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I was watching Hashirama stacking the hay in the barn when I squeezed my thighs together, seeing him all shirtless and a little sweaty while he softly grunted as he stacked yet another bale of hay on the other. I felt my cheeks turning red at the sight of his biceps flexing as he tossed another bale of hay.

"Are you okay?" Hashirama asked me, his voice sweet like honey, as he looked over at my flushed face.

I nodded and I looked down at my book only to realize I had it with the cover facing me, showing just how little I was focusing on anything but Hashirama's tall muscular figure.

"Don't you dare lie to me." He warned as he stalked towards me. I was sitting on some hay stacks across the barn my jeans stopping the hay from stinging my ass.

"I would not dare." I said my blush growing darker.

"Are you coming down with a fever?" He asked as he pressed the back of his hand to my forehead.

"What no!" I stated quite loudly, swatting his hand away from me.

"Then what is wrong?" He asked tilting his head to the side and sliding his fingers down my cheek.

We gazed into one anthers eyes as he did this my face heating up from embarrassment and Hashirama's eyes tingling with mischief.

"Y-You are hot." I stuttered out as I kept looking into his beautiful eyes.

"I don't have a- oh you find me attractive well guess what sugar you are pretty fucking distracting too." Hashirama suddenly got serious, a word so crass would sound odd falling from his lips but my ears thought of it as a shot of tequila because it turned me into a fucking whore.

I pulled closer to me by his belt his hips drawing closer to me before his upper body and feet made their way to me.

"Hold your horses sugar." He whispered in my ear as he bent down to hear me clearly.

"No." I whispered, my breath entangling in his own as our lips almost touched, but not quite yet.

He closed the distance between our lips a soft kiss soon turned impatient and rough my hands tangled into his long hair and his gripped my hips.

Hashirama crawled over me laying me down on the hay bales, the scratchy surface sticking into the flannel shirt I was wearing but I could not care less.

Hashirama's eyes were on mine, his lower body resting in between my legs. His arms held him up on either side of my head. His lips were in touching distance if I so much as whispered his hair cascaded down entangling with my own ad draping on the sides of my face. His cheeks red and his lips swollen.

"Or we can rush this." His voice turned rough and sexier than it was. His eyes clouded with lust as he stared down at me.

"Hashirama." I breathed out as I laced my hands trough his soft hair.

"Yes sugar?" He asked our lips brushing together.

"Fuck me." I stated before I pulled him closer to him and pressed my lips onto his. My hips moved up on their own accord to greet his hard on.

"Someone is greedy." He teased in between kisses.

"Yes." I almost moaned into his mouth as my hips moved against his creating some friction.

"My hands are too dirty for finger fucking, but my mouth's only problem is the language I use." He started moving lower so his head was in between my legs.

"You don't have to." I said as I rested on my elbows but Hashirama already unbuttoned and unzipped my jeans.

"Sugar, shut your pie hole and spread these legs for me." He said as he pulled my jeans down my thighs and let my panties in place to try and stop the hay from being a mood killer.

Hashirama continued to wrap an arm around my waist from underneath me to keep my ass in the air.

Hashirama pushed ,my panties aside before he licked a bold stripe between my lower lips.

"So wet for me." He whispered the words against my clit.

I moaned and my hands dug into the hay underneath me. I felt my knuckled turning white as Hashirama circled my pussy in a figure of eights.I moaned my back arching from the hay. Hashirama hummed against my clit while making deep eye contact with me.

"Look at you clenching down around nothing." He teased before he circled my clit again.

I moaned and my legs started shaking before I came and Hashirama lapped up all my juices. He moved his arm from underneath me.

"Look at these legs shaking." Hashirama lightly slapped my bare thigh as he looked down at me.

Hashirama pulled his jeans and underwear down before he lined up with me.

"May I?" He asked as he glanced deeply into my eyes.

"Yes." I panted out.

Hashirama pushed in to me slowly, allowing me to get used to his size.

"Hashirama." I breathed out as my hands moved and gripped onto the bare skin of his back.

"I you leave marks on me I will leave marks on you, sugar." He almost growled out as he dipped his head into my neck and sucked drawing blood to the surface and forming a bruise before he moved his mouth.

Hashirama started thrusting in ad out of me slowly his mouth on my skin ad my ails in his back I clawed at him when he increased his pace causing him to grin. His cock hit my A-spot as he moved faster. Broken versions of his name fell from my lips.

"Sugar." Hashirama groaned out his eyes coated over with lust.

"Hashi." I moaned unable to form his full name.

"Keep clenching around me like that and I might not last." He warned but I was so close to the edge of ecstasy that I did not even fight the muscles of my body.

"Then let go." I whispered against his lips.

Hashirama gave one last powerful thrust and a called out his name as my orgasm washed over him, my legs shook in ecstasy.

"Fuck." He whispered as he collapsed on top of me barley catching himself on his fore arms.

I ran my hands trough his hair as we both composed ourselves.

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