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"How is the food?" Jungkook asked the omega in front of him whose mouth was fully stuffed with all the food making his cheeks look like dumpling.

Jimin just looked up lips forming pout as he was trying to hold all the food in his mouth. Jungkook almost died while controlling his laugh as he came to make the omega more angry.

Jimin tried to talk but the perilla leaf fell down so he gave up and started chewing angrily. Once he gulped down all jungkook offered him a glass of water and jimin took it with a huff.

"You didn't answer?" Jungkook asked again taking risk.

"Do I need to? Go away if you want let me live will you? Why do you want to control everything huh?" Jimin yelled angrily at alpha and jungkook thanked God a million times that he booked a private room.

Still the waitresses were looking at jungkook suspiciously as if he was torturing the poor omega when it was quite opposite.

"I-.... I am sorry I guess." Jungkook also didn't know what he apologised for but he did. Jimin didn't give him any attention preparing for the next big bite he was going to take.

After that jungkook didn't dared to speak and completed his meal in silence. Once jimin was done they left the place as the bill was already paid by Jeon's black card.

Jimin was walking ahead with straight face and jungkook have to almost run while scratching his forehead.

'How the heck he manages to walk that fast in those small legs?' he thought irritated.

Everyone was looking with a wide mouth as the great Jeon jungkook was almost running behind someone looking like a movie star in black suit.

Jungkook opened car door for omega but jimin just walked forward crossing the road in his own. Jungkook pressed his lips on thin line before deciding to what to do.

It will be trouble if tomorrow's headline will be " Jeon jungkook going crossing road like normal man!" Ugh omega! Jungkook thought following him anyway.

"CAREFUL!" jungkook yelled and pulled jimin back when a cat almost hit him. For a moment jimin was scared but then he walked like nothing happened. But it can be already seen with his wobly legs that he was scared.

Jungkook followed him in mall, there jimin started to purchase anything his eyes lands on. Like why would he need toilet made of gold? First of all why they were selling this in mall?!

He took 15 of those wallets and jungkook already received a call from bank.

"Sir there was big loss of money just now-...."

"Yeah forget it, it's just my angry -.... Well omega." Jungkook answered by cutting the call.

"Ummm sir you need this home delivery?" The manager asked with awkward smile looking at row of 15 golden toilet commods.

"Ofcourse." Jimin said with sweet smile and give to purchase his fav 1 doller icecream. He sat there and started eating like a baby like he didn't just waste millions of money just now.

"Wow Rosé is that jungkook? I heard your brother is married to his sister?" One of the rosé friends asked her when they were searching for new dresses in the mall.

"Oh yeah...I also didn't notice him."

"Will we talk to us?"

"Of course why not? I am his liver after all." Rosé said with a smirk going towards the alpha who was standing at the door of the icecream department still struggling to go inside or not.

"Hey kookieeee...." Rosé yelled but jungkook didn't even bulge from his place.

"Umm kookiie~....." She yelled again and tapped on jungkook's shoulder and next thing she knew she was on the floor with blood from her nose.

Jungkook looked back to see who his bodyguard kicked again.

"Oh God koyla! She is family. I am so sorry Rosé but he doesn't even listen to me when it comes to my protection, he is trained that way." Jungkook said in fakest a smile he can make while keeping an eye inside to jimin at the same time.

"Hahhaa it's okay love." She said extending her hand to him for picking her up but jungkook looked behind like a mosquito bit him and he was trying to where it went to kill it.

Rosé had no option but to get up by herself awkwardly.

"What are you doing here?" Rosé asked trying her best to maintain the image in front of her friends.

"Ummm nothing special... You can go you know." He said ignoring her again.

"Let's go.... It's embarrassing."her friend said and dragged her along with them.

"Ummm you guys continue I need to go to the washroom." She said almost running to the washroom.

"I will make you regret it Jeon jungkook!" She said looking at a particular picture of jimin with someone.


Once they reached home jungkook saw a jweller already waiting for them in the living room.

"Sir you called?" The jeweler asked with a bow .

"No I -..."

"Yes I did." Jimin said going forward making jungkook stop both in his track and sentence.

"Here remould these 15 toilets and make something like chain and distribute them in poor peoples and I need proof that you distributed every single gram of it." Jimin said talking like a boss and the jeweler just nodded in yes with a gulp.

Jungkook almost complimented the omega for his thoughtfulness but then remember there was no use of it.

"Tell your boss I am making dinner, go wash up and come down to eat." Jimin said to one maid and she just looked towards jungkook awkwardly. Jungkook just left without saying anything trying best but failing to hide a smile on his face.

"So can I assume you forgive me?" Jungkook asked for a bite of food that was so delicious.

"When I was upset with you?" Jimin asked looking anywhere but at the alpha.

"I cooked just because you didn't eat anything at the restaurant." Jimin tried to explain but in his efforts of avoiding to look at jungkook he failed to notice the faces jungkook was making in order to eat that food without complaint.

Well you would have done the same if you have to eat food in which sugar is placed instead of salt.

Once jungkook was done eating and left for a walk but actually to take pills of indigestion,jimin just thought to take a taste of it as jungkook almost finished every single plate and his face became pale.

"He finished this shit with that face?" He asked himself.

He was about to go to the alpha concerned about his health but a message on his phone stopped him.

You are married to jungkook hyung?



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