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Sakumo and I just got back from a very romantic evening, it was our first date night after having Kakashi, so we had to take him along with us.

We had a candle lit dinner at a restaurant with separate rooms just in case Kakashi woke up. 

We went out to a local ice cream shop, and we walked back to our home with Kakashi in my husband's arms. 

It was perfect.

He had Kakashi in one hand and he wrapped his other arm around me as we walked. 

We got home and Kakashi was fast asleep. 

Sakumo placed him down in his crib before he made his way over to me in our room, I was taking out my earrings. 

He wrapped his arms around my waist, tugging me closer to his body. 

His hard on digging into my ass. 

"Have I told you that I need to see this dress on my bedroom floor?" He asked as he trailed his hands up and down my body. 

His lips on my neck. 

Hands on my ass. 

"No, why don't you unzip me?" I asked as I trailed my fingertips over his arms. 

He did not need a second invite and my dress hit the floor.

"No underwear?" He asked me as he trailed a finger down my spine. 

"Only for you." I whispered as I traced his more than prominent veins. 

"Grab onto your vanity." He commanded. 

I did as asked. 

My hands gripping the wooden furniture.

Sakumo's belt was heard as he took it of. 

He landed a playful hit to my ass and to his surprise I moaned. 

"You like that?" He asked surprised. 

"Yeah." I admitted seeing my cheeks redden in the mirror infront of me. 


The sound of his belt echoed through the room. 

I moaned out as he littered my ass in red stripes.


I moaned.


My eyes rolled back.



"Sakumo!" I moaned out gripping onto the vanity. 

"Such a pretty red ass, now let me fuck it." He whispered the last part to me as he nipped at my skin. 

Before I could even answer he bent me onto the countertop of my vanity and his zip was heard as he pushed my head down.

He slipped himself into me and I gasped as he did so in one swift move.

"Fuck, you are so wet." He spoke as he held onto my hips tighter. 

He started thrusting into me.

I moaned as he sank into me. 

And then... 

My new form of birth control Kakashi Hatake called out in panic.

Sakumo groaned as he pulled out of me. 

"I got it." I whispered as I grabbed my robe before heading out of our bedroom and into Kakashi's.


After I finally got Kakashi back asleep I headed back to our room where Sakumo was busy sharpening his weapons.

"Hey." I whispered as I sat down next to my now shirtless husband. 

"Hi." He whispered as he kissed my shoulder. 

I trailed my hand up and down his thigh.

"Is Kakashi down?" He asked me.

"As much as I love our son, I don't want to talk about him right now." I spoke in his ear as I slightly palmed him through his pants. 

Sakumo did not need to be told twice. 

I was pinned to the floor.

"Thank fuck." He whispered as he pulled open my robe. 

Exposing my body to him. 

"I need you." I whispered as I held onto his shoulders. 

"Tell me about it." He replied before shoving his pants and boxers down.

He slipped into me faster than before. 

I wrapped my legs around him. 

He started moving in and out of me at a rapid pace. 

My body slammed against the floor from the pure power he was using to pound into me.

I bit into his shoulder.

He groaned into my ear. 

I relaxed against him allowing him to use me like a ragdoll. 

"So good." He groaned softly. 

The sound of skin hitting skin echoed through our room.

I felt my high getting close and Sakumo sped up.

I moaned against his skin.

The metallic taste flooded into my mouth.

I knew I had drawn blood. 

Sakumo did not care as he was restlessly fucking me into what was soon to be a coma. A coma from coming, a cum coma.

Sakumo groaned softly as my walls clamped down around him.

The room filled with the smell of sex as we came.

He relaxed as he picked the both of us off the floor before placing me down on our bed. 

"I love you." I whispered as my eyes fluttered.

"I love you more." He whispered as he crawled in next to me. 

I cuddled into him as he covered my naked body with a sheet.

"Kakashi is going to wake up." I whispered as I yawned.

"Can you no-" Sakumo was cut off by his son wailing.

"Good timing." I whispered as I giggled. 

"I love my son." Sakumo whispered as he got out of bed to check on Kakashi.

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