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"You has drink alcohol from all country."jungkook said in sarcasm.

"Oh."jimin said with pout and tried to get up to get on the bed but he was keep falling down.

Jungkook sighed heavily looking at omega and picked him up . Jimin put his hands behind jungkook's neck for support and looked up at him to see he was also looking at him.

Jungkook's gaze travelled from jimin's eyes to the red lips which were looking so invitable. Jimin pushed his head forward slightly. Jungkook also lowered his head without taking his eyes off omega's red lips.

He was about to close his eyes and put his lips on jimins but warm sensation in his chest opened his eyes. The ugly smell reached his nostrils at the same time he saw white colour vomit on his shirt.

Yes jimin had vomited on him.

Jungkook couldn't control his anger anymore, he took jimin to bathroom and almost throw him in bathtub.

"This is so dirty jimin! Can you live like normal omega for once?" Jungkook yelled getting the shower head and putting it on jimins head directly. 

The water was hitting jimin's eyes directly. He was about to cry when his efforts is getting out of bathtub were failing everytime.

Jungkook pushed the omega back in the bathtub and got in with him. He put jimin between his legs and started to wash him properly.

Jimin was feeling better with warm water and easy too relaxed. He just sighed dreamily and let his head rest in jungkook's chest. He closed his eyes peacefully.

It took all efforts to not look at jimin for jungkook. The Milky smooth skin shining differently in water. The cloths wet and attached to his body.

Shaking his thoughts away he took jimin and put him back to sleep.


Next morning jimin's all body was in pain. His head specially. He got up from bed groaning in pain.

'why the heck  am I not wearing clothes?' He asked himself when he looked underneath the blanket.

He couldn't remember a single thing from last night. What stupid things did he do last night when he was drunk? He couldn't remember a single thing.

But then his eyes landed on jungkook's black shirt covered in vomit in the laundry basket and the flashback hit him like a truck.

He got out of the room once he made sure he was properly clothed .

"Where is jungkook?" He asked one of the maids.

"Why aren't you calling me hubby now?" A deep voice behind him said and jimin felt shiver all over his body.

Jimin wanted to get engulfed in Earth.

"Last night.... No actual morning, cause it was already 4am when you finally decided to leave me alone and sleep!" Jungkook said taking a sip of the coffee in his hand.

"I am sorry, I was drunk. I don't remember what I did." Jimin mumbled not able to look in jungkook's eyes anymore.

'Let's pretend this jimin! It's better than reality.' He said to himself.

"Nothing happened." Jungkook said and jimin looked up in surprise.

"Nothing?" Jimin said with wide eyes.

"Why? Did you want something to happen?" Jungkook asked with raised eyebrows.

"No no! Of course it's better if nothing happens." Jimin said with a fake smile.

"I think you don't remember anything."jungkook said looking at omega suspiciously.

"Yeah I don't remember anything."jimin said with pout.

"Too bad. We kissed last night and then you got so horny that I needed to get you in bed, remove your clothes and then....."

"LIAR! I had vomited on you before our lips even touched!" Jimin yelled in frustration. Jimin's eyes widened when he realised what he said, he put his hand on his mouth.

"So you didn't forget everything." Jungkook said with a smirk.

"Sorry. I know I crossed limits in my drunk state. I will take care next time." Jimin said looking down like a punished smaller child.

"Really? There is a next time?" Jungkook asked with scoff.

"No no! I promise it won't happen again. At least not in our marriage time." Jimin said looking up.

Jungkook left from there with a small smile which was so hard to detect.


"I think there are changes in my body. Last night.... I mean I think the drugs are working better."jungkook said to his docter.

"It may happen sir, I can't say anything as this is first case of this disease but I must tell you, your other body functions are totally like normal alpha. So it's obvious if you get turned on or attracted to any specific omega."the doctor replied.

"It's impossible! I already have Lisa I can't  feel that for other omega!" Jungkook said in anger.

"Then repeat whatever happened again and see if you're body react in same way." The doctor suggested.

"I am not your fucking experiment!' Jungkook said in anger and left from the room.

He felt weird when docter said attached to omega, that too that clumsy omega jimin? Never.


"Jimin can't you understand? You will rule over that house with that mad husband!" Mrs park yelled on the phone trying to convience her step son.

"Why don't you make Jennie marry him Is it this much of a good place?" Jimin asked.

"Because they liked you jimin!" She said.

"Go and focus on increasing your daughter's beauty. She thinks I will steal taemin with my beauty so go and focus on it!" Jimin said in anger and cut the call. When he turned around jungkook was standing there like a wall.

"Do you want to marry that taemin?" Jungkook asked directly.

"I-.... what? "

"Do you want-...."

"I heard it! What kind of alpha asks his omega who he wants to marry?" Jimin said irritated.

"I can make him marry you with my power if that's what you want . I can pressure him to leave Jennie."jungkook said the same thing ignoring jimin.

"How about you marry them off fastly so that they won't claim this stupid shit of manipulation on me!" Jimin said almost crying.

"Do you really want that?" Jungkook asked.

"Of course, I am already married. As for taemin he is just a person I will never get. You can tell the best, no matter how much you love sometimes destiny is just against us." jimin replied going away from jungkook's site but next voice stopped him.

"Jimin I meant my words. I will make every possible thing to make you happy and satisfied in return of this marriage." Jimin just smiled at him going to the bedroom.


Jikook going together on 12 December and they will train together in the same section where Jin is present.

Jinminkook reunited 🤧💞

And it is said that jikook will be together in all military process.

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