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"Hi baby." Obito whispered as he crawled into bed next to me late one evening. My eyes fluttered open before I moved my body closer to his snuggling up against his chest.

He had snuck into the village. 

I had not seen him in months.

"Obito." I whispered as his arms wrapped around me tugging me into his warm embrace.

"Did you miss me?" He asked as he kissed the top of my head.

"More than you know." I whispered as I pecked his lips.

"Baby." Obito whispered just loud enough for me to hear his voice thick with emotion.

"Yes?" I asked feeling my eyes getting heavy yet again.

"I missed you." He whispered as he kissed behind my ear.

"Obito." I moaned as I tossed my one leg over his hips.

"Whore." He groaned as I lowered my hips down on him.

"You are so desperate, aren't you?" I asked him as I slowly moved my hips against his.

"Fuck." He whispered as he bucked his hips up meeting my slow movements trying to gain more friction.

"You are so handsome; I love feeling your cock swell underneath me." I whispered.

Obito had one hand gripping my pure white sheets and his other hand was splayed against my ass tugging me against his body.

Obito let out a groan as his teeth dug into his lower lip.

"Little slut." He roughly moaned out making my hips buck into him harder.

"Fuck baby boy." I moaned as I looked down at him my cheeks flushing red.

I continued rolling my wet pussy against his almost rock-hard cock.

"Sl-Ngh-Slut." He moaned as my hands ran up and down his chest.

I grinned as I trailed my fingertips over his abdomen before it reached his V-line.

"Would you like me to continue?" I asked as my fingertips played with his boxer briefs.

"You know I do whore." He moaned out as I moved my body lower before tracing the outline of his cock with my index finger.

Obito bucked his hips, his breathing ragged.

"I want you, Obito." I whispered as I placed a kiss on his boxer clad dick standing at my attention.

"Sl." Obito took a deep breath before continuing, "Slut." He moaned his hands fisting the sheets as I palmed him through his boxers.

"I have barely even touched you pretty boy." I whispered as I kissed the waistband of his boxers.

"I need you." He whispered his beautiful eyes glued to my every movement.

His sharingun activated.

"Lift your hips for me." I spoke as I slowly tugged his boxers down his thighs.

I continued to trace his V-line with my fingers.

My right hand held his shaft as I licked the tip.

Obito groaned out as I continued teasing him for awhile.

I moaned as I put the tip in my mouth. Obito gripped the sheets, harder, his veins more prominent.

"Fuck." He whispered his voice hoarse.

I licked the pulsing vein on the side of his cock, my saliva coating him as I moved my tongue up and down eagerly.

I moaned around his cock as I slowly moved my head down on his dick.

I cupped his balls with my left hand as I buried my face in his genitalia.

"My pretty whore." Obito let out raggedly.

I looked up at him my eyes watering from feeling him so deep in my throat.

I moaned around his cock as I continued playing with his balls while moving my head up and down.

"Fucking good girl." He whispered as he moved one of his hands to my hair.

Obito started moving my head to his hearts content, as I continued moaning around him like he was my favorite meal.

"Such a good fucking girl." He whispered as his hips bucked into my mouth.

I hummed around his cock as tears streamed down my cheeks and drool dribbled down my chin.

"Fuck slut." He moaned.









He moaned as his cock twitched in my mouth.

"Fuck." He moaned as he came in my mouth.

"Swallow for me like the good little slut you are." Obito spoke resting his hand on my cheek.

I swallowed his cum before sticking out my tongue showing him.

"You are amazing hun." He whispered before sitting up, moving his hand to the back of my head before deeply kissing me.

I hummed as I relaxed into the kiss. 

Obito pulled away in a haste. 

"I have to go." He whispered as he got dressed and left through my window.

Naruto one shots (book 2)Where stories live. Discover now