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"He asked me out."ji-eun said.

"What? But Suzy?"

"I also had same reaction you know, but somewhere we both knew it was of no use to try anymore. She was missing from three years. No matter how much we tried we couldn't found her."

"What did you say?"

"I said yes." Ji-eun said with a shrug looking at the jimin with a soft smile.

"But-.... Sorry to say but did he really had feelings for you or-...."

"Sometimes I also wonder, if I hurried to say yes. Even if I had some feelings for him from start I should have waited and cleared out his feelings." Ji-eun said running finger over her wedding ring.

"So you are saying you dated after yours graduation till now which means two years and he decided to abondon you on wedding." Jimin asked anger clear in his voice.

Jungkook's eyebrows were also furrowed like he also wanted to ask same question like jimin did. He come forward and and hided behind one garden tree to listen carefully.

"That's what bothering me also.... We had decided everything the day before marriage, like even name of our children's you know..... God knows what happened that he decided to take that step." Ji-eun said small tears forming in her eyes.

"You didn't asked him?" Jimin asked leg shaking vigorously in anger.

No matter what your reasons are, you can't simply leave the person who was there for you at your worst like that on their special day for them to become joke in front of world.

"I am waiting for him to open up."ji-eun said with a sigh.

"He is lucky to have you, I would have burned down all his cloths including inner cloths when he is gone to both." Jimin said trying to make ji-eun laugh but couldn't notice how jungkook gulped while holding his shirt tightly with his fist.

"Damn jungkook hyung is so lucky to have you."ji-eun said in sarcastic tone and they both laughed at joke.

Jimin was already feeling sleepy so they decided to go back in the bedroom while Jungkook sat in a chair where jimin was before thinking of ways to help his sister and make his omega talk to him.

When jimin got in bed he texted Jin about everything happened with jungkook. He couldn't decided if he should forgive the alpha or make him apologize more.

But jimin reacted with least expected answer.

Jin hyung:
Yaaah don't you think you should say thanks to tae first? He helped you more times than you think! Be grateful!

But why? It's not like I asked him to...

Jin hyung:
Still jimin! People die to have one talk with him and he is head over heels for you... I am not saying to to date with him just as a thank you give him small gift.

Okay whatever just send me something you think is best to gift, I will give it to him


6 hours later( next day):

Jimin and jungkook were back in the house and every maid had shock expression in their face would be an understatement.

The great Jeon jungkook who never spare his glance to anyone once he is done with them was following him like lost puppy trying to make the omega say yes for dinner.

"I said don't follow me Jeon jungkook!" Jimin yelled turing back with knife in his hand which made jungkook flinch in fear.

"I said sorry jimin....I just misunderstood that-..."

"Do I look like I care about it? Oh forget it! Why am I wasting my precious carbon dioxide in talking with an emotionless monkey like you!" Jimin said irritated and sat in the dining table cutting carrot in every worst way possible.

Like he was trying to kill that poor vegetable. Jungkook just gulped imagining himself at place of carrot.

Jungkook's eyes lighten up when he got new idea to lure the omega in and he could bet this will work.

"Here you guys go and enjoy.... It's free meal ticket you know. You can eat anything in Korea until you get full with this card." Jungkook said in sad voice throwing the card in dining table towards the maid.

Jimin gulped when he heard the skim looking at the card slowly. Jungkook smirked but it disappeared as soon as it appeared when jimin got up with determination to say no.

"It even gives unlimited icecream you know...."that's all it take for jimin to come back and take the ticket aggressively.

He stomped his legs towards bedroom like a angry todler.

"Only for food!"jimin yelled in his face and got back to his room.

"Wait is ticket for two, I need to change-...." But the omega closed the door in his face.

Jungkook just laughed but then his eyes fall on a gift box on maze.

"What is this?"

"We don't know sir, jin sir ordered it last night saying jimin sir need it." The maid replied.

Jungkook didn't cared and opened the box carefully only to see beautiful watch inside it. It was his favourite brand.

There was message written on it in beautiful handwriting.

'Thank you for always being there for me and sorry if I hurt you in any way. Deep down I appreciate your efforts Mr Jeon. A lovely gift from a mare omega.'

'Wow he did felt sorry for being rude to me then. Of course he should be thankful as I always help him.' jungkook thought with sly smile on his face. He put back the box as it was too not to ruin the mood of omega when he will give him a gift.

But he cleared his throat going in his office when he saw maids were looking at him with sweet smile.

After 5 minutes jimin come out and saw the gift box with a sigh.

"Who the heck in their right mind will say this to their mare friend? Jin hyung has gone mad!" Jimin said ripping off the message sticker from the gift and throwing it in his bag to give it to tae later at night.


Anyone watching lovely runner?

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