Asuma + Kiba

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"You three are all I have to complete this mission. I know you are an odd combination to say the least but you will get used to it." Tsunade spoke as she interlocked her fingers with one another i front of her face her eyes locked down on the three of us.

Kiba I would lick your abs Inuzuka.

Asuma please fuck my brains out Sarutobi.

And me.

"Not a problem lady Hokage. We will bring back the scroll from the land of the waves." Asuma spoke as he looked at her with determination in his eyes.

"You better. Dismissed." Tsunade finally told us we can go.

We walked out of her office and down the stairs until we were in front of the building.

"Where should we meet up?" I asked as I looked up at the squad leader.

"Village gate." Asuma gritted out as he struggled to light his cigarette.

"Whatever you say sensei." Kiba responded as he placed a had over my shoulder like it was the most natural thing ever.

"How long do we have to collect our things?" I asked as I looked up at Asuma. Trying to ignore the heat of Kiba's hand on my shoulder as well as the way it felt and how it weighed down on my shoulder. So close to my breast that it was almost touching. If Kiba moved a inch his hand would be on my breast.

"One hour." Asuma replied as smoke spilled over his lips in breathy exhale.

I could feel the wetness pool between my legs as I listened to his voice and Kiba inhaled deeply.

"You smell good." Kiba whispered in my ear almost growling.

"You two are dismissed." Asuma walked away waving at us with a large hand unoccupied by the cigarette.

" Bye Kiba." I spoke as I removed his hand from my shoulder.

"See you later. Let's go Akamaru." Kiba spoke as he strolled back to his house to collect his thigs.

* * *

We were booked into an inn that the village covered financially in the land of waves.

We were going to get the scroll early the next morning.

"They only have one room." Asuma spoke as he eyed the two of us.

"Not a problem." I spoke with more confidence than I felt. When I looked up at Kiba I could see that he knew that my confidence had faltered.

"No complaints here." Kiba spoke up trying to calm my nerves. Akamaru already booked into the doggy hotel they had there.

"Let's go then." Asuma was already walking away as he spoke and Kiba d I were quick to follow.

Asuma got to the door first as he had the key and knew where we had to go.

Asuma pushed opened the door. His large back blocking my view of the room. He tensed up and turned to look at us.

He got pink tit to his cheeks when he spoke gin.

"There seems to only be one bed." Asuma's hand rested on the back of his neck and my heart sank.

"O-oh okay." I spoke feeling jittery.

Asuma placed both of his hands on my cheeks as he looked deeply into my eyes.

"It's okay." Asuma's voice was soft yet it still held that roughness that I liked.

Asuma's eyes were locked on my own. My heartbeat sped up s if it were a formula one car on a straight. Asuma's eyes darted down to my lips. His tongue darted out of his mouth before he licked his bottom lip. My breathing hitched.

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