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"But I don't care how much rich you are, we are going to take divorce anyway."jimin said shrugging his shoulders and jungkook stared laughing.

"I guess it's good think that you already know."jungkook replied.

Jimin looked at jungkook's laughing face and he was looking more handsome from this side. Jimin lost in his looks for good seconds.

Jungkook looked back at jimin and noticed that jimin's legs were separated like some alpha.

"Can't you sit properly? Like an omega?" Jungkook asked in anger.

Jimin looked down following jungkook's gaze he put his legs closer feeling shy.

When jimin looked up his eyes met with jungkook's eyes which were filled with disagreement.

"What? Why are you behaving like you have never seen me before?"

"Can't you live like an elegant omega for a second?" Jungkook asked.

Jimin nodded in no with confidence. Jungkook was shocked will be understatement, no omega have behaved this rudely with him.

He didn't understood how to reply for a second.

"Look, I want this marriage to be peaceful and happy for both of us. Don't you think you should also take responsibility for it?" Jungkook asked with calm voice.

"This all is happening because of you! You are taking like it wasn't you who forced himself on me that night!" Jimin said with scoff.

"I had only given you drugs but made you do next things." He continued looking out of window.

"But I remeber it somewhat jimin, you also enjoyed it very well. I remember how you made scratches on my back and wasn't ready to leave me." Jungkook said with smirk.

"I still remember how you were literally biting back of your wrist to stop moaning loudly. That too with that red body filled with blush all over." Jungkook said looking at jimin now to see the omega's reaction.

Jimin's face was complete red face burning with hotness he was feeling.

"I-... I don't-.... I don't remember anything like that! Must be your imagination cause as much I remember it was so painful." He said cursing himself for stuttering in his mind.

"It was your first time and you didn't do anything properly and YAAAAAH!" Jimin yelled when he saw jungkook suddenly got so close to his face.

Jungkook can clearly see all the small and delicate features of jimin's face. His eyes wide and round with shock.

Jungkook's dark eyes were filled with flirtness now. When jimin meet his eyes he backed up.

Due to so much less distance between them the temperature of the car rise. Jimin can clearly feel how warm jungkook's body is getting.

"See! The same red face, you want a picture?" Jungkook said voice barely over whisper.

Jimin slapped lightly on his hands and turned his head away to the window. Jungkook also got back and started to see the running cars outside the window like nothing happened.

Jimin thought touching his own cheeks,

"Is it really that red?"

Driver finally said breaking the awkward enviornment,

"We are here sir."

Jimin immediately open the door to run outside but jungkook took his other hand before he can escape.

"What are you doing? Leave me!" Jimin said in mare audible voice.

"Are you getting shy?" Jungkook asked.

"Leave me hand." Jimin said snapping his hand away from the hold and almost running towards home.

"YAAAH!" jungkook yelled but smiled at how silly the omega was running away. It lightened up his mood.

Jimin just got few steps ahead and he saw a strange girl standing near door.

'How beautiful and elegant is this girl...' jimin thought immediately after looking at her.

Jimin felt jungkook come and stand behind him.

"Lisa?" The voice come from behind.

Lisa was jungkook's lover and one look at her made jimin understand what kind of omega jungkook likes.

Her long black hairs were waving in the wind. She was looking like some angel. She was wearing white jacket with gray dress underneath.

It can be clearly seen that she was rich beautiful omega.

Jimin didn't understood what he should do, he could just stare at both of them. Knowing he will look stupid doing that.

Jungkook was standing near Lisa now and they both were looking good together. Obviously Lisa was modern fashionable omega.

"My cloths need to get cleaned, I will go and wash them."jimin said excusing himself out of the situation. Lisa just keep glaring at the running omega.

They she turned to jungkook and said,

"What kind of omega have you bought home?"

"Did you read the message I send you?" Jungkook asked ignoring her.

"I know it's worst that thing have got to this level, but I can't do anything. I know you are sad, angry but this is truth now. I don't have any other option then accepting this marriage. Because my family think that omega can cure my illness. If you want to leave me because of this all, I will gladly accept your decision. I know I have broken our promise, you can yell at me, beat me I will accept it. I will do anything you say." Jungkook continued and Lisa's shoulder were shaking in anger.

"I don't want to raise my hand on you. But I only have one question jungkook, what should I do now?" Lisa asked trying hard to control her tears.

"Actually we both are strangers who know each other's from two days. I didn't even knew his name before marriage. I only married him due to family. I will give him divorce wherever I get the chance." jungkook said with lack of emotions in his voice.

Lisa looked up her eyes shining with tears.

"Really?" She asked and jungkook nodded in yes.

"We have already talked about it."he said.

Jungkook and Lisa loved each other from their childhood. They have to get seperate for to serious disease of jungkook.

Whenever jungkook got near Lisa his body used to get serious rashes and his illness will increase more.

Lisa has tried everything, from not doing makeup to taking pills but nothing worked.


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