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I was stressed. 

Stressed to the point of nausea.

A knot had formed in the pit of my stomach. We were off to war. I was not scared for my safety. I had little regard for that i this point in time. I was leaning against the living room wall fidgeting with the ring on my left ring finger, the one Shikaku gave me to promise that we would wed. 

I felt dizzy as Shikaku stood on the other side of the room.

I only had one thought as I thought of the slaughter that would start soon. 

I could not loose him. 

I would not loose him.

"What's going on?" Shikaku asked as he crossed is arms over his chest. A small smile played at his lips like nothing could be wrong.

I sighed and fought the tears that were threatening to spill over.

"Nothing." I whispered as I moved my eyes from him to the floor.

"I know you better than that, Y/n." He spoke. He was so calm. 

"I- I." I tried getting out but I had to stop my tears.

"Oh for fucks sake just spit it out!" He yelled dropping his calm act. Fear shot through me. 

For the first time in my life he yelled at me.

At me.

I ran to our shared bedroom without thinking before I locked the door and dropped to the floor.

He had never raised his voice at me. He was scared too. 

"Sweetheart, I'm sorry." He spoke softly. He was just as stressed as I was.

Tears spilled down my cheeks ad a sob tore through me.

Shikaku frantically tugged at the door handle trying to get to me. 

"Sweetheart what's wrong?" He asked. Panicked. That was what his voice let though. He was panicking.

"I don't want you to go." I cried as I hugged my knees to my chest in a attempt to sooth myself.

"Go where?" He asked trying to coax it out of me. Not because he needed to hear it but because I needed to get it from my chest.

"To the command center what if you-" I started but I was cut off.

"Don't you even think that." Shikaku spoke harshly. Stopping me.

"I'm so scared Shikaku." I whispered it but it felt like it echoed through our room.

I felt two inches tall. The fear engulfing me.

"Open the door for me." He spoke softly. 

I unlocked the door before slowly opening it. 

As soon as I saw his I almost fell into his chest as my arms wrapped around his waist. Shikaku wrapped his arms around me. I sobbed as I inhaled him. Home. What if he were to slip away into death and leave me alone again?

"I got you." He whispered as he kissed my hair in a soothing way.

"Shikaku." I whispered as I calmed down. His grip on me tightened.

"Right here." He whispered before he tilted my head up to look at him.

I looked up at him as I tried to memorize every feature of his face. His eyes. His hair. His scars. His nose. His lips.

My gaze lingered on his lips and he tilted his lips up in a grin.

Shikaku lowered himself and his lips brushed against mine.

My hands shot up to his neck as I deepened the kiss wanting his lips on mine. It was not hungry or lustful. It was a slow passionate kiss. It was something me savored as we indulged in one another.

I kissed him with all of the love I felt for him and he did the same.

His hands gripped the hem of my shirt, tugging softly.

I complied, pulling away from him as he tugged my shirt over my head. 

We slowly undressed one another. Memorizing the other.

Shikaku tugged me into his rock hard body. His naked body. Not only our bodies were naked, we exposed our souls to one another. We were standing in front of one another completely trusting completely exposed. In every way possible.

"I love you." He whispered against my lips before he pulled me in for another slow passionate kiss.

He backed up until he reached the bed.

I pulled away.

"I want to ride you." I whispered as I pushed him back.

"Eager are we?" He asked sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Only for the man I love." I whispered as I straddled him.

"Oh so you do love me." He teased, an attempt to lighten the serious mood in our bedroom. 

His hands on my hips as I hovered above his hard cock.

My hands on his large muscular shoulders.

I lowered myself slowly as we watched each other with such intensity that it was enough to make any other person feel uncomfortable.

I finally connected with him completely.

"Oh shut up." I muttered as I rested my head on his shoulder. Savoring the feeling of him inside of me.

He kissed my shoulder. Sweetly softly.

"Careful sweetheart." He whispered against my ear sending shivers down my spine like only he could.

I started bouncing on his cock. 

I moaned as he stretched me out.

Shikaku moved one of his hands to my cheek looking me in the eyes ad we culd both feel it. 

This was goodbye. 

Neither of us were ready to accept that.

I sped up my movements and Shikaku let out a groan.

"Sweetheart." He whispered like trying to stop the feeling that rested inside both of us.

I continued riding his cock like his life depended on it because if this was goodbye it better be a memorable one. 

"Shikaku." I spoke as I moved up and down on his cock.

He moved his hand from my cheek down my body until his fingers started playing with my clit.

I tossed my head back moaning.

"That's my girl." He growled as he kissed my throat.

I moaned as his cock pounded against my g-spot. 

Shikaku wrapped his hand that was on my hip around my throat. He tilted my head to look at him. My nails dug into his shoulders as my high got closer. I knew we were not going to last much longer. I wanted us to last longer I wanted to never separate from him again. 

I bounced on his cock until we both reached sweet release. 

I went limp against his chest and for a second time that night tears spilled down my cheeks.

"I got you." He whispered as he kissed my forehead.

The next morning we were off to war. My heart sank the moment I lost sight of him.

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