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"How long will you be gone this time?" I asked Kakashi as I sat on our bed wearing his shirt and a pair of panties.

"I have no idea." He spoke as he leaned against the door of our bedroom.

"And you're leaving tonight?" I asked trying to hold back tears.

"Yes I'm leaving tonight, we have 2 hours tops." He spoke as he stepped closer to the bed.

"Just come back to me." I spoke as we were inches apart, I stood on my knees on the bed and Kakashi stood in front of the bed I ha arms around his neck and he wrapped his around my waist.

"I always do." He spoke before he pressed his unmasked lips to my own.

Our soft loving kiss turned rough as he forced his tongue inside my mouth caressing every part he could find.

My legs wrapped around his waist as he continued kissing me before he placed me down on the bed and crawled over me.

Kakashi reached to pull off the shirt but I stopped him.

"Fuck me in your shirt." I whispered against his lips, our swollen lips barely touching.

"As you wish." he spoke as he continued kissing me his hands reaching for my underwear. He started slowly undressing me.

Kakashi disposed of his pants and his underwear followed suite so they wouldn't get in our way later.

His hand trailed down between my legs his veiny hand spreading my legs as far as they could go apart before he placed the kiss on my clit.

"I love you." he spoke against my bare cunt.

"I love you too." I whispered as my hands and tangled in his hair.

He started sucking on my clit, giving the same amount of suction as he started thrusting two fingers in and out of me. His fingers grazing my g-spot spot, as he made a come here motion.

His fingers continued ramming in and out of me as he kept his lips wrapped around my clit every now and then he wouldn't blow air against my clit making my entire body shiver as I shook from the amount of stimulation his beautiful hands were providing along with his mouth making magic.

Kakashi moved his other hand from my thigh as he inserted his finger into his mouth while keeping a steady amount of suction, he started tap lightly tapping against my clit not very hard just slightly tapping it stimulating me in a way I did not even know possible my legs started shaking around his head. His grey locks sticking to my thighs as he continued eating me.

I was about to climax when he pulled away and started littering hickies on my thighs.

"You're mine." He whispered before he dragged me to the edge of the bed, so my legs were dangling off as he stood at the edge of the bed.

I wrapped my legs around his waist as Kakashi lined up with me and he started thrusting into me as if the world was ending, seriously, seeing as we didn't have much time.

I watched as his shirt road up on my belly exposing my stomach to him along with my left breast seeing as he pushed my body up a little bit to get a better angle to fuck into me. 

Kakashi suddenly picked up my leg from around his waist and tossed over his shoulder the new angle reaching all the right places as I screamed out as name.

"Kakashi!" yelled out as I could feel my high building.

"I know baby, I know." He whispered as he grabbed onto my thigh over his shoulder harder making sure he would leave a bruise of his hand there.

"Don't stop." I whispered panting heavily as he continued reaching that very, very good spot deep inside of me.

"I love you." He whined his voice tickling my thigh.

He placed a kiss right there on my thigh as Kakashi slightly turned his head.

I moaned as a bit into my thigh making sure he would leave a Mark drawing blood as my leg started shaking around him my walls clamping down around his cock.

Kakashi suddenly slowed down his movements.

"Beg for me baby." He whispered as he grinded down into me.

"Please, please, please!" I started whispering desperately.

"Please what?" He asked still smiling.

"Let me come please." I whispered my head lulling to the side. 

"Oh, I love seeing you this needy, baby but you're going to need to do better than that." He spoke still smiling.

"Kakashi please let me come." I whispered he lifted his shirt as he wiped the drool from my chin.

"So so needy, maybe I will let you come." He taunted.

"Kakashi please can't hold on." I whispered as my eyes rolled into the back of my head my legs started shaking around him and my walls clamped down around his cock as I came screaming out his name.

"That's my good girl." He praised as he placed another kiss on my thigh.

Kakashi trusted into me a few more times before he came as well.

He sat down on the bed next to me after he pulled out as he held me close to him, we sat there for a good 15 minutes before we had to pack all of his things and get him ready to go get punctuality had never been a strong suit so everyone would understand not suspecting what he was doing.

I helped him pack all of his things his food his clothes before he gets me goodbye one last time tears welled up in my eyes like every time before he left.

"See you soon baby." He whispered before he placed a kiss on my forehead.

"See you soon baby." I whispered grabbing his hand and tugging him back for one last kiss.

He pressed his masked lips against my own and the world faded around us yet again my hands wrapped around his neck and his wrapped around my waist before we had to finally say goodbye.

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