
521 14 2

TW drowning.

I was relaxing in the bathtub after a long day.

Shikamaru came into the bathroom pissed as hell. He did not say a word as he pulled off his shirt.

The veins in his arms more prominent than ever and he smelled like smoke more than usually, so I knew it whatever pissed him off was not a light topic and to tread carefully around him. Not that he would ever hurt me in an abusive way.

I knew he did not want to talk about it.

"Baby." He spoke his voice hoarse.

"Yes." I spoke as I looked up at him.

He placed his hand on my cheek, his brown eyes holding so much anger that gave me a thrill, shooting straight between my legs.

He pulled off his belt making me gulp.

"I need you." He whispered as he dropped his pants his cock already standing at attention as he dropped his underwear before he motioned for me to allow him to join me.

I moved as he sank down behind me.

"Are you good-" He started getting consent

"Fuck me." I whispered as I turned around before I straddled him.

His thick cock between my thighs.

My hands on his broad shoulders.

His large hands on my hips.

His eyes on me as he eyed me completely happy with how things were playing out.

I sank down on him and he let out a groan.

I watched his head fall back as he stretched me out oh so completely.

I let out a load moan as his balls slapped my ass.

"Baby, I need rough." He spoke as his hands pressed into me more firmly.

"I understand." I spoke as he started bouncing me on his cock.

My moans got louder as he continued his movements.

The water splashed all over the bathroom floor.

"Such a good slut." Shikamaru praised as he fucked me into an oblivion.

"Shika." I moaned as he started moving faster than before.

"That's it baby." He groaned the veins in his neck becoming more prominent.

He suddenly flipped me onto all fours in the tub before sh0oving my face into the water and shoving himself back into me.

I could feel the adrenaline coursing through my body and rushing strait to my dripping wet pussy.

Shikamaru tugged my head up and I gasped for air before he shoved me back down the grip on my hair hurting a bit as he continued.

He slammed his hips back into me and I moaned into the now luke warm water.

Shikamaru slapped my ass before yanking me up, my back pressed to his wet, naked, defined chest.

"Scream for me slut." He whispered in my ear before he shoved my head into the water yet again.

He continued his relentlessness as he removed his hand from my hip towards my clit as he started rubbing.

My legs shook as I screamed into the water the lack of air becoming a bit concerning.

Right before I started panicking he yanked me back up still pounding into me.

"That's my slut." He whispered as I gasped for air.

I got two good breaths in and I was shoved underwater again.

Shikamaru slapped my ass yet again before he started drawing circles around my clit right as I was about to give in to the sweet caress of his hand on my clit, he slapped my clit, and I screamed the air bubbles surfacing.

He continued fucking me as he yanked my head back up.

"Are you still, okay?" He asked as he allowed me to breath a while.

"Fuck yes." I whispered and I was shoved underwater again as he moved his hand from my clit back to my ass slapping it for good measure.

He pulled me back up.

"You are doing so fucking good for me." He whispered as he kissed my neck while I gasped for air.

He moved his hand from my hair towards my neck as he restricted my airway.

"Look at you taking my cock so fucking good." He spoke as I moaned out from the sheer force he was using to fuck me.

He moved his hand from my hip towards my clit as he started rubbing it in a fast motion.

"I'm so fucking close." He whispered as he kissed my collarbone.

"Shika!" I yelled out as my legs wobbled beneath me and my high was approaching.

"Come for me." He whispered as he held me impossibly close to him.

I moaned out a variation of Shikamaru as My entire body shook with pleasure as I came.

Shikamaru groaned against my skin as he came deep inside of me.

After we got down from our highs we got out of the tub.

Shikamaru cleaned up the mess in the bathroom after he blow dried my hair whilst profusely apologizing to me. And every time I told him that I liked it and that he need not worry.

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