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"You can't keep running head first into danger!" Shikamaru yelled at me as we neared the village gate.

"What are you talking about?" I yelled back at him.

"That stunt you just pulled!" He yelled, his composure lost.

"I had it under control." I whispered trying to regain some of my composure as we walked past the guards at the gate.

"Oh yeah right." He sarcastically spoke as he bummed a cigarette before lighting it.

"Whatever Shikamaru I am going home." I stomped my foot against the floor.

Before he could say jack squat I turned around and left him standing there with his mouth agape.

He walked behind me the entire way to my apartment.

As I stood in front of the wood door with one hand on the key and the other on the door handle, I knew he was right behind me.

"Shikamaru." I spoke and he stayed silent.

"I love you." I whispered placing my forehead against the door.

Suddenly he was behind me his hands trapping me, my back against his front.

"I love you." He spoke back his voice cracking slightly. I knew he had tears streaming down his face.

"Shika-" I wanted to start.

"Y/n I cannot lose you, not like-" His hands turned to fists and I turned around in the cadge he had formed for me.

I wrapped my arms around him before I placed my face on his toned chest.

"We're okay." I whispered as my grip on his vest tightened.

"Let's get inside." He whispered slightly sniffing.

"Yeah." I whispered as I let go of him and unlocked the door.

As soon as he stepped in he locked it again.

"I am going to take a shower, do you want to join me?" I asked as I tugged my shirt over my head before I tossed it straight at Shikamaru.

"If I ever say no to that." He started as his vest hit the floor. His pants quickly following suite.

"Kill me." He spoke, his voice hoarse.

"We are not making it to the shower are we?" I asked as more of my clothes formed a pile of the floor.

Shikamaru was only in his boxers now.

"No." He spoke as he gripped my hips tugging me into his muscular body.

He smelled like the hell itself but I was so addicted to it that it had turned into my favourite sent.

"Good." I whispered as I palmed him through his boxers.

Shikamaru let out a moan and I was addicted to hearing it, needing more.

"You sound so breedable." I whispered as I pressed my nude chest against his own.

"Y/n." He whispered as he looked down at me.

"Let me take control,, you know you want to." I whisper as I kissed down his neck.

"Fuck, baby take over." He almost whined as the words left him.

I sucked down on his neck leaving a purple hue all while still palming him.

"Baby." He whispered, his breathing accelerating.

"Oh are you sensitive?" I asked as I bit into his collar bone, drawing blood.

"Yeah." He breathed out as I squeezed his cock. I slipped his boxers down until they hit the floor and he kicked them to the side

"Good." I whispered as my hands shot to his chest before my fingers started toying with his nipples.

I placed my hands flat against his chest before I shoved him onto the couch. I dropped my panties before straddling his hips.

"Babe." He whispered as I sank down on him.

"Such a big  cock." I whispered as he threw his head back against the couch his breathing heavy. 

He let out a whimper as I sat on his cock while kissing his neck.

"My needy boy." I grinned as I slowly started bouncing on his cock.

"Fuck." He whispered as he rocked his hips up to gain some more friction.

I continued my slow pace as I marked his neck and chest. 

"Please." He moaned out beneath me his one hand gripping my hip the other had a hand full of couch balled in it.

"Please what?" I asked as I gripped onto his chin making deep contact with him.

"Faster, please." He whispered as his grip on my hip tightened.

"That's it baby use your words." I whispered in his ear before I increased my pace, the wet sounds of us slapping together sounded through the room.

I placed one of my hands on his nipple toying with it while my other hand played with his hair in the signature ponytail he was wearing. 

"Y/n." He moaned as I slightly tugged at his hair.

I grinned as I continued bouncing on his cock.

"Fuck, fuck fuck!" He whispered as he came and I helped him ride ou his high.

"That's my good boy." I whispered as his chest heaved up and down.

"No." He growled out.

"What?" I asked shocked.

"You did not finish, a good boy would have made you finish." His voice was dark as he flipped me so my back was on the couch with my legs still wrapped around him.

He moved my legs by tossing the over my shoulders and pulling out of me before he buried his head between my legs and he applied suction on my clit as he umped his fingers against my g-spot over and over again.

My legs shook on his shoulder and my walls clenched around his fingers before I came with a loud moan of his name.

"That's much better." He spoke, his chin glistening in my juices.

I wanted to place my legs down but he kept them there. 

"Oh no you don't, you marked me, my turn." He started sucking purple hues on my inner thighs.

I hissed out as he bit into my thigh.

"Mine." He growled against my skin.

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