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Gai had entered and lost a lasso competition. He was upset, very upset to say the least as he sat on my couch moping.

"Stop being so upset, there is always next year." I scolded as I placed my hand on his shoulder.

"But I wanted to win this year." He muttered as he looked up at me through his lashes he had a green button down exposing his chest with dark jeans and his hat still on his head.

"Gai." I said in a warning tone as I gripped his shoulder.

"I know, I know. Stop moping there is always next-." I cut him off by pressing my lips to his, there was no hesitation as he kissed me back, the both of us practically melting into it as his hand gripped the back of my head, tugging me closer to his body. Our lips colliding in pure pleasure.

"You talk too much." I whispered against his lips before I dove in for a second kiss. It was rough and hasty everything the man in front of me represented as he lightly bit my lip. I parted my lips allowing his tongue to dominate my own. It was hot, my hands gripped his shirt. I wanted it off and I wanted it of right then. I did not want to wait. His patience also ran thin.

Gai gripped my hips before swiftly tugging me into his lap.

"Gai." I whispered as we made eye contact between world shattering kisses.

He moaned into my mouth as our lips collided again. It was sloppy and fast as my hips rolled down on him.

Gai gripped my hips stopping me.

"Are you sure." The words were like a breath that passed from Gai's lips because I ignored it.

I rolled my hips on his again ad a curse passed from his lips, breathlessly and I loved it I needed more of his sounds my hands gripped the hat on his head before tossing it away into a dark corner of the dimly lit room.

"Y/n." He whispered in a moan as my hands unbuttoned his shirt.

"Gai." I whispered back.

"Say no to this, and make me stop." He whispered to me.

"I don't know how to say no to this Gai." I whispered against his full lips.

His lips were on mine and my back was pressed against the couch.

"Gai." I moaned as our clothes flew through the room, I can't remember how his head ended up kissing down my body, I could not remember those sweet nothing in my ear or how his beat like form crawled over me and told me I was perfect.

Gai sank his head between my lips but I tugged him back up towards me.

"Gai, fuck me." I whispered as I wrapped my legs around his lower body.

"But-" He tried but I slammed my lips against him.

"Fuck the foreplay, fuck me like you hate me." I whispered against his lips.

"Okay." He whispered as he lined up with me before he slid into me with one smooth movement.

My eyes rolled back as his cock nuzzled into my A-spot and he slowly started hitting it over and over again.

"Fuck." He whispered as he continued ramming against that spot that sent electric shocks throughout my entire body.

"Gai." I moaned and that seemed to fuel him because he sped up, hitting all of the right spots harder and deeper.

"Y/n." He whispered as he held the side of my face, my hands gripped his back ad I scratched him, clawing his perfect skin, feeling the hard muscles underneath my fingertips and the wetness of the blood that I now spread over his back as Gai kissed the tip of my nose his pace rough and deep as he ruthlessly took me, my couch moving and slamming against the coffee table as we indulged in each others bodies.

My back arched as Gai moved his had from my cheek to my clit where calloused fingers toyed with me. I screamed out Gai's name.

"Keep squeezing me like that." Gai's rough sex induced voice said as he kissed my collar bone.

My walls clamped down around him ad Gai continued pounding into me.

"Gai, c-close." I whispered as I made eye contact with him.

"I know." He almost groaned as he spoke.

I called out Gai's name as I came on his cock. Gai groaned into the crook of my neck as he came.

"Baby, are you okay?" Gai asked as he pulled out.

"Yes, are you?" I asked as I sat up on my elbows.

"More than okay." He grinned as he pressed his lips against mine again.

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