Jiraiya + Sukumo + Tobirama

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My father commanded that I get protection and when I asked him if I should buy condoms he was not impressed so he hired three ninja to follow me around. They looked like they could be family because they all had white hair and sexy bodies and at least one of them had to watch me at all times.

I was sitting in our indoor gym watching all three of them working out. Shirtless and sweaty.

Jiraiya was doing push ups his back fully exposed to my gaze. 

Tobirama was working his biceps with some weights.

Sukumo was training his legs. 

I was training my self control.

My teeth found my lower lip and my thighs squeezed together. Jiraiya winked at me as I eyed his body.

"Y/n, are you okay?" Sukumo asked as he sat down next to me while sipping some water his legs spread wide. His skin pressed against my own.

"Yeah, I'm going to get some ice cream." I spoke as I stood having to get away from them.

"I'll go with you." Jiraiya spoke as he moved to stand.

"I'm done as well." Sukumo spoke.

"I'm done." Tobirama spoke as they all  stood by me now.

I felt a blush creeping up as all three of them were this close to me while shirtless.

"You don't want ice cream do you?" Sukumo asked right next to my ear.

"N-no."  stuttered out as I covered my face with my hands.

"We still need  to do some cardio." Jiraiya spoke as he leaned closer to me by bending so his face was mere inches away from my own.

Tobirama crossed his arms over his chest.

"Let's go to her bedroom." Tobirama's cool voice spoke next to my ear.

Jiraiya did not need a second invitation before he tugged me into him before tossing me over his shoulder and almost sprinting to my bedroom.

"Where are you going?" My fathers voice boomed from his office.

"Were running drills." Sukumo lied as he stood in the door.

"Okay, Y/n I am heading out so you have the house to yourself." He spoke as he fixed his suit and stepped out of the hallway.

"Bye dad!" I called from over Jiraiya's shoulder.

"How long will he be gone?" Tobirama asked as he watched the empty space my father had left when he turned a corner.

"About a week." I spoke as I slapped Jiraiya's ass. Hard. He yelped before he chuckled.

"You are so getting it." His voice was rough and low as he spoke.

"Yes please." I piped up and a hand slapped my ass. I moaned as my hips thrusted forward on Jiraiya's shoulder.

"Are you a little kinky hmm doll?" Sukumo asked as he ran a finger down my spine.

"Yes." I almost moaned out as Jiraiya started moving towards my bedroom. 

The other's in tow.

We entered my bedroom and one of them closed my door before Jiraiya tossed me down on my bed. He was quick to grab onto my ankle tugging me closer to the edge of the bed before his other hand flipped me over.

"What are you doing?" Tobirama asked as Jiraiya placed both his hands on my hips tugging them up.

"Stay like this for me babe." He spoke his hands rubbing my hips.

"Okay." I replied as I kept my ass in the air.

"Jiraiya?" Tobirama asked.

I looked up only to be faced with my boring pillows.

"I told her that she was going to get it, Sukumo choose a number." Jiraiya's smooth voice spoke.

"Twelve." Sukumo spoke from behind me.

"Baby, you better count." Jiraiya warned.

He tossed my dress forward covering my back and the back of my head.

"Look at this." Jiraiya spoke as he traced my bare ass.

"No panties." Tobirama spoke with shock but very lustful.

"Look at how wet." Sukumo spoke as he ran a hand through my folds.

I moaned at the feeling of his finger between my folds.

Jiraiya rubbed my ass with one of his large hands.

Suddenly he brought his hand down the sound of skin hitting skin filled the room. My hips jerked forward and a finger traced my clit making me moan.

"Count." Tobirama ordered in a booming voice.

"One." I breathed out.

His hand was brought down on my other ass cheek.

"Fuck two." I cursed.

Jiraiya's hand came down on the other ass cheek.

"T-three." I stuttered as two fingers made their way into my pussy.

The finger working my clit pressed down on it softly right ass the impact of Jiraiya slapping my ass echoed through the room.

"Fo-ur."I moaned between syllables.

He switched sides as the fingers curled inside of me finding my g-spot and working it.

"Five." I moaned the word.

Jiraiya placed another palm on my ass the stimulation on my clit and g-spot along with the pain made my legs quiver.

"Six!" I called out in ecstasy.

Jiraiya wasted no time as he brought a hand down on my ass.

"Seven." I hummed out the word, my head lulling forward as I spoke.

A hand gripped onto my hip as Jiraiya placed another delicious blow against my ass 

"Ei-eight." I moan-stuttered.

"Keep up doll." Sukumo warned.

Jiraiya slapped my ass again the thump echoing through my room.

"Ng-nine."I moaned before I counted.

"Look at this dripping cunt." Tobirama praised.

Another blow landed on my ass at the exact time pressure was applied to my g-spot and my clit.

"Ten, fuck." I cursed as my hands gripped on to the the sheets.

My legs shook as they landed another attack on my body

"eleven." I moaned as my walls clenched around the fingers pounding into my g-spot.

They repeated the same action.

"Twelve!" I screamed out as I came form all of the stimulation.

"Good job." Sukumo praised.

"That's our girl." Jiraiya spoke as I let out a moan.

"Let's get some ice cream before we move on." Tobirama spoke and I was tugged into a chest, my knees still resting on the bed. 

Sukumo took me form Jiraiya's arms and I clung to him like a child would with my legs wrapped around his waist and my face buried in his neck, my hands clinging to his bare shoulders.

"I like this no panties business, I can fee your needy pussy against my body." Sukumo spoke as he traced a hand up and down my spine.

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