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I was baby sitting Kakashi for my sensei Sukumo while he was out on a high ranking mission. I sat on the couch reading Kakashi a bed time story even if he protested a little now that I was reading to him he was cuddled into my side listening to every word I spoke like his life depended on hearing the ending. His eyes were already getting heavy but I continued reading and when the book ended he wanted me to start again and so by the third time I had read the book to the little Hatake boy he was asleep with his head on my lap and I was nap trapped. I did not mind at all. I took out my own book and continued where I left off.

The front door unlocked and Sukumo sensei came in. He placed down his weapons before he sat down next to me and his sleeping son.

"How was the mission Sukumo sensei?" I asked as I closed my book.

"Hello to you too Y/n." He had a grin plastered on his handsome face.

"Sensei." I almost wined out as I rolled my eyes slightly.

"It was successful." He spoke as he ruffled Kakashi's hair ever s slightly. He leaned over me ever so slightly and even if he had been on a rough mission he did not smell like sweat he smelled like morning rain and forest.

"I'm glad." I spoke as I looked down at the small child sleeping.

"My son has taken a liking to you, has he not?" Sukumo asked as he glanced at me quickly before his eyes darted to Kakashi again. 

"It seems that way." I spoke as I moved the hair from Kakashi's forehead ever so slightly.

"I'll put him to bed." Sukumo spoke with a slight groan as he stood. He picked Kakashi up.

"I'm going to head home, good night sensei." I stood as well standing in front of the two Hatake's and I bowed my head slightly before turning to leave.

"Y/n." Sukumo's voice rang in my ears.

I turned around to face him.

"Yes sensei?" I asked as I turned around only to be met with Kakashi who was awake now.

"Stay." Kakashi demanded with his arms crossed and a glossy look in his eyes.

"I've got to go home kiddo." I whispered as I slightly pinched his cheek.

"No." Kakashi spoke as he shook his head and gripped my arm to keep me in place.

"Kakashi." His father spoke in a stern voice that made me feel sorry for the kid.

"But-" Kakashi spoke with tears in his eyes now.

"Kakashi she has to go home now." Sukumo gave me an apologetic look as Kakashi squirmed i his arms letting go of my arm in the process.

I was torn. Should I stay or go? 

"No." He wined as he wiggled in his fathers grip. 

"Come here kiddo." I spoke as I held out my arms towards him. Kakashi was quick to grab onto me. 

"Don't leave." Kakashi whispered as he buried his head in my shoulder.

"I won't." I whispered back keeping my eyes on Sukumo. He looked at me with the same apologetic look he gave me earlier and Kakashi clung to me tightly like I would turn into thin air any minute now.

* * *

That's how I ended up baby sitting for Sukumo any time he had a mission. Even if he came home from work earlier than expected Kakashi threw a tantrum until I stayed so Sukumo sensei and I would stay up talking as we waited for Kakashi to be sound asleep so I could leave or I would just pass out on Sukumo's couch and wake u with Kakashi ordering his father around the kitchen.

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