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Entomology, that's what he studied and now he keeps bees. How on earth can a person be so fucking attractive while working with bees? I stood in absolute awe as I watched Shino gently work with the bees from the kitchen's window.

I was supposed to get a cup of water and now I was staring at Shino Aburame, the weird quite boy in my high school math class yet now there were new feelings I had developed for him, and him doing everything right just did not help my case.

I had not seen him since I left for collage and he did the same we went to different states and now we were forced to be on his family farm for two weeks because our parents were friends. I had been stalking his Instagram for weeks if not months. I was so fucking love with him that I was letting the glass overflow in my hand and I did not notice until a hand reached around and closed the tap.

"Your cup is full." Shino's brother's voice sounded behind me and I almost jumped.

"Sorry, I just-" I paused to think of a quick lie.

"You were just staring at my brother." He pointed out placidly.

"No! I w-was j-just zoned out." I answered a bit too quickly.

"He likes you too, I can help but it will cost you." He stared at me over his sunglasses.

"Name your price." I said as I brought the dripping full glass and took a sip because my throat suddenly got very dry.

"You have to promise not to break his heart." He gave me a pointed look.

"Why would I break his-"

"Just promise me, Y/n I can't help either one of you if you are going to hurt each other." He held onto my upper arm squeezing ever so slightly so I could not get out of his grip and to get his point across better.

"I promise." I almost whispered and suddenly his hand was ripped from my arm.

"Don't fucking touch her." Shino's voice had a angry edge to it as he glared at his sibling.

"It's okay." I said as I touched Shino's shoulder gently.

"It's really fucking not." He gritted out as he kept his gaze on his brother.

"Shino stop it." His brother said as he used his other hand to grip Shino's wrist. But Shino was holding on with the intent to kill.

"No, you know I won't back down when it comes to her." Shino spat the words as he drew his arm back and punched his brother square in the jaw with an upper cut that stopped for no one.

"You little squirt!" His brother pulled his arm out of Shino's grip and tried throwing a punch but Shino dodged it and his brother's fist collided with my nose.

"Fuck!" I called out as I clutched my nose.

"Now you have fucking done it." Shino almost growled as he punched his brother I could not see a lot of the fight as my eyes watered I gripped the counter with my hand unoccupied by the glass of water, yet most of it was over my clothes and the floor.

"Shino." I whispered as I watched him pummeling his brother face with his fists.

Shino seemed to ignore me as his fist collided with his brothers face and audible crack was heard.

"Stop." a voice boomed through the kitchen, Kiba one of our childhood friends griped Shino's arm.

"Kiba let go." Shino gritted out. Kiba pulled Shino up by his arm.

"Calm down." Kiba spoke stern yet calm.

"Kiba." He almost snarled yet Kiba was not intimidated.

I moved to I was standing behind Shino ad I wrapped my arms around his torso.

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