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Once the marriage was over everyone got back to their home. Jungkook entered in the room when he saw Jimin in deep thoughts while looking out of window in the night dark sky. He was busy in managing the important deals which Jeon's got though this marriage so he had no time for Jimin.

But Jimin got himself busy with Mrs Jeon helping them in small things and chatting about different things.

"What are you thinking about?" Jungkook asked which made Jimin flinch before he sighed realising its just his husband. Jungkook stood slightly behind him watching the same view.

"Your sister is so strong jungkook, God knows where i would have run to if something like that had happened to me." Jimin said without turning to the alpha thanking the dim light in room that made him hide tears. Jimin didn't wanted this day for his worse enemy and here his own sister in law had to face us.

"She indeed is... don't worry tae will be there for her." Jungkook assured Jimin but it was clear from his voice that he himself was feeling helpless being in state like this. He was so powerful to make people unalive in a blink of second but here, couldn't protect smile of his sister on her important day.

"They seems close." Jimin said trying to keep the conversation going as he knew jungkook also need someone to talk with. You can't be strong all day saying you won't need anyone at end of the day everyone want to talk their thoughts out.

"They are... the business kinda drifted apart namjoon hyung and me from them. But at times like this I wish i had more better personality you know, the one in which she could feel open to talk to me about anything. I feel like i failed at that." Jungkook's voice got heavy and Jimin looked behind to see us husbands eyes shining in dark with fresh tears.

Jimin wiped the tear with his hands and give him a warm hug. Jungkook hug him back voicelessly closing his eyes to let out all the tears. Jimin patted the back of alpha slowly trying to smooth out his feelings.

"Is okay... you did your best!" Jimin assured him but jungkook shook his head in no lips shaking asc new sob escaped .

"Come here..." Jimin took jungkook's hand in his own and made him take a sit in bed wiping the tears without lee letting go the hold of his hands.

"Everyone fears me Jimin..... Just rude arrogant workholic, that's all image i have in their eyes. I don't care about others but i wish my mom, sister and brothers didn't thought that. I wish couldv just go and have talkn with them like tar do... at times like this all i say is 'it's okay i will manage it' when i actually want to confert them, say million things in my heart but can't bring myself you do it." Jungkook said and Jimin was listening to  every word nodding his head at times needed. Which encouraged jungkook to open up more and more.

"We make relationship hard by ourself jungkook... maybe you really couldn't manage to talk due to your work and it was completely reasonable but without knowing those invisible walls got thicker and you convinced yourself you have to only talk with them when it's do it die situation. It's small act that difference.... Just a small coffee time with which movie you watched this weekend? It's insignificant question but it makes you connected.... It breaks small bricks of those walls." Jimin finally said when jungkook was done talking. Jungkook couldn't bring himself to show his face to the omega anymore, he  lied down with his head on Jimin's lap.

"So i have to take you , jieun  and mom on coffee date tomorrow?" Jungkook asked which made the omega chuckle.

"Well it will be better if only three of you go but i will go if you need me there." Jimin said running his hands through the alpha's hairs. Jimin was already closing his eyes due to exhausted but crying with a small smile on his lips.


It was middle of night when jungkook's phone ringed which made him get up to see he was still sleeping on Jimin's leg abc the omega just sleep in whatever position suited it.

Jungkook carefully got up making sure to not to wake up the omega and go outside to talk.

"Do i pay millions to you to disturb my sleep?" Jungkook asked as soon as he picked up the call irritation clear in his voice.

"S-.... Sorry sir but we got Lee Jong suk location what should-....."

"I am coming send me location!" Jungkook said cutting the call and got back in bedroom to trait his coat anger clear in his eyes. He opened his cupboard and took a shining thing in his hand tucking it in his pocket of coat.

All the movements had already made Jimin wake up and he started sweating when he saw jungkook taking out gun from his cupboard. He didn't said anything or move due to fear. Only when jungkook left the time he sit up not knowing what to do.

Jimin didn't care about that Lee jeong suk but he didn't wanted blood in jungkook's hand. Not knowing what to do he run to ji-eyn's room banging on it . He need to do something before is too late.

After some seconds the door opened with sleepy  ji-eun rubbing her eyes .

"Hey Jimin, you need something?" She asked in sleepy voice.

"Ummm yeah a-...actually ju-.... Jungkook, he-....." Jimin couldn't help but sob as he can't form words anymore due to fear. Ji-eun immediately understood the situation and bring water glass to Jimin.

"Hey, calm down first..." she said rubbing circles on the omega's back.

"No we don't have time! He will do something wrong... God!,"

"Who will do something wrong Jimin?"

"Jungkook! He got location of jeong suk and-..." ji-eun didn't needed to hear further, within next seconds they were in the car following jungkook's gps.


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