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Itachi and I had been friends for a while when it happened. I was standing in the kitchen when he placed his large hand on my ass before moving it away just as quickly. He stripped me bare with the words he whispered so lewdly even if in different context they would be innocent but the why he said it, oh my.

I secretly loved the teasing but it made me question my sanity because I wondered if it was really him or my mind plying tricks on me.

His teasing is how I ended p hot d bothered in my bedroom with my legs spread and viberator against my clit thinking about Itachi, pondering what he would say. How his skin would feel against my own. How his body would react how he would play with my hard bare nipples.

"'Tachi." I moaned as my back arched from the bed and my head flew back.

A hand was on my own and ice ran down my back as I made eye contact with those of onyx black.


"Don't fucking stop, you look so fucking good baby." Itachi moved the viberator to touch my clit harder and I moved out as the new stimulation fell over my body.

"You are such a pretty little whore for me." His rough voice spoke s he looked down at me with pure hunger.

His had replaced mine on the viberator allowing me to drop them to tangle in the sheets of my bed, my knuckles turned white at this.

He pushed the vibrator through my folds and my back arched from the mattress as red covered my cheeks ad my shrill voice pierced the it with a lewd moan dragging through it.

"Look at you sucking up to every-fucking-thing I am handing to you." Itachi sounded mesmerised.

He allowed the vibrator to reside against my hole begging for entrance that Itachi was not ready to hand my pleasure over so quickly.

Itachi's free had gripped my hair dragging me closer to his face.

"Itachi." I whispered breathlessly and so needy as I made deep sensual, intimate eye contact with him.

His large hands residing in my hair that he had gathered in a make shift ponytail.

"Such a pretty slut for me." He praised.

Drool ran down my chi as Itachi finally slipped the toy in me, making sure it found residence against my g-spot s I tossed my held back in pure ecstasy

"Itachi." I moaned out as I gripped the sheets harder.

Itachi's eyes grew wide as he looked at me like I had said the most beautiful thing he had ever herd. He swallowed. Hard.

"Say my name like that again." Itachi demanded his voice deep and very, very manly almost primal.

He slammed the toy right against my g-spot yet again and kept it there.

"Itachi." I called out slightly more high pitched than the first time.

A muscle in his aw ticked d he pulled the vibe out of me before switching it off.

"My perfect little slut." He muttered before he gripped the back of my knees with both of his hands ad placing himself between my legs as if he had belonged between them all his life.

"Fuck." I whispered as my teeth found comfort in my lip and I made eye contact with him so sensually that it was whatever and orgasm for your eyes re called.

"Not yet baby, but I am going to taste this sweet pussy now, is that okay with you?" He asked as he placed my legs on his shoulder. His head already lowering.

"Does it matter if I say no?" I asked with a hint of humour in my voice.

"Of course it does. Consent is sexy." He muttered but the wy his eyes flicked to my pussy would have made it almost impossible to say no, and I wanted this. Wnted him.

"Do as you please with me." I whispered.

Itachi did not need to be told twice s he licked bold stripe down my pussy before he kissed my clit. My heart fluttered t his sweetness before he placed his tongue flat against me making me moan out and arch my back.

Itachi moved his hands to hold my wn. He held them right where they had tangled in the sheets. I hummed in agreement as our hands interlocked.

"Itachi." I moaned out as he stimulated my clit. He hummed lowly sendig vibrations throughout y entire being.

Itachi slipped his tongue into me. His mouth wrapped around me completely. He pressed his tounge to me right before he sucked down softly. The sensation had me screaming out his name.

Itchi made eye contact with me through my legs his sharingun blazing with passion.

I moaned out his name keeping eye contact with him.

His eyes shoe as he continued devouring me like I was going to be his last meal.

His tongue moved in and out of me as he continued stimulating my clit with light sucks.

"Itachi s-so clo-close!" I called out as my legs shook on his shoulders.

That seemed to fuel him more he kept the same pace afraid to ruin my orgasm. I threw my hed bck s I came on his tongue. Itachi helped me to ride out my high.

He pulled away from me with a lewd pop sound. Itachi got up from the bed his face glimmering with trace of me.

"I have got to go." He whispered as he made eye contact with me.

"Stay." I grabbed his wrist trying to keep him right there next to me.

"I wish I could." He looked at me as he whipped away the remains of me from his lips and face. Like he had never had been in between my legs. Like I had imagined it but his eyes that were back to onyx now was proof enough that he remembered.

"Please." I felt like I was begging him.

"I have to go. I have to help out with some things. I'll be back baby." He reassured. He was always true to his word especially to me and Sasuke.

"Be safe." I whispered knowing that he was probably bout to go do some reckless things with Kakashi or his father.

"For you, always." He kissed my forehead before he replaced it with two fingers." Get some sleep. You won't be getting any tonight." He winked as he pushed my forehead back just a little. Heat gathered between my legs gain s a blush coated my cheeks and Itachi walked out of my door. I could almost feel him smirking and his smugness radiating from him.

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