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"What happened Jimin?"

"Yes I slapped her and no I won't give any explanation for that. I am omega of this house till you divorse me jungkook, so I have ever fucking right to slap anyone who lives here if they don't behave the way I want! Go ahead and divorse me if it affect you that much. I don't care if you go and treat that bruise or marry her, you guys are having pups anyway." Jimin said last sentence with scoff turing around to go upstairs.

No the walk was anything but running away from situation, for first time from when jimin entered in house even maids felt shivers looking at Omega. He looked so confident and strong.

"Did he eat anything from morning?"

"S-.... Sir we tried to but he was busy treating wounds of bam." Maids responded immediately.

They were surprised by the question, the older maid could tell from her life time experience in this house that no-one means not even jungkook's grandfather dared to talk to Jungkook in that tone.

Jungkook's gaze landed on the puppy in her hand and the bandage around his injured hand.


"Yes sir."

"Give me cctv of this area from morning along with voice recordings." Jungkook said turing back to look at Lisa and all the colours were drained from her face.

'He have voice recording also?' she thought with gulp but it was already too late.

"Go and bring the tray of breakfast." He ordered a maid who immediately went to the kitchen.


Jimin was pacing in the room from here to there biting his nails with worry.

'Stupid stupid omega! What if he really give me divorse? Where will I go? I do have some money but not enough to live on my own.....'

'But my self respect was also important!'

'Oh yeah eat your self respect from tomorrow when he throw your out of house after giving divorse, God I am such a idiots!'

His thoughts were running wild when he heard a click from door and it opened immediately. Jungkook entered with tray of food which made jimin gulp in hunger.

'Is this my last meal? That's why he himself bought it here?' jimin thought looking at jungkook with horrer filled eyes.

"Come here."jungkook said taking sit on couch.

Jimin wanted to continue his grumpy behaviour but jungkook's serious tone made him go and sit there silently. God knows if this is his last 5 star quality meal... He don't want to miss it.

"Are you really gonna do it?" Jimin asked nervously.

"Well since you want that I have no other choice left."jungkook said getting up and going near cupboard.

'He had divorse paper ready all this time?' jimin thought as his jaw almost hit the floor in shock.

"Ha! I mean I know I said I want it but that doesn't mean you will be head on heals that you were ready to bring it out from cupboard!" Jimin said with scoff getting up leaving the food uneaten.

"Jimin I respect your decision that's all, it will be hard for me but I won't restrict you in my rules anymore." Jungkook said shuffling through clothes in the cupboard.

Jimin was hyperventilating would be understatement..... How can he leave jungkook when that girl Lisa was in house. Jimin didn't have any feelings for jungkook but he want to return all good deeds jungkook had done by keeping that toxic girl away from jungkook.

If that needs for him to stay in jungkook's life forever being his fake omega he was ready to do that too. He just don't want Lisa around jungkook.

"Okay fine! I just said that in anger okay? It's not like I am dying to remain your omega but I think I can manage with your shitty attitude now! So no need to give divorse immediately! From when you are listening to every word I say anyway?" Jimin asked irritated and jungkook just looked back bringing out one black coat.

"What are you talking about jimin?" Jungkook asked eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"You-..... You want to go to court to give me divorse?" Jimin asked to look at the coat in jungkook's hand with scoff and fake laugh not believing the alpha.

"Why would I divorce you?"

"Then why are you bringing out a coat?"

"To go for jisoo's marriage tomorrow....I wanted to ask if this is suitable for it or if we need to go shopping?" Jungkook asked going back to the couch and picking up the marriage invitation from there.

It was jisoo's marriage invitation, she was marrying to one of their directer who directed the drama in which jimin first acted. Taehyung and jisoo were main lead of that drama.

It was just in front of jimin's eyes but he didn't notice it in all his panic about divorce.

"So about giving me freedom and let me go? Why did you say that?" Jimin was confused with what the alpha said earlier.

"The maid said you were hiding this from me thinking I would reject you to come with you."jungkook said.

"O-.... Ohhhh."jimin now realised that from the start jungkook was talking about the jisoo's marriage and he had long forgotten about divorce.

But then he realised what stupid shit he blabbered in panic. He was about to pray to God to make Jungkook forget it but the smirk on jungkook's face already told God was too busy to listen to his prayers.

"So you can manage my attitude now huh?"jungkook asked while going near the omega with wide grin and jimin backed up face red with blush.

"I-....I didn't mean that!" Jimin said looking anywhere but to alpha.

"Doesn't matter, all I care about is we have finally reached the state where you don't want to divorce me anymore right my omega?" Jungkook asked snaking his hands behind jimin before he could escape.

He pulled the omega close to his body and jimin kept his hands on jungkook's chest to prevent himself from touching.

"Let me go Jungkook."

"No way when I just got a love confession from my omega."

"The heck is confession? I never said that!"

"One way or another you said you don't want to divorce me that meant you want to stay with me, that meant you started to love me."

"Don't you dare to put words in my mouth jungkook! I never said that!" Jimin yelled frustrated trying to break free from the tight hug of the alpha but there was no use in front of the strength of jungkook.

They were busy in their cute bickering and didn't notice Lisa standing at the door with tears in her eyes. Blood dripping down from her hand which was due to pierced pieces of juice glass.

She had come to apologize to jungkook but broke the glass with her own hand when she saw how jungkook was hugging the omega.

"LISA!" jimin yelled when his eyes fell on the omega.


Sorry for being late.... The college and study are becoming more shit day by day.

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