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Tsk tsk only half of comment goal was completed..... Look how thoughtful author you have....🥸

Anyway it's 20 for this chapter 🫥


Next morning:....

Jimin got up watching his clothes were in ground and the alpha was not on the other side of bed anymore.

The door got opened and jungkook entered the room. He was looking fresh and completely out of the effect of drugs now.

"How are you feeling?" Jungkook asked and jimin looked down shyly.

"Give me your hand, I will massage it."

"No it's so dirty."

Jungkook didn't say anything and took the hand messaging it as it was looking like it was completely swollen.

"It's really dirty jungkook." Jimin said taking the hands back and run to washroom.

He looked at mirror and there were marks all over his body. He was looking like some beast attacked him last night. He couldn't hide his blush anymore.

He remembered everything happened last night.

"Jimin we need to go back immediately next week." Jungkook said when jimin got back from the shower and they were doing breakfast as they both were hungry.

"Huh? "

"I never mentioned this but I have one sister also. She never present in family like taehyung that's why I couldn't tell you.... Her wedding his fixed next week." Jungkook explained everything to omega while taking his next bite of salad.

"Ohhh do I need to take care of any extra precautions as your omega?" Jimin asked but Jungkook leaned ahead to wipe away the red sauce of pasta jimin was eating.

"Nothing.... Just behave like you."jungkook said licking the sauce from his thumb and jimin gulped with a blink.


In a week they had to return to Korea as Jeon family called them for emergency.

It was Jieun's wedding.... Jungkook's sister.... in a week, With her lover Lee jeong suk.

It was a wedding day and jimin was really happy to meet his mother in law,

What jimin didn't expected was to get another headache in form of Lee jeong suk's sister..... Rosé.

The way she was flirting with jungkook was making jimin's blood boil in anger.

She was talking with grandpa as politely as she can and actually following then everywhere.

"Enjoying the wedding?" A voice beside jimin said and he turned around to see his so called alpha standing there.

"Oh Mr. Busy got their time to talk with mere omega like me?" Jimin asked with a sarcastic smile.

"Come on it's you who wanted to have a personal time with my mom. Don't come at me now you shortie !" Jungkook flicked on Jimin's forehead which made jimin hiss in pain.

"I am not that short okay?" Jimin said standing on his tiptoes to match the height of alpha but still coming to his chin.

"Sure you are.... By the way you are looking beautiful with this suit." Jungkook said clearing his throat and jimin just looked down with a cute smile.

But the couple were unaware of jealousy filled eyes watching them.

"Just tonight jimin! I will make sure that you will leave jeon's on your own on the middle of night." Rosé said about to break the glass in anger.

"What you are gonna do in middle of night?" Jieun tapped on her shoulder from behind.

"H-.... Hey nothing much.... It's you who should tell me what you gonna do with my brother in middle of night?" Rosé asked to jieun with a sweet smile and they both laughed.

"For that your brother need to come here first.... I hope he do otherwise I have to find poor alpha with no choice like those movies." Jieun said with laugh.

"Ohhh come on her will come soon. Umm excuse me natural call." Rosé said and run away from there and Jieun's smile dropped.

"Keep watch on her, don't let her go near jimin and jungkook hyung." Jieun said to her assistant and he nodded in yes.


Everyone was sitting on a big table reserved for Jeon having basics drinks
Before the main event starts.

"So jungkook, how is company doing?"grandpa asked.

"It's great.... No problem." Jungkook said politely .

Jimin was sitting beside him busy with this one drink he liked. But he was aware of weird gazes he was getting from rosé and her father.

Jimin understood about rosé as she was jealous of jimin sitting beside jungkook and of course jungkook wanted to show off by intertwining their fingers on the table.

At first jimin said no but when he looked at rosé he decided to show her who the alpha actually belongs to.

"Jimin how is my grandson treating you?" Grandpa asked turning his attending to the omega now.

"Well.... Of course he treats me good... But-..."  Jungkook was smiling not raised his eyebrows at weird but.

"But what?" Jungkook's mother asked the concerned more ankur the omega than her own son.

"Huh you heard that? I am sorry it's nothing."  Jimin said acting like he doesn't want attention when in reality the omega wanted this question so that he can take perfect revenge from the alpha for giving unnecessary attention to rosé.

"Tell me jimin. I want to hear everything!" Grandpa said strictly.

"Ummm I know this is a family event and I shouldn't be saying this but he is a total control freak! He wants to have everything according to him like he is the boss, like okay I will do but I also have my own personality! To be honest I feel more free here with mom and you grandpa... I am saying this just so that you can give him two smacks and tell him to behave properly as he only listens to you! I am afraid I have to live with my bald husband if he continues talking stress about the amount of sugar in coffee!" Jimin was left the breath he was holding and didn't even dare to look at his right side.

The alpha's mouth was wide open in shock. Jungkook's mother was also lost for words and looking at her father in law scared.

Rosé smirked as she knew no one darez to talk with Mr Jeon like that and if someone does he will be thrown out of mansion next second.



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