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The next morning jimin opened his eyes in an unknown place, it took time for him to remember that he is married now. But he couldn't see his husband anywhere, so he got up to see everything on the couch is placed back in its place but the person of the cough is gone.

Jimin went into the dining area, and one of the workers bowed to him.

"Come with me sir I will guide you." She said politely.

When jimin reached there he saw jungkook's body glowing in the sun. His face was emotionless as usual. Those expressions were giving chilly vibes to the room. His lean body was looking more perfect in the suit he was wearing.

Jimin's eyes widened when jungkook's eyes fell on him.

"Good morning." Jungkook said and turned back.

"Good morning." Jimin replied with a smile but jungkook want looking at him to see it.

It was kinda rude and jimin pouted but didn't say anything. Jungkook also stayed silent in whole breakfast.

When jungkook left from there one is the maid come in front and said looking at jimin's sad face,

"Madam, it's not like sir are bad person. It's just that sometimes their mood is angry in the morning, especially when they can't sleep at night." She said politely.

"Means he didn't sleep well last night?" Jimin asked.

"Yes I saw them going in the study room in the middle of the night." The maid replied.

That's when jimin realised jungkook must not be comfortable with the same room, especially when he loves another omega.

'Poor jungkook, he has everything anyone dreams of but just because of disease he can't have his love.' Jimin thought feeling bad for alpha.

Now thinking about it jimin also started to feel bad as his mistake is drugs separated to lovers.

Jimin got outside and saw jungkook going with some people who were probably his company people.

"Hey wait for me!!" He yelled and jungkook looked back at omega running towards me.

Jungkook just took Deep breath and started to walk again.

"Take me with you jungkook,I need to go combating company." Jimin said running behind the alpha.

"I will send someone to drop you there." Jungkook said walking ahead.

"You can drop me at the busstand you know, you don't need to give me a car. Why should we waste money? " Jimin said smiling politely.

"Jeon family is not that poor , that omega of their house will go on local bus!" Jungkook turned back in anger this time.

Jimin just stayed with silent dissent getting what to reply.

"Get it." Jungkook said getting into his car and jimin smiled following him but got jungkook angry again as he bumped into him slightly.

Jungkook looked at jimin's shoes once they got in car.

"Is that's what you gonna wear to go out?" He asked pointing.

"I don't have other shoes." Jimin said feeling shy.

That's when jungkook realised jimin is wearing same cloths he weared day before yesterday.

"We are going shopping." Jungkook said.

"My cloths are fine, actually I didn't bought much cloths with me. Next time I go home I will make sure to get them." Jimin said smiling innocently.

But the car has already started so jungkook didn't bothered to reply the omega.

When they entered in Mall jungkook said,

"Give all the cloths that fit in his size." The salesman bowed in fear and gone back to bring cloths.

Jimin got back with beautiful shirt with black pant which matched perfectly with his skin colour.

Jungkook couldn't control himself and stole two glances at the beauty of omega. He turned away his glace when he noticed jimin was looking at him.

He had tried all the cloths.

Jungkook was reading magazine while drinking coffee. Jimin had said before but he forgot everything once he got in the Mall, he was looking at everything in a big aww.

"Pack all the things he liked and send them to Jeon mansion."jungkook told to salesman and they both got in car.

Jimin said thank you while getting down to his company.


Jia took jimin in 7 star hotel where auditions were going on.

"There is suitable role for you today, but if you run away like last time don't you dare to step in company." She said without looking at jimin who was walking behind her.

"You really think you are in Jennie level? Take your auditions seriously jimin." Jia said with a scoff.

Jimin just smiled in pain as he can't say openly how his step mother always got in way whenever jimin got any role. Sometimes big opportunities that came to jimin directly gone to Jennie without jimin even known.

But jimin keep in trying, he didn't wanted to give up this easily.

"Give the audition sincerely today, the investor in this show is from the Jeon industry. Even if you fail your audition, if they like you consider it's done ." Jia said.

Jimin couldn't hear any further, his all concentration was on Jennie and taemin who were coming at his direction. Jennie was looking so beautiful. Everyone was looking at them with envy.

Jimin turned around to not create any scene and leave quietly but taemin called him.

"Jimin! What are you doing here?" He asked with surprise.

"Actually....I was here for audition." Jimin said awkwardly not looking at Jennie who was shooting angry bombs at him.

"Where were you jimin? Park family is looking for you from that day." Jennie asked trying to change the subject.

So taemin dosent know anything.... Jimin thought.

He only knows the park family is in trouble.

"I am totally fine and living with my friend, you don't need to care. And no I am not coming back to that house again." Jimin said with a polite smile.

"Taemin you saw that? My mom couldn't sleep for whole night that day." Jennie said getting near to taemin.

'ofcourse she couldn't sleep, hey plan of selling me failed afterall.' Jimin thought with scoff.

Suddenly big noises were heard and some man in black suit entered sliding seat people's and jimin's eyes widened when he saw Jeon jungkook coming in between them.


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