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Jungkook was wearing black suit which was making him look like some kind of vampire with that handsome face.

Jimin was stunned, he felt like he was watching some dream. His eyes couldn't leave jungkook's dark eyes.

Jungkook just passed by jimin, he didn't even spared a glance to the omega. He was looking like some pride King with that walk who doesn't let anyone come near him.

"Taemin, who is this? Looks like some celebrity."Jennie asked taemin unable to control her curiosity.

On the other hand when jungkook looked at jimin finally he wanted to get buried deep in the ground.

"Is he looking at me?" Jennie asked with shy smile and that's when jimin looked up again.

The omega didn't wanted to stay there even for a minute, he run away from that place quietly.

After some time he heard Jennie from behind,

"Jimin I think you should go home, don't think I don't know your intention with taemin. He is going to get engaged with me soon. Stop flirting with him, you are nothing but a illegitimate child. How did you even thought an alpha like taemin will take interest in cheap omega like you?"

Jimin's heart broke after listening that. Jennie was glaring at him with disgust written all over her face.

"Can I go if you are done?" Jimin said without any emotion. He wouldn't have cared even if it was someone else but he didn't wanted to talk about taemin.

Jimin was about to turn to go but Jennie pulled him back with elbow.

"What's with this attitude huh? Lick the dirt from my shoes then only I will think about giving that role to you! Otherwise forget that I will let any big company's role to you! " Jennie said threatening the omega.

Jimin was shocked after hearing Jennie.

"Who do you think you are?" Jennie said and was about to raise her hand to slap the omega but suddenly he expressions changed into some cute one.

She said with fake soft voice,

"I am only thinking about your own good jimin.... You should come back to home. I care about you as your big sister."

Jimin couldn't understand anything for a second but then he followed Jennie's gaze to see jungkook standing at door.

Jennie looked at jungkook with sparkling eyes. She started to make sure her hairs and dress are looking good when she saw jungkook looking at their direction.

Jennie thought Lee taemin is most perfect, handsome and rich alpha she have ever seen but he was no match to jungkook's handsome face. Jennie was getting attracted to the alpha and was about to approach him.

But jungkook ignored her after sparing her a single glance and he looked at jimin who's face was got so small with the sadness. His face was completely white with fear.

His eyes were blinking fastly with nervousness, looking like a small puppy who got punished.

"Are you feeling unwell?" Jungkook asked without changing his careless expressions.

Jimin's hands were literally shaking by now.

"No I am fine." Jimin said.

"Come with me." Jungkook said without sparing Jennie single glance.

Jimin Frozen there but understanding what's happening but he started walking behind jungkook when jungkook's assistant signalled him. Jimin had to wait fast to match with tha alpha's pace.

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