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"You're so insensitive do you know that?" I asked my husband.

"Incentive (He scoffed) how am I insensitive?" He asked me crossing his arms over his chest, standing at the opposite side of the kitchen.

I scoffed as I rolled my eyes turning around to continue washing the dishes.

You know that's not an answer he said as he walked closer to me I could hear his heavy foot steps from the other side of the room.

"You really don't see that you are wrong do you?" I asked as I spun around bubbles flying everywhere.

"I don't see how asking you to stop doing missions is insensitive." He said as he now stood right in front of me leaning against the kitchen table.

"How can you not see that my career is also important to me just like yours is important to you." I asked as I crossed my arms over my chest, getting my shirt wet in the process.

"I understand that your career is also important to you but you know longer need to work I have all the finances covered." He said as he stepped closer to me.

I held my hand up the building a mental wall between the two of us.

"You can't expect me to drop my entire career just because you say so." I crossed my arm back over my chest as I stared up at him challenging him demanding him to continue this argument.

"I'm not expecting you-" he stopped and took a deep breath "I'm not expecting you to drop your entire career for me I'm expecting you to understand that I need you safe."

"Oh very intelligent married and ninja and you want her to be safe." I spat the words like they were fire.

"I did not marry a ninja, I married my wife. I married you for you not for your career." He said as if his opinion mattered when it came to my career.

"Being a ninja is part of your wife so either you take me with my job or you don't take me at all." I was fuming I wanted to yell but I resorted to whispering.

"I stood in front of that alter and I took all of you the ninja then non ninja. I want my wife as a whole, but I don't see how a career can influence your personality this much." He had a point in his head I did not see it, I did not really care for his opinion right now how can someone as smart as him expect someone like me to drop there career entirely just because he asked so?

"You took all of me including me being an ninja I worked my ass off to get where I am! I fought tooth and nail for every single rank I gained I'm at the top of my game! how can you expect me to just give it all up because you asked so?" I yell at him my patience gone.

Shikaku inhaled deeply his entire upper body moving as he breathed in and out.

"We are having a conversation this is not a fight." he spoke as he wrapped his arms around me.

I shoved them away using both hands his back hitting the table.

"This is obviously a fight!" I yelled as I started walking out of the kitchen.

He grabbed my hand tugging me back towards him.

"You're not running out on me we are not done discussing this." he said calmly, patiently as he tugged me back into his chest.

"I need to calm down before we continue this conversation so either you let me go or I fight you you let me go either way and you leave me alone for a few hours." I spoke venom dripping from every word.

"You know you're really cute when you're angry." he said it and you could hear thathe had a smirk on his face.

"Not the time Nara." I spoke trying to sound as hostile as I could.

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