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Quick note: the doctor who used to treat jungkook's special disease..... It's yoongi :)



"Here is a new phone for you, the one you use doesn't suit to omega is Jeon family.... I have already removed all the non-important things." Jungkook said giving Jimin a new iphone 14 .

They both were sitting on the bed after their dinner.

"Ummm thank you."jimin said taking the brand new phone. Who in their right state of mind will say no to the iPhone?

But when jimin finally looked at his contact numbers his eyes widened in shock.

"It has some useless contacts I removed them."

"What do you mean by useless jungkook? What did you exactly did?"jimin asked but Jungkook sat there like he didn't do anything.

Jimin couldn't see taemin's number in his phone. So many directors and alpha actor friends number were also gone. Even taehyung's number was deleted.

"Jungkook what is your problem? They all were important numbers! Why did you delete them?" Jimin yelled frustrated with the alpha.

"I will keep an agent for you to handle them. You don't need to keep everyone's number now that you are a big actor." Jungkook tried his best to give satisfying reasons to his omega.

"What about taemin?"

"Why do you need someone else's fiance's number?"

"My number is on the speed dial, if you need anything just click on 7."

"Okay."jimin mumbled in defeat.

"Now that I am thinking about that, it's suspicious to save my name as Jeon jungkook...."jungkook said and jimin agreed to the alpha as he had the point.

"Hmm but what should I save you then?" Jimin asked with pout.

"Give me I will help you."jungkook said and took the phone from omega.

Jungkook smiled softly once he was done and gave the phone back to jimin.

Jimin looked and it was saved as "My hot alpha💕"

"Isn't it too cringe?" Jimin asked and tried to go into the edit contact but jungkook took the phone back before he could do anything.

"It's totally fine."

"But jungkook we don't have that kind of relationship-...."

"What kind? Your name is literally on my marriage certificate! What else do you need?" Jungkook asked in defence.


"Shhh I am just doing that so that people won't get suspicious... If I catch you changing it back I will help you on my own."jungkook said with a sweet smile.

"But this is not fair! My name should also be saved in your phone! Give me your phone right now!" Jimin said getting up.

They both got in fight where jungkook was saving his phone from omega but jimin tackled him to the bed and took the phone.

With some fight jimin finally saved his number as "My lovely omega💞."

Jimin was so busy in the fight that he completely ignored the alpha who was so close to him staring at his neck.

Jungkook smiled proudly at the name looked back at jimin who was still below him on the bed.

"What?" Jimin asked when jungkook wasn't moving a inch away from him.

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