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I was doing some online shopping when Kiba, my brother's best friend and also our roommate. He is perfect and oh so forbidden, but in the wise words of Kendrick Lamar why are the best fruits always forbidden?

His large, veiny hands.

Tracing over my body, gripping onto my skin, maybe even my hair.

His juicy thighs.

Between my own, or underneath me.

I swear sitting in his lap would fix me.

His muscular, smooth back.

I want my nails digging into him, ruining the smoothness of his skin.

His huge cock. (I've seen him in grey sweats.)

Pounding into me.

His deep, smooth voice.

Calling me his good little girl.

"Y/n!" He calls out from the kitchen.

"Y-yeah?" I call back as I look down at my phone.

"I asked what you wanted to have for dinner?" He asked as he laughed. 

His large arms crossed over his broad chest. The white T-shirt he was wearing clung to his muscular body, showing off his abs, his pecks his biceps. His fucking perfect upper body. My eyes traced down to his strait leg jeans that fit his muscular thighs snugly. His skin looked even more tan in the shirt.

"Are you going to cook?" I asked shock visible on my face  as I lowered my phone to look at him.

"No." He said in a duh tone.

"Uber eats hm?" I asked him with a smile.

"You bet, I want pizza, so..." He scratched the back of his neck.

"I'll eat whatever your having." I spoke as I looked back down at my phone.

 "Pepperoni it is." He spoke as he typed away on his phone.

He plopped himself down next to me before he placed his head on my shoulder. I immediately shoved my phone into my chest, knowing damn well my shopping was more than a little spicy.

"What were you doing?" He asked as he tried prying my phone from my hands. A smile on his face, showcasing his straight white teeth with those sharp canines that made me want to drool.

"Nothing." I spoke with my cheeks coated a shade of pink or red.

"Oh really?" He asked as he started attacking my sides with his fingers.

I let out a loud string of giggles as My body slowly lowered underneath him.

"Kiba!" I giggled as he continued his assault.

"Stop it!" I continued laughing.

"Tell me what you were doing." He spoke with a huge smile on his face as my body squirmed underneath him.

"I was shopping!" I called out, hoping he would drop it.

"Shopping for what?" He asked his assault on my sides not stopping.

"None of your business." He held both of my hands in one of his. His hips straddled my own. I was turned on to say the very least and with this man's keen sense of smell, I was sure he knew.

"Was it sexy underwear?" He asked as he glanced down at me. He had stopped with his assault.

"No!" I screamed out my face coated in red.

"What was it then?" He asked with a huge smirk on his face.

"Kiba, fuck off." I spoke as I tried getting away from him.

Naruto one shots (book 2)Where stories live. Discover now