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It was sunset and I was sitting on Tobirama's lap while looking as colors painted the farm sky over the windmill. We were sitting on a picnic table.

"It's breathtaking." I whispered as I looked up at the sky.

Tobirama tightened his hands around my waist.

"The sunset wishes that it looked half as breathtaking as you."He praised as he peppered my neck with kisses.

"Don't you start mister hot stuff." I said as I turned my head to look at him.

He pecked my lips softly.

I kissed him again, deepening the kiss.

Tobirama pulled away from me slightly.

"What's wrong?" I asked as I held his hands in my lap.

"I'm hard." He whispered as he kissed my shoulder.

"You've been hard since I sat down." I giggled as I turned around his face dusted a light pink.

He groaned out.

I tuned around in his lap so my legs were draped on either side of his thighs. I was suddenly glad for the skirt I wore instead of jeans.

Tobirama glared at me.

"Oh no you don't, fuck me don't be bitter about it." I demanded as I played with the buckle on his belt.

"I won't be." He declared as he flipped us around so I was laying on the wooden table with my legs around his waist and the sunset poking out from behind Tobirama.

"You are so fucking hot." I whispered as I sat up gripping his neck ad flipping us around so that I was sitting on him and he laid on the table. "I want to try something." I mumbled as I traced the shape of his belt buckle.

"Then try it, what do you need me to do?" He asked as he traced my hips through my skirt.

"I want to try dry humping." I whispered afraid to look him in the eye.

"Baby, use me as you desire." He whispered as he looked up at me.

"I don't know how." I mumbled as I hid my face in my hands.

Tobirama sat up before he gripped my hips and tugged me closer to him so I was sitting on his dick.

"Now kiss me and grind your hips on me." He whispered sensually, his hands on my hips.

"Okay." I replied softly.

I took his face in both my hands and kissed him slowly at first but Tobirama kissed me back with such devotion that I had no choice but to speed up, his lips pressed against mine I could almost not help when my hips lowered down on him harder.

Tobirama groaned into the kiss before he bit my lip. His tongue slipped into my mouth and he gripped my hips harder.

I continued grinding on his cock wanting more. My moans filled up the empty corners of our mouths.

My hips suddenly seemed to take their own route as I was completely indulged in the kiss. My hands tangled in his hair tugging lightly before it slipped down to his shoulders.

"More." I whispered against his lips, a string of saliva connecting our lips.

"Do you want me to fuck you or do you need more friction?" He asked me as he kissed my cheek.

"Fuck me." I whispered and without another word he flipped us over.

He unbuckled his belt before he undid his pants and slipped them down enough for his cock t spring free.

Tobirama pushed my panties to the side before pushing into me in on fluid movement.

I moaned out and grabbed onto his button up shirt.

Tobirama grabbed both my hands and held them above my head with one of his, his other holding him up as he pumped in and out of me.

He kissed my forehead and the sky turned to dusk.

Tobirama's dick hit my a-spot and I yelled out and arched my back into his chest.

"Found it." He almost growled out before he started pounding into the same spot over and over again after a few minutes my spread out legs shook from pleasure.

Tobirama smirked at his work as he saw my legs shaking.

I closed my eyes as I allowed the pleasure to course throughout my being.

"Look at me." His rough voice tickled my ear.

I opened my eyes and looked up at him my eyes wide as I screamed out a broke version of his name.

My walls clamped down around his dick.

"So cl-lose." I muttered.

"I know baby, keep those pretty eyes on me." H said his hand moving from around mine to hold my face.

My hands gripped his shoulders as I tried keeping my eyes open.

"Tobirama!" I called out as my climax hit m like a ton of bricks.

"Babe." He whispered before he flipped us around so he would not fall on me.

He sat up and wrapped his arms around me. It was dark out now but there were thousands of fireflies flying around the two of us.

I giggled into Tobirama's chest.

"What is it?" He asked as he moved my chin to look at him.

"You made me see stars under the stars." I grinned up at him.

"How ironic." He muttered as he kissed my cheek.

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