.

"He told you to shut up. " Jungkook said before Jimin can respond.

"No no tae-......" Jimin was about to explain himself but jungkook cut him off in middle of sentence.

"Where did you got that watch from?"  Jungkook asked and smirk already found its way on taehyung's face with what he was going to answer.


"Lalisa manoban." Lisa told her name to security guard and give her invitation card.

It was fake but money behind the card made the guard shut up and welcome her in the party. With her Jackson entered from back in quite coat.

She saw Jungkook talking to Jimin and taehyung and smiled like she just found her mate from past life while putting hands on her flat stomach with teary eyes.

"Just few more minutes... Jungkook will throw you out with his own hands Jimin and make me his omega for life."


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