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"Jiraiya!" I called out from the door of the bar. His hands wrapped around a cold glass of alcohol. Fuck those veined hands have had me weak in the knees for years now.

I sat down next to the grinning man.

We started talking and I had no idea how we ended up in the ladies room making out. My ass on the counter, hands griping his shirt moving lower and lower until I held onto his belt, all while our lips connected in a haze of passion.

Jiraiya groaned into my mouth. I tugged him closer to me by his belt.

"Do you have any idea what you are doing to me?" He asked as he held my cheeks both of his hands such a sweet gesture yet it was so intimate and he knew it made my head hazy.

"No." I innocently answer as I look up at him through my lashes.

Jiraiya almost hissed as I moved my hand to trace the outline of his bulge.

"Lair." He whispered as he pressed our lips together again his hands moving to tangle in his hair.

I grinned against his lips.

My hips rocked against his.

"Do you want me to fuck you in this bathroom, because if you keep going I might have to." He whispered roughly.

"Maybe." I whisper as I palm him through his jeans.

That was his breaking point. He gripped the hem of my shirt, his grip told me that he was not asking. I moved my arms above my head as he pulled it off and placed it on the counter next to us.

My fingers fumbled as I struggled with his buttons on his flannel shirt. I got frustrated and I tugged at it hard to rip it from his chest.

He grinned as our lips sloppily connected again.

I undid his buckle before I undid his pants as well tugging it down.

He lifted me with one hand before getting rid of my shorts and underwear in the same go.

He tugged down his own boxers suddenly impatient before he slid into me in a fluid motion.

I moaned loudly not caring if someone heard me.

My head flew back wards as I looked at the orange light that always made you look worse than you actually did. He was still perfect.

His cock reached deeper than any other had ever he brought my knees up to the counter spreading my bent legs wider for him. His mouth found my nipple as he pumped into me in a way that made me understand the difference between a man and Jiraiya.

I moaned loudly carelessly.

He drank up every sound encouraging him to go harder, deeper, faster than before. My pleasure was his and that was clear as his hips rocked into mine.

"Jiraiya." I scream-moaned as he fucked me into a new blood group.

He gripped my hips hard, I knew there was a good chance I would have bruises in the shape of his hands on my body, I was thrilled at the idea. I wanted him to leave marks to show this town where I had been.

My hands reached his chest as he pressed my back against the mirror.

I clawed at his chest but he seemed to relish in the pain as he let out a small moan. Blood trickled down from his skin as they pierced his smooth skin.

I was mesmerized at the crimson dripping down his chest and onto his rock hard abs. I moaned at the sight right as he hit my A-spot.

Jiraiya followed my gaze and smirked as he saw my eyes glued to his chest.

His lips kissed my neck before biting down hard, I hissed as I gripped his chest harder.

"Fuck." He whispered against my skin.

I hummed as his pace stayed the same. My hands moved to his shoulders where I gripped his skin and clawed down to his chest. The metallic smell filled the room and his lips stayed close to my skin if it has not right against my skin sucking marks onto me.

His cock pounded into my A-spot over and over again as his hands gripped me even harder.

"You are fucking perfect ." His rough voice seemed dark right below my ear.

"Jiraiya." I whispered as my hands danced around his chest with killer intent as it drew blood.

He drilled into me faster than before.

My head rested against the clod mirror as my hands lightly danced up to his shoulder digging into the muscular surface of his back.

I moaned out letting myself go against the man in front of me.

He seemed to lose control as my eyes closed in pleasure.

His hand slipped from my hip down as he rubbed my clit with his thumb.

"Jiraiya!" I called out as I came on his cock.

He grinned as my body pulsed with pleasure my eyes shot open as he finished o the counter, pulling out of me.

"You are amazing." He whispered as I wrapped my legs around him, kissing his blood soaked chest.

"Sorry about these." I whispered as I looked up at him through my lashes.

"I love them." He stated as he traced the bruises he left on my skin.

"Do you want to go back to my place?" I asked hopeful.

"What kind of question is that, of course I do." He whispered before he pecked my lips.

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