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"P-... Please take me to this address." Jimin said through pain showing the address of home to the cab driver.

He has taken his jacket to his front and wrapped it around himself. Thankfully the driver was beta and was soft enough to give him comfort small blanket he had in his car.

That didn't stopped alpha's passing by from peeping in the car. The driver rolled up window and sprayed spray in car to stop the smell of heat going out.

Jimin couldn't help his tears from trickling down anymore.

Lisa.... Was pregnant.

It didn't even seemed like she was faking it from the bump or the test result due uploaded on her insta with old photo of her with jungkook. Which was trending on Twitter everywhere.

His heat had already started due to the anger and frustration in party. Last thing the omega wanted was to see jungkook's face right now.

He also didn't knew why he was feeling these emotions... First his omega reacting to jungkook's closeness and now this. Wanting to burn the whole world when his eyes met with Lisa when she announced the pregnancy.

He could feel the growl of his omega in anger at that moment and it didn't calmed down till this moment. It was getting uneasy every moment that passed.

He just wanted to go and rest in his nest after taking pain killers with sleeping pills. Or maybe get engulfed into arms of the alpha making it confirm that it was all just a bad dream.


Jungkook entered the Jeon mansion driving his car to in intension of breaking the gate in anger if it wasn't for the guard opening the it at perfect time. They all gulped in fear and got aside not having any wish to be reason of increase in alpha's anger.

When jungkook got into living room lisa was already there, sitting beside grandpa. Jungkook's hand clenched in fist but he tried to maintain his calm the best he can.

At times he wanted to give Lisa the same fate as that bitch Jennie. When taehyung told Jennie had hand behind jimin's accident in that shooting scene, he sold Jennie and get mother in body trafficking buisness they owned.

Mr. Park and taemin long gone to Japan with the new company they got from Jeon's to keep their mouth shut.

But then he can't forget how Lisa helped him from childhood during his disease. One thing Jeon jungkook can't do is being ungrateful. Maybe one day Lisa will compensate all those good works with her bad shit and jungkook waiting for that day eagerly.

For now all he could do was take sit opposite to his grandpa patiently.

"I asked you to bring your lawyer jungkook." The grandma said taking sip of some ancient Chinese drink.

"I am sorry to disobey but my omega is lost from hour grandpa. If you could tell me whatever you want fast and I can go to-..."

"No need! That's why I called the lawyer, you are giving divorse to that omega." Grandpa said interrupting jungkook making everyone gasp except Lisa.

She was smirking ear to ear as her plan was working properly.

"With all due respect-...." Jungkook tried but grandpa interrupted again.

"3 months jungkook. I will see the test result myself to see if it's my heir or not. Till then I want you to take her to your house and divorce Jimin by tomorrow." Grandpa said and if it was in jungkook's hands he could have conducted the test just now. But according to the medical it's impossible to test till 3 months.

"But grandpa you know about my disease! I can't touch any omega." Jungkook almost yelled in frustration.

He wouldn't have lost his calm this early if it was for someone else, but for sake of his work he would have to obey grandpa no matter what. Which was making his blood boil with just though of taking Lisa in his house. In their house.

"Maybe when you were in relationship you decided to do IVF, Lisa told me you told her about sperm bank."

"I will get the CCTV footage there by tomorrow."

"Granted. You can do anything to proof your innocent. I also don't want heir that didn't got my blood in it. "

"Till it proves this child is mine, I won't divorce Jimin!" Jungkook said eyes determined to accept whatever punishment he gonna get got this.

"Okay but if it does, I don't want to see face of that omega again. You have three months for that, lisa will be living with you till then." Grandpa said already getting up as decision was made.

"What if I got jimin pregnant with my child till then?" Jungkook asked not sure if lisa actually have audacity to steal the sperm from bank and get herself pregnant. If that's the case he needs to get one step ahead to keep jimin to himself.

"It will be your choice as long as both babies are son. But if one got daughter, the one with son wins." Grandpa said his back to jungkook now already going upstairs.

Jungkook just sighed sinking his head between his knees. He looked up when he felt hand on his shoulder to see his mother Standing in front of him.

"Go and see where he is, my heart is racing if something happened to the poor boy. He is too fragile to protect himself." Mrs jeon said with tears in her eyes.

Jungkook nodded wiping tears in his eyes but his phone rang just on time.

"Sir jimin sir just entered the house." It was his housemaid and he left a sigh of relief upon hearing that.

He took keys to go back already but a high pitched voice stopped him again.

"Kookie, let's go together shall we? I don't trust anyone with our baby but you." She said going near him with a big smile with her big traveling bag in her hand.

Jungkook didn't even spare her a breath going to his car and driving off. While Mrs jeon went back to her room ignoring her like she never existed.

"It's okay baby....dada is just upset for some time. He will be happy to see you after some time and will love us just like he used to." Lisa said to get a child while putting hand on her belly.

Dragging her bag by herself to go to jungkook's house.



Has anyone read "Nobody put jimin in the corner" by vmintie?

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