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"Babe!" Kankuro's voice echoed through the house .

"Yes!" I called back from the bedroom.

"I need your help." he spoke his head poking in through the door with the biggest grin is face.

"And what do you need my help with?" I asked.

"Well um, just come to the living room." he demanded as he ran off I sighed as I placed down  book and walked to the living room.

When I entered the living room I saw a big white sheet splayed out on our carpet the coffee table moved and four colors placed on odd ends of the sheet, if one could call it a sheet that there was brown, yellow, red and purple the paint displayed. I looked at him with confusion as he stood in the middle of the sheet, shirtless?

"What is this?" I asked scrunching my nose up in confusion.

"Long-long story very-very short Gaara kind of pissed me off and he asked me to go painting hunting and find him a new painting so he could hang it in his office, whatever he wanted an abstract painting of these specific colors and because he pissed me off. I thought, you know that thing where people fuck on sheets with yeah, you know. I thought we should try something like that and give it to Gaara to have him hang it in his office." Kankuro spoke scratching the back of his neck.

"Fine. Let's go." I stated as I tugged my shirt over my head pissing of Gaara is one of the best things we did together.

"Really?" Kankuro asked before he almost tripped trying to take off his pants.

We continued stripping until we were both just in our underwear. Kankuro and I started walking closer to each other until we met in the middle of the canvas.

I have the purple paint in hand and he had the red as we started taking off each other's underwear. We have spreading paint all over the others body. I was covered in red he was covered in purple, it suited his skin. I as memorized as I dragged my hands up and down the ridges of his body. 

He ran a finger to be specific his index finger down my forehead down my chin down my throat until he reached the valley of my breasts. He started drawings circles around my nipples. Making m arch my back so he could have better access to my breasts. 

I on the other hand started tracing his abs with the purple paint not that it was odd thing to see him in purple paint. We continued rubbing each other full of paint it was luckily non-toxic Kankuro made sure of that.

Kankuro suddenly picked me up and lightly placed me down with my front facing the canvas. He gripped my hips before lifting them up. 

My hands my knees resting on the canvas and my nipples we're now on the canvas trying to cover everything in paint.

 I reached out and grabbed onto the yellow before adding a new color to our collection on the canvas.

He grabbed my ass with his hands before his tongue was pressed to my lower lips and he started eating me out not inserting a finger as he continued fucking into me with this time his lips likely wrapping around my clit sucking slightly while his tongue darted in and out of my bare cunt hat was exposed to him.

I started shaking my hands digging into the canvas forming more and more colors as I squirmed.

Making bigger motions than I normally would just to make it actually seem like a painting before we handed it of to Gaara.

 Right before I finished Kankuro flipped me around so my back was against the canvas on a blank part where we have not gotten any paint yet.

We continued rolling around on the canvas for a while just messing around before Kankuro finally pinned me down my hands above my head and my legs wrapped around his waist as he slowly sank his cock  into me in a swift movement.

 He started fucking into me over and over again his cock grazing my g-spot.

He let go of my hands as he made the decision that his hand was better directed to anoter area of the canvas

I was moaning and groaning as he continued moving his hips in and out of me.

 My hands grabbed onto his shoulders and I was careful not a sink in my nails in to his skin, we didn't want to get any paint into his bloodstream just to be careful.

He was also very careful not too harm me in anyway, in the making of the painting.

He continued fucking into me. I as already stimulated from him eating me out earlier. I felt my high approaching me faster.

A moan leaving my mouth and Kankuro let out a groan as he continued at his fast pace.

He suddenly reached his thumb down after cleaning it on the canvas rubbing my clit as he continued fucking into me my walls clamped down around him.  

My legs shook as I suddenly came, Kankuro wasn't far behind as he came inside of me keeping his cock in me so we did not spill unwanted come on Gaara's painting as we wanted to give to him, it couldn't actually smell like sex.

Kankuro stared down at me with a smile on its face as he picked me up and we walked through the house to get to the shower.

We took a shower together we'd have to clean the footsteps from the floor later on.


"I found a perfect painting for you." Kankuro stated as he walked into Gaara's office.

"So quick?" Gaara asked with a small grin on his face.

"Yep." Kankuro replied to his younger brother as he dragged in the painting covered by another sheet. 

Gaara walked up to the painting unavailing it.

"I love it, who's the artist?" Gaara asked as he stared at the painting.

"Oh, just a friend of mine." He stated with a small grin on his face.

"Well it's wonderful, I'll have it hung today!" as he's stood amazed by the painting.

"I'm glad you like it." Kankuro sad trying to hide a giggle wanting to slip past his lips.

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