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Gaara and I have been separated for close to six months now. I am a leaf village shinobi and he is the Kazekage. We don't really see all that much of one another. I miss him a fuck ton. We write each other letters but that's about it. I was sitting in my bedroom reading the old letters again. I kept them in a box.

My dearest, Y/n

I am losing my mind. I do not have the pleasure of sleeping at all but even if I did I would not be able to close my eyes unless I had you in my arms.

Darling I miss you so very very fucking much. I almost killed Kankuro today because he tried to change out the flowers I got when we thought you would be coming but the hokage had no need anymore. The flowers are decomposing in a vase. I can't wait to see you again.

I don't know how much more I can take.

Quit and come running to me. I know that it is selfish to ask it of you. From what I hear you are losing it as well. I will give you a job in the sand, I will give you anything and everything.I don't even care that I am this selfish.I am going to quit if I can't convince you to do so.

 I swear.

Fuck baby. I need you here. Do you have any idea how much I have asked the hokage to send you to me?

I love you so fucking much

.Write back soon.

Yours truly Gaara

I tugged the his T-shirt I was wearing closer to my heart by balling it up against my chest.

There was a knock at my door and I groaned as I slid from the bed covered in letters.

"Y/n open the fuck up!" An very familiar, very annoying voice called from my front door.

"Kankuro?" I asked as I unlocked the door.

"Who else?" He asked as I tugged the door open.

"Is he here?" I asked as my yes darted around the puppet master.

"Hello Y/n how are you? I'm doing great thanks-" I tugged him closer to me by the collar of his shirt.

"Cut the bullshit is Gaara in the village." I asked as I held his shirt tighter.

"Yes, he is on his way to a meeting." Kankuro spilled his guts.

"Thanks."I muttered as I let him go and moved to run. I tossed Kankuro the house key before I jumped from roof to roof getting to the hokage's office as fast as possible. I saw Gaara standing in the office through the window that I jumped through just to get to Gaara. As soon as I was through the window I darted strait into his arms.

"GAARA." I almost sobbed out as his arms wrapped around me.

"Baby." He whispered as his grip tightened around me.

I held my head against his chest afraid that this was simply a dream.

"Gaara I lost her!" Kankuro called out as he came in through the window as well.

"She found me first." Gaara spoke a smile in his voice I looked up at him only to find him struggling to keep his own tears at bay.

"Just get out of my fucking office!" Tsunade commanded as her eyes darted between the two of us.

"Thank you." Gaara spoke before he hoisted me  into his arms I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist.

"Kankuro book into a inn or something." Gaara spoke as Kankuro handed him my house key and before I knew it I was pressed against my bedroom door.

"No bra?" Gaara asked with a small smile laying on his lips.

"Shut up." I muttered as I grabbed the back of his hair before I smashed our lips together.

"Fuck'n need you." I spoke against his lips hastily pressing my lips to his between every fucking word I spoke.

"Babe, calm down." Gaara whispered using his sand to pin me against the door by my wrists and ankles, successfully pinning me to my own bedroom door. He made a small movement with his hands spreading my legs as they dangled in the air.

"Are you comfortable?" Gaara asked as I struggled to get the sand cuffs from my wrists.

"No." I spoke in a duh tone.

"Good." Was all he said before he grabbed a kunai from my dresser and cut my shorts and panties from my body.

"Gaara?" I asked questioning his actions.

"Yes darling?" He asked as he stepped closer to me. His face lower than my own seeing as I was dangling above the ground. 

"What are you doing?" I asked as his fingers started circling my clit.

"Savoring you." He spoke as he sank his two digits into e before curling them and finding my g-spot with such ease that it almost scarred me.

I tossed my head back as I moaned out. 

Gaara wrapped his hand around my throat and he looked up at me while he continued his assault on my pussy.

"I want to hear you screaming my name." His rough voice was low in my ear as he spoke.

I looked at him right as his finger hit my g-spot again and I moaned out. My lips falling open as drool ran down my chin.

I drank up all of the pleasure nearing my climax. My walls squeezed his fingers and my moans became more frequent as I called out his name. 

Gaara pulled his fingers out completely before he sucked on them. Closing his eyes and moaning at the taste.

"What the fuck?" I asked breathlessly.

"The only thing you get to come on his my cock." Gaara spoke as he striped off his own clothes and I devoured the way he looked with my eyes. Drinking in how his muscles flexed and his clothes piled up on the floor.

Gaara soon stood in front of me fully naked and he allowed my legs to go keeping my hands sand cuffed to the door. He placed his hands on my ass before he tugged my lower half closer to him. I wrapped my legs around his waist as Gaara lined himself up with me.

"Fuck baby." He whispered as he sunk into me slowly.

"Gaara." I moaned as he bottomed out in me.

He rocked his hips forward and my head fell against his shoulder as I moaned out. Gaara's grip on my ass tightened as he fucked into me roughly.

Gaara moved forward my back resting against the cold door. 

I bit down on his collarbone sinking my teeth into him.

The sand dug into my skin scratching and scarring the skin beneath it. Gaara tightened the cuffs and I hissed out.

Gaara let out a groan as he continued his rough pace. The sound of skin hitting skin echoed throughout my room. 

I panted as Gaara moved a hand to trail up my T-shirt clad body before he wrapped a hand around my neck. I moaned as he disrupted my airflow and I saw stars. 

My high was approaching at a rapid pace. I moaned as I looked at Gaara's biceps and his muscular shoulders, I wanted to run my hands down his body but they were tied up and I wined at this. 

But Gaara paid it little mind as he pounded into my g-spot. Over and over again.

"I missed you, so so much." He whispered as a broken version of his name fell from my lips.

My walls tightened around his tick cock.

Gaara let out a groan and he dropped his head into the crook of my neck. He bit down and pierced my skin along with my his T-shirt. I moaned out at the slight sting.

"G-Gaa-Ng-Gaara." I moaned out before I came on his cock my body reacted to him as my legs shook around his waist. 

Gaara groaned as he came with his cock buried deep inside of me.

"I missed  you." I whispered as he rode out our highs.

He finally allowed me to touch him by releasing my raw wrists.

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