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Kankuro built us a tree house when we were about ten years old. That had been eight years ago we were both eighteen now. Kankuro's father owned a farm and Kankuro was a complete cowboy he had been for years. When we were ten he built it from scratch with the help of his father. When we were eleven we hid in the house to keep Gaara and Temari out.

When we were twelve we held hands on accident my hart raced as we made eye contact and we quickly looked away and slipped our hands out of the others.

When we were thirteen we hid from Gaara yet again holding each other I was at his side the entire time.

When we were fourteen we smoked together in the three house. He held me to his chest as we slept in the tree house for almost every night of the summer that is when I realized I loved him.

When we were fifteen I kissed him on the day I left leaving him shocked right there.

When we were sixteen we made out the entire summer that had been my favorite summer of all seventeen we spend together.

When we were seventeen, last year, he made me cry, he had another girl in our place and I was far too upset to even talk to him for the rest of the summer never mind enter our special place.

I was dreading the drive up. In the car I sat in the back with ear phones blasting some song and then another. The car came to a halt, his family stood to greet us. I sighed as I opened my door. One last summer I thought as I got out.

"Hey Y/n." Kankuro said a smile on his lips.

"Hn" I greeted.

I giggled as I ran into Temari's arms.

"Hon." His mom greeted as she hugged me.

Later that day when my things had be unpacked, Kankuro knocked on my door.

"Hey, can we talk?" He asked sitting down on my bed.

"No." I deadpanned as I walked out.

"You can't ignore me all summer." He called behind me.

"Try me." I called over my shoulder as I padded over to the kitchen.

Kankuro tried getting my attention for two weeks before I gave in and met him in the three house.

I was already sitting in the three house when Kankuro arrived.

"You want to talk, talk." I deadpanned as I looked up at him from the air mattress we took out every summer.

"You hate me." It was his turn to deadpanned.

"No." I disagreed I far from hated him.

"Then why are you avoiding me?" He asked as he sits down beside me.

"Take a guess." I said as I placed a hand in my hair.

"I want you to tell me." He said as he sat awkwardly.

"Fuck it!" I almost yelled as I gripped the back of his head smashing my lips against his.

Kankuro let out a sound of surprise before he kissed me back.

"What was that about?" He asked surprise.

"Shut up." I demanded as I threw my leg over his thighs before I pushed his back down.

"Not that I am complaining, but I thought you were mad at me." He said as my lips trailed down his neck.

"I am." I said as I looked up at him through lidded lashes.

"I am not going to get answered right now am I?" He asked.

"What part of shut up don't you get?" I asked as I kissed his bare skin as I unbuttoned his shirt.

Kankuro kept quite. I sat up in his lap.

"What am I doing?" I asked myself more than I asked him.

I tried getting up but Kankuro gripped my hips before flipping us around.

"No, you can't kiss me like that and then leave." He said as he looked deeply in my eyes.

"Then don't allow me." I whispered as our lips touched ever so slightly.

"I don't plan to." He said as his lips trailed down my neck.

He tugged at my shirt before I sat up slightly allowing it, the rest of our clothes making it's way from our bodies to the dusty floor.

Kankuro was lined up with me when I nodded my head.

He kissed my forehead as he slid his cock into me in a fluid movement.

I groaned out as pain shot through me.

"Baby are you okay?" He asked as he looked at me with concern.

"Fir-st time." I whisper with my legs around his hips as I tried keeping him down.

"Shit." He whispered as he started to apologize," Sorry, I am so sorry."

"I chose this." I reminded him as he stayed still.

"Your first time should be special not like this." He said looking a little too morbid for my liking.

"I don't want it any other way." I whispered as my nails grazed the back of his neck.

"Baby." He whispered as he kissed my nose.

"Shut up and move." I whispered.

Kankuro started moving slowly, his slow deep thrusts causing his cock to hit the right spot.

I moaned as soon as the pain turned to pleasure.

"Kankuro, faster." I moaned out needing him to speed up.

He did as told his hips rutting against me the sound of skin hitting skin filled the tree house.

"You are fucking perfect." He groaned out.

"Kankuro." I whispered as my nails dug into his shoulders.

"Y/n." He almost whimpered out. Fuck he was so hot.

"Fu-fuck." I moaned out.

"Are you okay?" He asked as he looked at me, panic flashing in his eyes.

"Kankuro, shut up and stop holding back." I whispered my eyes filled with lust.

"Are you sure?" He asked a grin flashing over his features.

"Kankuro, if you don't stop babying me I am getting up and finishing myself." I warned.

Kankuro suddenly grabbed my leg tossing it over his shoulder, his cock going deeper than before.

My back arched and my right hand gripped Kankuro's wrist. My left hand gripped the sheets.

"So fucking gorgeous." He whispered.

"Kankuro." I whimpered close to my own high ad with Kankuro's new angle I knew that I would not last long.

My walls clenched around him.

"Baby." Kankuro groaned out.

That sent me over the edge. Kankuro moved my leg from his shoulder before he pulled out and fell down next to me.

"So fucking good." He whispered as he pulled me into his chest.

I laid on his chest and listened as his heart beat thumped beneath my ear.

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