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"W-.... What do you mean? " Jimin said looking up at the alpha who was looking dangerous from this close.

The only one small light in the corner was on. Jimin gulped in fear. Suddenly he felt a hand on his cheek which was traveling down to his neck.

Jimin thanked God millionth time that the light was mild and Jungkook couldn't see his face as it was red like tomato now.

Jungkook's hand travelled further down and rested on jimin waist. Jimin tried to move away but the other hand was trapping him completely between the cupboard behind was the stone wall chest of alpha.

"J-.... Jungkook."

"Mm hum."jungkook said getting closer to the omega's face which made him close his eyes.

Before jimin can understand jungkook was away from him. When he opened his eyes to see what's happening jungkook was already unlocking his phone.

"YAAAAAH! How did you....?" That's when jimin realised phone was just in the pocket where jungkook's hand was rested earlier.

"Give it back to me jungkook!" Jimin yelled and tried to snatch the phone but his height wasn't helping. The omega was just clinging on alpha's chest while the later was doing all work with his phone hands in air way too above his head.

"How the hell you know my password??" Jimin yelled when the screen of chats already appeared on his phone.

Jimin climbed up on bed and tried to reach but jungkook also followed him now making the height difference same again.

"YAAAAAH! WHAT ARE YOU THREE YEAR OLD?"jimin yelled in frustration.

Jungkook just smirked too busy in his work. He didn't had to try hard as the username 'hyungtae' was on third only.

Jungkook's eyebrows furrowed when he saw someone named seojun on second place. He clicked on the chats right away.

They were nothing but formal reply to all the stupid reels that alpha sended.

"We will talk about this later!" Jungkook said looking angrily at the omega who was still trying to snatch his poor phone back.



"DON'T YOU DARE JEON JUNGKOOK!" jimin yelled when tae was already there and was replying right away.  He was trying to pull down jungkook's right hand by his biceps but jungkook was swinging like jimin was some small kid.

Don't you have fucking manners?

"YAAAH! HE IS MY SENIOR I NEVER TALK TO HIM LIKE THAT!!!" jimin yelled as his while life was flashing in front of his eyes.

'Bye bye my debute role.' he said in mind when jungkook will didn't stopped.

Jimin? Are you okay?

No I am fucking not! Just because of your alien face my alpha is angry at me because of those rumours!!!

"I never can him that!!" Jimin yelled but again it was no use.  All his efforts were in vain.

Your alpha? Don't you think it's wrong time for joke 🤣 I know you are single jimin.

You want me to send picture of us kissing then you will believe me? Okay wait I do have a marriage certificate!

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