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"Can you please bring the ointment?" Jimin asked to maid with bam in his lap.

No-one noticed it at first but jimin saw how the poor puppy was whimpering in pain whenever jimin moved his left leg..... That's when he saw a bruise of that stick just above his paw.

Jimin blowed some air on bruise till the maid come. His eyes were still on the door of study room where jungkook just left.

What jimin didn't expected was jungkook's grandfather will also come with jungkook's assistant when he bought cctv. It's been half hour Lisa, jungkook and grandpa were discussing something there in the study room.

"Here jimin sir." The maid gave him ointment with a bandage also.

"What happened to your hand?" Jimin said taking wrist of the maid which was covered in bandage. Looking from the light spot of blood in it jimin could tell it's not been long since the bruise formed.

"N-.... Nothing sir..... We are used to this-...."

"Will you tell me or want to answer jungkook instead?" Jimin asked in strict tone but he immediately got up putting sleepy bam on the cushion of the chair, when tears started to drop from her eyes.

"Hey..... Seriously what happened? Did someone hurt you?" Jimin asked putting wiping her tears.

"I-.... It's totally my fault sir, jungkook sir and you never minded whatever we did when you sleep or not at home."

"Ofcourse you are all human..... You can do whatever you want once the work is done."

"L-... Lisa mam twisted my hand and throw glass when I was driving left over juice and-..." She couldn't control anymore and started crying more unable to form words.

"It's okay..... I will talk to jungkook about this don't worry okay?" Jimin said hugging her softly.

"N-.... No sir.... She-..."

"What no? Jimin sir is omega of this house! Sir she even said low cast like we and you didn't live in this luxury of rich people! I would have shut up if it was only upto me but she even said those words to you! You should throw her in dustbin!" Another maid said angrily making jimin flinch slightly.

Before jimin can respond all three come out from the study room. Jimin couldn't read jungkook's face but Lisa's wide smirk told him enough about what's going to happen.

"Didn't you taught your omega to maintain his distance from low life people? "It was grandpa who said that eyeing jimin's hand which we holding hands of the maid. Jimin's eye brows just furrowed in anger but he never let off the hand of maid.

Instead he stood there with more determined face to see what he can even do.

"Jungkook will tell you further details, for now even though lisa didn't entered sperm bank some mysterious guy did try to go in there. So until it proves that jungkook actually is innocent which will be after three months through the dna test, lisa will live here."the grandpa said already taking his leave before anyone can comment on it.

Jungkook didn't spared anyone glance taking long strides upstairs to his bedroom.

"God... That was so tiresome! Hey bring me glass of juice and take my shoes out."Lisa said dropping herself on couch. Jimin clenched his fist in anger.

Ordering juice was normal not telling someone else to take out your dirty shoes with hands is nowhere near humanity.

Jimin can tell how the maid feels as Mrs park used to make jimin to that work in his childhood.

He just stood there silently as he didn't wanted to bother jungkook more with unnecessary drama. He let the maid carry juice, he wanted to help her badly as her wrist was injured and she couldn't hold the tray well.

But he can't afford Lisa telling grandpa how he helped her, that would create more chaos for jungkook. The last thing he want is to become more stress for the alpha.

He was in his thoughts when a sound was also echoed in house making everyone flinch.

"You wench! Can't hold a glass tightly? What is your use here then huh? Do you even know how much these cost? You have to work your whole life to get half the price of this." Lisa asked in anger holding hairs of the poor maid.

The injured wrist of the maid must have slipped and some of the juice fell on Lisa's shoes.

"Lisa, I will give you the money. Leave her."jimin finally said coming near the omega trying hard to maintain a calm tone.

"Ohhh really? Tell me jimin from where you will get that money? My fiance right?" Lisa asked with smirk and disgusted will be underrated to what jimin feels watching random omega calling his alpha get fiance.

"Why did the cat got your tongue?"Lisa got up leaving the maid on her own going near jimin.

Lisa thought Jimin would run upstairs or call for jungkook but oh dear... How wrong she was.

Jimin stood there without moving an inch watching every move of the omega. Lisa wanted to get a reaction out of him, to make him do something which will make him bad in jungkook's eyes.

"I heard your mom was also a side chick like you.... Wonder if you got the trait from her... To use the money of another husband. I Wonder what else you got from that who-..." She couldn't complete that sentence as jimin slapped her so hard that she stumbled back three four steps.

"J-.... JUNGKOOK! J-.... JUNGKOOK! Oh my God jimin why did you do that? Don't you know I have a baby in me." Lisa asked with tears in her eyes when she saw the alpha coming out from the bedroom.

Jimin just scoffed at the acting of the omega.

Lisa started crying harder when she saw Jungkook climbing down from steps.

"What happened?" Jungkook finally asked standing in between two omega's.

"I just asked for a glass of juice from the maid as I wascraving it but he started to shaming me and slapped -...."

"Did I ask you Lisa?"

"Huh?"Lisa asked dumbfounded.

"What happened  Jimin?"



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