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I was struggling to keep my eyes open. We were training tai jutsu and I was falling behind on ever move Shikamaru made against me. I had not eaten a real meal in what was it now a week? And I had barley slept. I smelled awful thanks to my getting kicked out of my house for not wanting to get married right now or whatever else I did to upset my parents. I reached for a kunai but my parents did not allow me to take it and the other kunai was used to kill animals or I lost them on missions, mission's that would only pay out at the end of the month.

Shikamaru knocked me on my ass and I stayed there. 

"Okay, that's enough for the day, Shikamaru, Choji, Ino you can go home. Y/n stay." Asuma spoke and I just kept sitting in the sun, in the dirt on my ass.

The three of them left and I balled some grass into my fists.

Asuma held out a hand to me and I took it without making eye contact with him.

"Let's go sit in the shade yeah?" Asuma asked as he tugged me towards a tree.

I nodded my head, like I had I choice and plopped down next to him keeping some space between me and my incredibly hot sensei.

"So what's going on?" He asked as he lit a cigarette.

"Nothing." I muttered as I glared at the green grass.

"It's not nothing, you my dear are the best in tai jutsu on our team yet Shikamaru beat you." Asuma voiced his concern.

"It won't happen again." I promised.

"Damn right it won't  because we are fixing whatever is wrong today." He spoke as he blew out smoke.

"Nothing is wrong." I muttered as hugged my knees to my chest.

"Don't fucking lie to me." Asuma gave me a pointed look.

"But-" I looked down as he cut me off.

"Just tell me." He whispered as he placed a hand on my shoulder.

"I got kicked out of my house, I have the clothes on my back because I was not allowed to pack anything I have not had a decent meal in what a week and I have not showered either. I feel like absolute shit because I sleep in this here tree because all of the money I saved up is still in my closet and I am not allowed to get it and I have been to  proud to complain about it so I am just trying to stay alive until I get my next paycheck." I vented too him as tears streamed down my face.

"Let's go." He spoke as he pulled me up along with himself.

"Go where?" I asked as I struggled to keep up with his pace.

"Our place." He muttered as he tugged me into town.

"Our?" I asked as he stopped by the barbecue shop.

"Can I have a double of my usual delivered to my home?" Asuma asked and the woman at the counter gave him a nod. 

"Thank you." He spoke as he tugged me to his home I aid no attention to detail I was too fatigued to care.

He unlocked the door before he tugged me into his home.

"Go take a shower, you'll feel better."Asuma spoke as he handed me a towel, a T-shirt some boxers, a spare toothbrush and a razor.

I slipped into the bathroom and took what was probably the best shower of my life.

Asuma's POV

I was pissed off.

Y/n was not only my student I loved he a little bit more than that. I loved her like I wanted to marry her and raise a family but I never acted on my impulses because I was just her sensei.

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