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It had been a long day, a really fucking long day.

As soon as I got back to the hide out, I walked straight past my loving boyfriend and into our bedroom. Slamming shut the door as I let the cloak fall from my shoulders and onto the bedroom floor before letting out an exaggerated sigh. I kicked off my shoes before walking into the on-suite bathroom.

I let a small smile fall upon my lips as I eyed the excessive number of salts, bath bombs and bubble baths I had collected along with other things. I turned on the tap making sure the water was the perfect temperature with my left hand.

I pulled my shirt off before allowing my bra to follow suite.

I dropped a lavender scented bath bomb into the water before I let my shorts fall to the floor. I let my underwear pool at my feet. I stepped out of the pile of clothes before sinking into the tub and closing my eyes.

I turned off the tap before I continued relaxing.

After a few minutes of relaxing Obito made his way to the tub. I had not even noticed that he was in the bathroom.

"Hey love." He spoke as he sat next to the tub his cloak still on but his mask rested in his hands.

"Hi baby." I whispered as I opened my left eye to look at him.

Without saying another word he placed his hand on my neck before tugging me closer to him.

"What happened?" He asked as he kept eye contact with me.

"I had a bad day." I whispered as I placed my hand on his scarred cheek.

"Do I need to kill someone, love?" He asked as he moved his hand to caress my jaw.

"No." I whispered as I slightly smiled at him.

"Can I make you feel better?" He asked as he kneeled beside the tub.

"How?" I asked as he eyed me up and down.

He pulled up his sleeve before burring his hand in between my thighs.

"Like this." He whispered his lips almost touching my own. He shoved two fingers into me as I gasped.

He let out a groan as he felt my walls around him.

"Obito." I whispered as I looked at him through my lashes.

"Love." He whispered as he curled his fingers against my g-spot.

I arched my back as he started moving his fingers in and out of me at a teasingly slow pace.




"You are such a good girl for me baby." He whispered as he placed a kiss to my bare shoulder.

I shuddered as he did this.

And he repeated:






Obito looked at me like I was the most perfect art work in the world as he continued fingering me.

I looked down as his large veiny hand plunged into me before moving out as the purple bath water made ripples with every single move he made.

"Obito." I whispered as he added a third finger into the mix.

My jaw fell open as I felt my orgasm build.

My legs started shaking as I looked at Obito.

But he had his eyes on his fingers, and he looked absolutely mesmerized as he moved his thumb to rub slow circles around my clit.

"Please don't stop." I moaned as I held onto his cloak covered shoulder.

"How could I?" He asked as he continued at his pace.

I watched his calloused hand working his veins becoming more prominent.

"That's it baby, watch me fuck your tight little cunt with my fingers." His rough voice spoke against my ear.

I gasped as I watched his hands curling against my g-spot.

"I love the way you are wrapped around me." He whispered as he watched me staring at him with wide eyes.

"Obito." I whispered.

He smiled at me as he moved slower reaching deeper into me.

I dropped my head onto his shoulder as my eyes closed.

"That's my girl." He whispered as I reached my high coming with a loud squeal.

Obito continued riding out my high with his fingers before pulling his fingers out of me and swirling it around in the purple water.

Before I could recover I was yanked out of the water and my dripping wet body was placed on the toilet.

"Now be a good girl and pee." Obito spoke as he eyed me intensely.

"I have not even washed my body!" I argued with him.

"When I am done with you, you will need another now pee!" He argued back at me.

"I can't pee when you are looking at me." I admitted as I looked at the floor.

Obito turned around as he crossed his arms over his chest.

I finally peed and cleaned up.

Obito turned around when I gave him the, all clear.

Naruto one shots (book 2)Where stories live. Discover now