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I ran through a corn field with Fugaku chasing me. He caught me quickly before pinning me to his chest. I giggled before a sigh escaped my parted lips.

"I got you." His voice was rough and teasing.

"Yeah?" I asked looking forward.

"Yeah." He replied spinning me around in his arms his dress shirt he wore to church this morning was white and tucked into his far too casual jeans. His hair was always to long for both of our fathers liking as it poked out from his dark brow leather hat. He was facing away from the sun and he looked like an angel in this lighting the tall plants blocking us from anyone's view.

I wrapped my arms around his neck loving the way his large hands gripped my waist.

"Fugaku." I whispered against his lips.

He smiled softly down at me.

"We don't have long baby." He whispered I knew my parents were abut to leave so we would not drive to our place in the dark.

"Please." I whisper as I press my chest against his own.

"I ca never say no to you." He whispered as he pressed his lips against mi. There was nothing sweet about the kiss it was rough ad passionate but not hard enough to bruise our lips.

He groaned as our lips tangled together his hands moved from my waist to undo his belt and jeans, he slipped his cock out before he pulled away from me slightly.

"Jump." His vice was rough as he said the single word.

I did as told.

"No panties?" He whispered as his hands hoisted my dress up, he knew damn well that he took them off in the church to gain access to me in the ladies room. He tore them off and flushed them down the toilet where he fucked me in the stall. He teased me all throughout the service and in his truck on the drive back to his place where my parents and I had lunch for the past fuck knows how many years and you guessed it he toyed with me all throughout lunch.

"You tossed them away." I muttered as he slid into me without so much as a warning. a gasp clawed it's way through my throat as my head tossed back.

"That's right." He groaned as he buried his cock deep inside of me.

I let out a moan as he lifted me from his cock before dropping me down. His cock hitting my A-sot as he allowed gravity to do most of the work.

He kissed my neck, careful not lo leave a mark.

I grabbed onto the hair at the nape of his neck as we bathed in passion and sunlight.

"You know, I would love if we had more time so I could savoir you but we need to speed this up." He whispered and his movements intensified it was faster, harder and deeper.

I moaned out as my nails grazed the skin beneath his shirt.

He let out a groan as he angled his hips to hit the right spot, he moved his hand to cover my mouth as I cried out into his hand.

My eyes closed as he continued his assault on my A-spot.

I bit into his hand as I felt my high approach for the third time that day.

Fugaku was not far behind me as he spilled his seed deep inside of me.

He stayed inside of me for a while, just keeping me in his arms.

"You okay?" He asked as my legs shook around his body.

"Yeah." I whispered as kissed the side of his neck.

Shikaku sat me down. I felt his cum dripping down my thighs.

"Shit." I whispered as Fugaku smirked down at me. Enjoying it more than he should.

Naruto one shots (book 2)Where stories live. Discover now