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"J-.... Jimin?"

"Oh my God jungkook you wouldn't believe this!! I got nominated for the best new actor in the soul national awards!!!"

"What?" Jungkook asked in shock. Happy for his omega but also worried about the weird dance or you can say jumping jimin was doing in front of his brother.

"Yeah just now Jin told me on call!!! God I am so so happy!" Jimin said ignoring namjoon who was standing at the door looking awkwardly at the couple.

"Ummm I think I will come later." Namjoon said scratching his forehead while looking away.

"Huh? Who is he?" Jimin asked peeking his head from the side of jungkook.

"My brother...."

"But he is not tae-..... PRESIDENT KIM NAMJOON?" jimin yelled and jungkook winced at the loud voice but nod in yes.

"I-..... I am so sorry I thought-...."

"No no it's okay.... I should have been informed first." Namjoon said trying to clear the awkwardness.

"Did I overreact?"jimin mumbled with a smile so the only Jungkook would hear and jungkook nodded in yes.

With that the conversation continued about family and how jungkook changed after marriage. But it didn't last long as namjoon had to leave for another meeting.


"So when is the party?" Jungkook asked when namjoon finally left.

"Party for what?" Jimin asked looking up at alpha.

"For the award you won.... We need to celebrate it don't you think?" Jungkook asked.

"Aaah of course let's go I will give you the best party!" Jimin said getting up.


"Yeah.... It's only 11pm isn't it? "

"But the restaurants must have closed by now."

"Oh come on my restaurants don't close all night!" Jimin said taking the hands of alpha in his hand and dragging him out of the house.


"Jimin are you sure this is the place?" Jungkook when looking around through the window of his car.

"Uhuh.... Will you get down or keep staring out?" Jimin asked which made jungkook get down finally with a sigh.

It was a night Street food place where hotdog's were getting sold. It's complete Street food which Jungkook had never tried before in his life.

Jimin made him walk before they stopped in front of one shop in front of which there was a huge crowd.

"Jimin.... I can't go to people like this, my reputation-....."

"Excuse me.... Do you know this person?" Jimin asked the owner of the shop pointing his forefinger at the alpha.

"Why is the president of Korea that I will know him? Get in the line first of all! " The man yelled and jungkook was about to throw hands but jimin stopped him.

"You are missing the point here! No one knows you so just enjoy!" Jimin said putting the alpha in line.

After 15 minutes of wait there got their hot dog but only one was eating while other was staring at it like it was some kind of poisonous thing.

"Jimin don't eat it! Let jack get it tasted for-..."

"For what? Shut up and eat it." Jimin said taking another bite and moaning at the taste.

Jungkook was about to take his bite but a hand come in way which literally throw the hotdog on ground.

"Who the fuck-....." Jungkook was about to snap but stopped when he saw person in front of him.

"The heck are you eating? It will cause stomach problems!" Lisa said coming in front of the alpha.

"Damn! Learn to respect food young lady.... Someone might be starving for that one bite." One old lady said picking up the dropped food and giving it to her dog.

"What are you doing here Lisa?" Jungkook asked while jimin decided to remain silent and let the couple talk.

"What do you mean? Do you know how much time I waited in Busan yesterday? Why did you not come?" Lisa asked in anger.

"Some work came up and I needed to turn the flight back immediately." Jungkook said deciding to keep what happened a secret.

It was never come out after what happened to officer anyway.Jimin just gulped thinking what made jungkook come back yesterday.

"WHAT IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN ME JUNGKOOK? and what are you doing here with this omega? You could have come to me if you had time!" Lisa yelled again and now people were looking at them.

"We were just celebrating his-..."

"I don't care! Let's go and have a night out."

"I want to but I have important work at home.... I will meet you tomorrow. Jimin go and sit in car I will come back." Jungkook said taking Lisa towards her car and jimin nodded in yes but interesting what's happening.

He was totally focused on eating the delicious hotdog in his hand. Jimin took more hotdogs and have them to the bodyguards and manager of jungkook which they took politely.


After five minutes the car door opened and jungkook entered in the car.

"Is it that tasty?" Jungkook with when jimin was still eating another hotdog with same interest and the omega just nodded his head in yes.

"Too bad. Rich people like you need filtered food.... You can't taste-...." And before jimin can finish his words jungkook took the another side bite of jimin's hotdog.

It would have been kiss if the hotdog was removed.

"YAAAAH! have you lost your mind!" Jimin yelled and rubbed his lips even though their lips didn't touch for a second.

"Ummm it's tasty." Jungkook said literally snatching the hotdog from omega's hand and finishing it while jimin just watched with his mouth open.

What they were unaware of was a pair of eyes still watching them in jealousy.


"That slut! Jungkook left me for him? How dared he? " Lisa yelled in her car in anger watching jungkook's car getting away.

"Just wait park Jimin! I will make you regret all your life choices within two days! Jungkook will kick you out with his own hands and hug me in front of you!"  She said smirking at the envelop in her hand.


That's all🫡

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