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It was morning yet still dark out as Kiba stood in the dimly lit farm house kitchen with a cup of coffee in his hands when I came walking in wearing his T-shirt and some panties.

"Morning babe." Kiba greeted as I made my way to the coffee pot.

"Hn." I greeted as I picked up the pot, Kiba was too happy that early in the morning. His arms curled around my waist as he tugged me into him.

"Kiba, it's early." I whispered as he trailed kisses down my neck.

"Well that sure has hell won't stop me." He whispered as I placed my coffee down.

"I know." I mumbled as I moved everything away from the counter's surface to the side.

Kiba moved his hands before bending me forward onto the counter, his hard sweat pant clad cock rubbing against my ass.

"Kiba, your sister is coming."

"Shut up, she is coming for dinner and this house is already fucking spotless, let me have a good morning." He gritted out into my ear, his tone almost demanding ad I knew that I was helpless against him.

"Fuck me then." I said unenthusiastic and bored.

"Not with that attitude." Kiba's voice rasped in my ear.

Kiba moved his hips to snap against my back.

"You see darling, I need you, I want you and you. You don't even want to say good morning to me so, what to do what to do." Kiba whispered as if thinking.

"Kiba." I whispered as he moved away slightly before spinning me around in his arms, my hands landing on his chest.

"Y/n." He almost growled as he looked down at me hunger in his eyes.

His lips were on mine before I knew what was happening, hungry and ravishing. He squeezed my cheeks with one hand the other groping my ass as I moaned into his mouth. His knee slipped between my legs as he kissed me harder. He lifted his knee slightly causing vibrations against my clit.

"Kiba." I gasped out as we broke apart for air.

"I like the way that sounds far fucking better." Kiba's voice still held hunger as his lips connected with mine again.

"Kiba." I moaned into his mouth.

"Let's try this again." Kiba whispered and in an instant I was pressed against the counter top again.

"Fuck." I moaned as he pushed my panties to the side before he toyed with my clit.

"You are wet baby but I need at least drenched before anything else happens." Kiba whispered as he raced my clit with his fingers.

"Kiba, I don't hav-"

"If your not going to moan keep that pretty little mouth shut." Kiba demanded as he traced a finger around my entrance.

"Kiba." I wanted it to come out as a warning but Kiba sank two fingers deep in me and it came out like a gasp as my head dropped down onto the cod marble of the counter.

"That's much better." Kiba whispered as he moved his fingers to find my g-spot that he knew all too well.

Moans rolled from my lips as Kiba continued doing something darn close to black magic as his fingers hammered against my g-spot. Kiba pulled out his fingers as he kissed the back of my neck.

I wined at the loss of contact.

"You see, I want you this fucking needy for me, I need you wanting more of me. I do't want sex to feel like a chore to you ever so just let me work this beautiful body of yours and stop thinking about it." Every word he spoke was punctuated by his fingers ramming my g-spot.

"K-Kiba." I moaned as my legs spread more for him.

"That's my good girl." He whispered as my walls clamped around his fingers.

I moaned out as a response, right as I fell over the edge.

Kiba had no time to waste as he dropped to his knees behind me before he hoisted both of my legs over his shoulder, spreading me out for his tongue as he held my upper thigh with his hands, Kiba was quick to tear my panties off with his teeth before his lips found my clit.

I shivered at the feeling.

Kiba started lapping at my entrance. His tongue dipped in, as if testing the water.

Kiba groaned out and my hands gripped the counter before Kiba started devouring me. I called out his name and clawed at the counter as he sucked on my clit one of his hand moving to ram against my g-spot again. My legs trembled on his shoulders.

I could feel Kiba smirking against my lower lips as his fingers kept on hitting the same electric spot over and over again.

"Kiba!" I called out as I came on his tongue.

"Yes darling." He muttered as he placed my shaking feet back on the ground now.

I simply wined as his cock teased my entrance.

"I-i'm no-t walking f-for a while." I muttered as he rammed into my shaking body.

"No you are not." I growled as his cock pummeled into my a-spot.

Kiba's one hand rested on my hip while the other found it's way to my hair gripping it at the base and tugging my head back.

"I want you so relaxed that you can't fucking move." He whispered as he kissed my cheek.

"K-Kiba." I muttered as drool dribbled down my chin.

Kiba groaned as my entire body shook from the huge amounts pleasure Kiba had been inflicting on my body. I saw white in the corners of my eyes as I felt my high approaching yet again.

"Darling." Kiba groaned as he rolled his hips into mine.

I hummed out unable to respond as my overly sensitive walls clamped down on him.

"I ca-can't." I muttered not being able to think about it.

"You will." Kiba growled out as he slammed his cock into me again.

"Kiba!" I called out as I came on his cock my head lulled forward in his grip as I blacked out.

The entire kitchen smelled like sex as Kiba groaned and came inside of me, my legs still shook and Kiba kept me upright.

"Are you okay?" Kiba asked as he pulled out of me.

"Yes, thank you I needed this." I whispered as I placed the back of my head against his chest.

"I know baby, let's go shower and have a second round." Kiba whispered as both arms wrapped around my waist.

"How about, she get's to shower and you make your sister a cup of coffee."


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