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"So your a-" I was cut off.

"Yes, I'm a fucking virgin." He seemed so mad at himself.

"Jiraiya." I tried getting his attention.

"I am not sexually experienced at all-" He continued venting as he paced up and down my room half naked. I sat on my bed in my underwear.

"Jiraiya!" I called finally calling his attention back to me.

"Yes?" He asked as he dragged his fingers through his long thick hair.

I unhooked my bra and tugged it down my arms exposing my chest to him and his jaw dropped.

"Are we doing this or not?" I asked as I looked up at him flirtatiously.

"Yes." He whispered before he swallowed, hard.

"Then come here." I spoke as I sat on my knees on top of the sheets.

"What do you want me to do?" He asked so softly as if I would disepear and only be a dream.

"Strip off those sexy boxers ad lay down on the bed with your back against the covers." I explained as I moved off to the side.

He did as told stripping out of his boxers.

"Good job." I spoke seductively as I glanced at him through my lashes.

He laid down on the bed just like I had instructed. He was breathing heavily. I placed my hand over his cock before pumping it lightly. He was long and thick and I knew that it was going to be a struggle to take him.

I placed a kiss on the tip of his cock and his breath hitched in his throat as my boobs grazed his thigh.

I loved how his body reacted to my touch.

I licked the tip of his cock.

"Fuck Y/n." He moaned as his hips lifted from the bed slightly.

His hands gripped my hair.

"Baby." I whispered looking up at him with his dick in my hands.

"Yes?" He choked out.

"Are you sure about this?" I asked. 

Making sure.

"Yes, please." He whispered.

"That's all I needed pretty boy." I spoke and as soon as the words pretty boy left my mouth I felt him twitching.

I raised an eyebrow and his face flushed. 

"Sorry." He whispered as I climbed into his lap.

"Don't be sorry, pretty boy." I whispered the last words in his ear as I grazed the outer lobe with my teeth.

I slowly sank down on his dick. 

"Fuck, you're big." I moaned in his ear as I continued taking him.

Jiraiya let out a low groan. 

"Fuck." He moaned out. 

He then tossed me onto my back before sinking into me completely. 

"I thought you had no experience." I choked out shocked as he rocked his hips into me.

"I lied." He groaned as he grinned down at me.

"Fuck." I moaned as he sped up grazing my g-spot as his large hands gripped my hips tugging my entire body into his own with every thrust he gave. 

"You are so tight." He groaned as he continued his pace. 

"You're just big." I moaned out as my eyes rolled back.

The pleasure was overwhelming. 

"Yeah?" He asked and I could hear the wolfish grin in his voice. 

"F-fuck." I moaned; it sounded like something that belonged in a porno. 

"Keep moaning for me." Jiraiya spoke as he continued his assault on my pussy.

His large hand dipped down between us as he drew circles around my clit. 

My eyes flew open as my back arched, my chest pressing against his own as our eyes locked. 

"J-jiraiya." I moaned out in a careless whisper.

"You look so pretty." He muttered as his hand moved from around my hip, my legs wrapping around his waist ankles pressed against his lower back as I tugged him closer to me.  

He traced the back of his fingers against my cheek.

"Fuck." I moaned out as he continued rubbing my clit. 

My high was approaching faster than I thought possible.

"You are a pretty little cock slut aren't you?" He asked as he grinned down at me.

"Jiraiya!" I called out my eyes rolling back. 

He slowed down his movements.

"Look at me when you come." He spoke as he gripped my chin with his index finger and thumb. 

I opened my eyes watching him intently.

"Jiraiya!" I whisper yelled as my walls clamped down on his huge cock.

"Let go baby." He spoke and with that I slipped over the edge. 

He followed me down the path of ecstasy. 

He did not pull out as he flipped us around our sweaty chests sticking to one another as we panted. My legs shook. He looked up at me grinning, one hand behind his head the other on my waist. 

"So?" He asked.

"You have ruined me." I spoke as his cum dripped out of me and onto his cock. 

"That's good, because you're my cock slut now." He spoke as he smiled up at me.

"I'll be whatever you want." I spoke as I traced his abs with my fingertips. 

"Good girl." He spoke as he rubbed his thumb against my hip. 

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