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Asuma and I had been together for a while now and I was currently standing beside the bed completely naked as he was lying with his head on the pillows his face facing the ceiling.

"I'm not doing it." I said as I crossed my arms over my chest in defense.

"Oh, come on don't be like." that he said with the grin.

"What if you can't breathe?" I argued.

"I'm a ninja, I'm pretty sure I would be able to get myself out of a situation if I couldn't breathe baby let me worry about that." he stated with a smirk.

"But what if-" I tried arguing again.

"Baby just shut the fuck up, and sit on my face." Asuma demanded.

"I don't think this is a good idea." I argued again and suddenly he lifted me up by my hips and moved me so I was hovering over his face.

"Stop hovering. Sit." he demanded.

"I still don't think this is a good idea." I said basically scolding him as I pointed a finger at him accusingly. 

"Baby I don't need you to worry about what's a good idea now sit down." He demanded.

"no!" I argued back this was the dumbest idea this man has probably ever had. I thought to myself.

Asuma grabbed my hips before tugging me down onto his face with as much force as he possibly could before I could open my mouth to argue he wrapped his lips around my clit before sucking down harshly.

"I- I still don't think this is a good idea." I argued as I try to withhold my moans.

Sending vibrations all through my body making a shiver run down my spine as he chuckled against my bare pussy, dripping with need.

"You're an asshole do you know that?" I stated through a groan.

"You are so-" I was cut off  a whine ripping through my body as Asuma moved this hand from my hip to my inner thigh and back up dragging it through my wet lips.

"Fuck you asshole" I whispered through a moan yet again.

"So good."

I was starting to regret ever arguing the thing.

"Don't stop!" I started out.

I could almost feel him smirking between my legs as his fingers slowly started playing with my clit in his mouth.

Suddenly took his fingers out of the equation as he readjusted my hips and he started french kissing my pussy.

"Asuma" I spoke through a moan.

"Don't stop." I moaned out again.

His tongue darted in an out between my folds at a fast pace so fast that I could barely keep track of what he was doing as his hands drew circles on my hips as he ran them up and down, down to my thighs and back up to my hips again before he allowed his hands to run up my body and cup my breasts squeezing them as I let out a moan.

"Fuck" I moaned out and I could feel my pussy throbbing from the amount of stimulation this man was giving me.

His thumbs flicked open my nipples making me moan out yet again it was a very sensual feeling as he ran his hands back down my body gripping my hips again, before he ran his left hand back up between the valley of my breasts. 

He gripped my throat with his left hand disrupting my air flow for a brief moment before he cut it off completely my head started spinning and I could see dots blurring in my vision which just filled the feeling of his tongue darting in and out of me. Licking my folds Asuma continued French kissing my bare cunt. He moved his right hand that was not around my throat to play with my clit as he's slowly figure of eights, stimulating around the clitoris never really touching it keeping that expectation going before he suddenly moved his mouth, and he sucked down on my bud harshly my hips jerked fprward on his face.

"Don't stop!" I moaned out yet again.

I could feel my high rapidly approaching even though I was being choked out I still let out moans and screams. Asuma held my hips on his face, seeing as I was shaking uncontrollably before he allowed me to breathe again. 

He was quick to resume his previous action as he continued squeezing my throat in the same motion he used sucked my clit harshly then soft then harshly and soft harder than he allowed me to breathe harder and then allowing airflow yet again. It was the most exhilarating experience of my life.

He continued his actions as I yelled out that I was about to finish. I was about to reach my climax and I called out his name as I came down from my high. My hips jerking on his face his tongue darting in and out of me, his hands scratching the inside of my thighs the entire room filled with the smell of sex he lifted me from his face placing me down on his muscled stomach as he looked at me with this mouth glistening with my juices. He licked his lips before he continued licking his fingers clean.

"See you should really not argue with me." He spoke not even out of breath while I sat on him panting.

"I'll argue with whoever I want to argue with." I let out breathlessly "but I will admit it was good I would never ever have expected it to be as good as it was."

"And you see I'm still alive." he said with a smirk as he sat up and roll effectively rolling me from his stomach onto his hard dick.

"Yeah yeah I can see that." I let out a slight giggle as I could feel his hard cock poking my ass.

"Come on what would you have done if I died?" he asked with the grin.

"Uh be absolutely mortified to have to be the one to tell lady Tsunade I accidentally killed the third hokage's child by sitting on this face." I spoke as I poked his chest.

"Come here you little minx, I'm not done with you." he spoke as he flipped us around so I was underneath him on the bed.

"You're a asshole do you know that?" I asked as a grin spread over my features as he placed kisses on neck down to the valley between my breasts. Asuma looked up at me with sparkling brown eyes and grinning.

"I'm your asshole." He retorted, and I couldn't help but like how his hands trailed down my hips and back up my waist.

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