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"Our secret moments." I began to sing as I placed the glass wear in the soapy water.

"In a crowded room." I thought about every time I had made eye contact with Hasirama over a crowded room. 

Times his hands grazed my waist.

His breath touched my ear.

"They've got no idea about me and you." My brother. Madara had no idea about my feelings or his best friend and rival.

"There is an indentation in the shape of you." I sung as my wash cloth danced over the glass with soapy bubbles.

"Made your mark on me." I smiled as I thought about the mark my childhood best frien had left on my life.

"A golden tattoo." I placed a cup in the water coating it with soap.

"All of the silence and patience, pining in anticipation." I smiled as I continued with the dishes.

"My hands are shaking from holding back from you." I wanted to touch him, feel him have him for myself.

"All of the silence and patience, pining and desperately waiting." I abandoned the dishes.

"My hands are shaking from holding back from all this." I sag as I sank to the floor, splashing some soap around from the cloth in my hand, knowing well that I would have to clean it later.

"Say my name and everything just stops." I paused for dramatic effect.

"I don't want you like a best friend." I sang as my hands dramatically fell into my lap.

"Only bought this dress so you could take it off." I ran my wet hands over my clothes.

"No one is taking anything off." Madara's loud voice boomed through the kitchen.

"AHH!" I called out throwing him with the cloth.

"Ah!" Madara said in a disgusted tone.

"Ah ha!" Hashirama laughed in the hallway.

I scurried to my feet.

"Lord hokage w-what a surprise." I muttered as a blush coated my face.

"Y/n you know you can call me Hashirama." Hashirama spoke as he ruffled my hair.

Just like you would that of a little sister.

"Right well, you two need to sort whatever bullshit it is you have going on out. I don't deal with feelings so I will be leaving but when I come back I expect thing to be back to normal." Madara spoke out of the blue leaving both me and Hashirama alone in the kitchen.

Madara stormed out of the house.

"So." I said as I moved to sit on the island in the kitchen.

"So you want me to tear that dress from your body?" He asked so confidently so randomly that my face flushed.

"W-what?" I asked with a stutter that I cursed.

"Oh come on Y/n." He moved to stand between my legs, spreading my own around his, I would be lying through my teeth if I thought that this was not arousing. I was hot and bothered with his body this close to my own. With his hands on my hips and his cock so close to my cunt. All he had to do was lift my dress and remove my panties and he had access.

"Hashirama?" I asked trying to remain calm.

"I have seen the way you look at me. I have noticed the way you squeezed your thighs closed as you watch me battling your brother, you are not good at hiding your feelings honey." He spoke, he told the truth and I had not realized that he had noticed. I thought this was one sided.

"I have no idea what you are talking about." I placed my hands against the counter.

"Well they say actions speak louder than words." He spoke as he moved a hand from my hip to my cheek.

Hashirama curled his pinky under my chin and tilted my head up ever so slightly his calloused thumb drew circles on my cheekbone. I made eye contact with him and his eyes held a storm as he leaned closer to me. His eyes captivated me his sent overwhelming me for a moment as he leaned in closer. My hands shot out and pressed against his hard chest. I wanted to push him away but I moved my hands to rest around his neck my hands tangling into the nape of his neck as my breathing hitched. Hashirama licked his lips before he pressed his full lips against my own in a hard rough but still sweet kiss. I sighed into the kiss as my eyes fluttered shut. His lips were soft and you could feel the little callouses from the amount of times he had a busted lip but it was Hashirama. His hand on my hip's grip tightened as I kissed. I leaned into him more trying to seize the moment. Hashirama licked my bottom lip and I parted my lips for him. He slipped his tongue into my mouth slowly and carefully, it was sweet like I said before it was Hashirama he slipped explored my mouth completely. I was his for the taking, and he was mine.

His hips bucked into my own and we pulled away slightly.

"We should stop." He whispered.

"If you do't fuck me on this counter I will never speak to you again." I gripped the collar of his shirt keeping him against me.

"Is that really the way you want to play this?" He asked as his hand moved from my cheek to cup my breast.

"Yes." I spoke as my eyes fluttered shut.

"Well then Madara will be back soon, so." He started but I pressed a finger to his lips.

"Don't talk about my brother." I whispered against his outer earlobe before I kissed it.

"Have it your way." He whispered as he lifted my skirt.

I gasped as he pushed aside my underwear and slipped his finger through my folds.

"Ha- Hashirama." I whispered as he rubbed my clit.

He slipped two of his fingers into me and I moaned out tossing my head onto his shoulder.

"I'm guessing this is your first time, so I am going to mold this" thrust "pussy for me" thrust "and only" thrust "me and you are" thrust "going to enjoy being" thrust "mine and only" thrust "mine and as soon as you" thrust "are ready you" thrust "are going to marry" thrust "me and I am" thrust "going to breed" thrust "you, just think about" thrust "all of the pretty little" thrust "children we'll" thrust "have." Hashirama punctuated every word with his fingers hitting against my g-spot and I let out a moan every time.

His fingers hit against my g-spot again and I bit into his clothed shoulder to keep myself silent. My entire body relaxed as I came on Hashirama's fingers.

"So you think it's appropriate to finger fuck my sister on my counter in my house when I told you to talk things out. You know prepare yourself Hashirama!" Madara spoke form the door way of the kitchen.

"Let it go Madara." I spoke as I rolled my eyes. Hashirama's fingers still inside of me.

"I'll be back." Hashirama spoke as he removed his fingers from me making me whine from the loss of contact. He placed a kiss on my forehead before Madara chased him all around the house and the trough the village. 

Tobirama had disappeared after Madara made a comment about fucking Hashirama's sibling and we found him hiding in the hidden sand three months later he refused to go home only muttering something about not realizing he actually wanted Madara to fuck him...

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